MINUTES - Council - 19611106I~
"That the minutes of October 2nd, 6th, and
16th be adopted as printed."
A letter from Mrs. Dorothy Egan thanking Council for the flowers
sent Mr. & Mrs. N. Egan on their fiftieth wedding anniversary
was ·read. ·
DAVIS: "That this letter be received and filed,"
Carried .•
A letter from the Rotary Club of Aurora inviting Council to attend
"Civic Night" .on Monday November 20th at the Graystones at 6,15 p.m.
was read.
"That this letter be received and the invitation
to.attend Civic Night be accepted,"
A letter from s. Randall, Provincial Director, Canadian Voellational
Training, Department of Education informing Council that the Ontario
Department of Education is interested in assisting municipalities to
begin training .programmes for their unemployed and stating that
further information may be obtained from the Department.
"That we obtain general information that is
A letter f'rom the AUD.ora Recrelil,tion Commission asking for Councils
'Consideration in backing the Commission in regards to :SUnday afternoon
Skating at the Aurora Memorial Arena was read.
"That t'he Council back up the deficit, if any obtained py the REcreation Commission through Sunday afternoon
skating program."
A letter from the Minor Hockey Assoication
Hockey Association with a contribution •
asking support for the
"That this letter be referred to the
Finance Committee for study and report."
Carried. .-1
Councillor Corbett 'reported he had received a petion from Mr. Ivan
~adson regarding certain preparations to the Park on the North Side
of Wellington St. West~· and that he had inspected this side with
Frank Symons and found the petition warranted especially to .c<.... • "'
eliminate the numerous holes filled with water that were dangerous
and an eyesore. Under Councils earlier authorization for a parks
program Councillor Corbett reported the program 'was commenced and
the area is now pre~ared for seeding.
Mayor Nisbet thanked the Parks Committee and stated that authorization
had been given in the Spring to clean up the parks.
Reeve Dai'is felt that . 'this was an excellent undertaking and now
they have requested that a bridge be built across the drainage creek.
Mayor Nisbet stat.ed that the Hydro will havt9 . some pol as in a week or
'so and will make a good foot bridge. Mr. Dadson said they would do
the work if the material was supplied. ·
Mayor Nisbet informed Council that Councillor Corbett and Clerk Wm.
Johnson went to Elora regarding the Mill Street Creek and found that
Fleury B£ssell Co. went bankrupt and now in the hands of Mr. Schwartz
who has intimated he will sign the papers deeding this property to the
Town. Councillor Corbett will now proceed with the job of
. I
straightening this creek. ,
Councillor Jones reported regarding the. Hillview Storm sewer.and
Stated that Town Superintendent Jack Browning, Town Engineer Mr. s.
Murray and himself T";i!: had found a narrow shoulder on George Street
and we can grade it down to a c,atch basin E. in front of George Street
School. Feel this is a good :·::·.:oR idea· to withdraw idea of sewer on
Hillsview and put in a ditch down George Street thereby eliminating
the drainage problem. We would have to bring sewer up centre of road
since gas mains and sewer crossings make it quite a job. But by doing
it by ditching for about same co.st as sewer it will do a good job.
Councillor Moffat inquired if Hillview Road would be closed and Councillor
Jones stated not if a ditch was put in on George St.
As many of Council as able to meet at g. A.M. to-morrow on site to
look over project.
, __
Councillor Jones presented a report of the Works Committee in which
the Committee respectfully submit the following:
_, ,,
"That the motioiJ. previously passed at the regular meeting
of Council on October 2nd, 1961 authorizing the
sum of two thousand dollars ($2,000.) be hereby cancelled
That in lieu of this improvement , the sum of two thousand
dollars ($2,000.) be authorized to be spent on improvements
to the west side of George Street, including the relocation
of the ditches and the provisions of a wide gravel boulevard
between Hillview Road and Kennedy Street, and deepening
the ditch between Hillview Road and Tyler Street, to
adequately service the storm drainage water and provide
additional parking area on the west side of the paved road
recently installed in George Street."
"That the report of.the Works Committee
re change of program for drainage at
corners -Hillview and~Georg~ Stree8s be
approved subject to the satisfaction of
Council at the job site -Tuesday November
7th. 1961."
Councillor Hammond r·c;; ''' presented a report of the Property Committee
in which the Committee respectfully submit the following:
"That after details given by O.W.R.C. as to
plants alreadu under their jurisdiction, it
was found that only one or two coullk be .
reasonably comp~red to the situation at Aurcra
where the assumpfion of an existing operation
is involved. The only Municipality from which
sufficient information could be obtained was
that of Richmond Hill, a resum~ of which is as
Since the assumption of the operation of the Richmond Hill plant,
no apparent difference in operating costs have been noted. All
matters concerning rates of pay, additional staff and capital
expenditures apparently are submitted to the Town for approval.
There.existed 1 however, an overwhelming advantage,.which may or
may not be in the case with Aurora, in that the Debenture bonds.
were issued by o.w.R.C. at a very favourable rate which
Richmond Hill at that time could not have obtained. It is
possible that the latter condition was the prime reason for
the decision by the Town of Richmond Hill to convert to o.w.R.C
operation although they feel satisfied with their present
It is the Committee's recommendation that, in view
of the importance of .the reports from Dr. Berry's
office and the beari:Qg.they may.have on the final
decision of ~his Council, no further action is
taken on this matter until these reports are on
-4-NOVEJVJBER 6, 1961
"That the report o:f the Property Committee
re O.W.R.C. operation o:f Sewage Department
Plant be accepted."
Councillor Hammond presented a report o:f Convention o:f the Sewage
and Sanitation Institute·held at Montreal October 1961.
The major items o:f interest in respect o:f the Town o:f Aurora is as
1. Due to the increasing frequency o:f accidents involving
chlorine storag~ •. cylinders and subsequent injury to operators and
handlers, it is requested that all local :first aid, ambulance,
police, surgery and.:fire services in.an area where Chlordme
is commonly in use, be supplied with as much information as
possible on the treatment of casualties and precautions in
handling. -'
2. ' An instance cited to accent the need for adequate control
in carrying out a sanitary ~and:fi~l program~ In a section o:f
Toronto, vicinity o:f Greenwood Ave. it is currently found·
necessary to excavate to a depth o:f approximately 100 feet
to obtain a satis:fac."l;ory base for :future building foundations,
:further that due to improper control the garbage had not
decomposed effectively after some 30 years and foul odours
are presenting an additional problem. Any Municipality therefor
which,m~y engage in a sanitary lan:fill program will have to ~allow
for the cost of a full time operator and equipment at the site.
3. Lagooing is a possiblity in some cases, two prerequistts must
be taken into account, these being a minimum of t miles radius
to the nearest habitation and nonproximity to water table areas. ·-
This will of course entail a substantial are o:f open land being
available, a requirement which may be difficult to :ful:ful m~ in
4. The intention to seek regulations covering the safety procedure
during inspection and working in sewage pipes and manholes.
Basically this will entail wokking in a minimum of pairs and with
effective indicators :for determining the presence o:f toxic gases.
5. The need :for every Municipality to thoroughly investigate the
intented waste d~sposal program o:f any potential industry , with
particular attention to the prgble~s of disposal of industrial
· ~cids, some variaties of which cannot be effectively treated in
sanitary sewage plants. During the lecture of Mr. s. Duttonm
, , , o of. Proctor and Redfern Co the des:Breabli ty of at least 16 hours
daily of controlled operation of a plant into which heavy amounts
of industrial wastes are likely, as many gases o:f operation :failure
have been attributed to unknown quantities and qualities of
industrial waste entering the plant during unma,nned hours. A
current case in point is that of Lindsey where an estimated cost
o:f'$60,000 to $80,000 will be required to replace equipment erroded
away in a two:year period.
{;!1ST REGULAR -5-NOVEMBER 6, 1961
CORBETT: "That this report be referred to next years
HAMMOND: Committee to have on file." ··
Councillor Hammond stated that cne point raised regarding chlorine
handling that this information·~s available from 2 distributors of
chlorine and we will write for this material.
The motion was then carried.
Councillor Davidson, presented a verbal report of the Police .Committee
and stated:
1. -In regards to the resolution from Whitby re speed
in school areas being reduced to 15.m.p.h. that the Committee
feel that the 25 m.p.h. in force now is satisfactory.
In regards to resolution fz:om ,Weston that crosswalks be
permitted in all areas in Province that the Committe-e would
endorse this if the Province would underright total cost. ' : -. . . .
DAVIDSON: 1: "That the Town not endorse the resolution from
CORBETT:' Whitby •. " .
"That the Town.Of Au11ora
is opposed to
Councillor Moffat stated that at the last C,ouncil meeting she had
requested to meet in Committee in regards to by-laws and services
and asked regarding the 1 day sick leave bY.-law. Councillor Moffat
stated she had bee,n advised now that we are still working on this
matter and .it is not finalized as yeEt. Councillor Moffat said the
.;>.<---2 ·s.ame applies to the. matter. of hawkers and pedlars ).icences.
Councillor Moffat stated that in regards to the fire hazard by-law
a letter from the uf Fire Marshall's Office had stated that a
model fire prevention by-law will be available in 1962. At the
present time all fire chiefs are assistants to the Ontario Fire
Marshall a:iJ.d he can act on all these cases.
Mayor Nisbet report that the Industrial Area at the south end
is being levelled o£f and also there is a road now at Regency
Drive that is paasable and this is imrpoving the entrance to
the Town.
Mayor Nisbet stated that Town Clerk William Johnson and myself
went down to visit ·the Department of Education and that we
certainly learned how the grant struc~ture is drawn up as it
pertains to elementary schools. It was explained that when ·-
a municipilility changes from one table to another than the
percentage decrease is tapered off gradually.
Mayor Nisbet welcomed Mrs. Brooks and Mrs Harrison to Council ,as
Reeve Davis inquired of Mr. s. Murray the Town Engineer if there
was any eeport on work being done at Richardson Drive and Mr. Murray
"stated that this work was completed to-day, that paving that is.
Deputy Reeve Stoddart stated that he ' .: was impressed with work
done and dix-seal is quite an advance in treatirrg roads. The cost
seems reasonalbe and it is a good seal• Mayor Nisbet suggested that
we should consider spraying sides where gravel is and Councillor Jones
stated he agreed with the Mayor as it would save· our roads.
Reeve'Davis inquired of the Engineer if this was practical to use
on some of paved streets in Town that need re-surfacing from time
to time. The Engineer stated that the answer to resurfacing of
~roads satisfactorily.
Reeve Davis asked Mr-;. Murray if there was any report on the re-
locating of the sewer on Berczy Street and Mr. Murray informed
Council that we are working on this project now and that we haven't
~ocated sewer on Metcalfe Street as yet.
Councillor Jones stated that there is a storm sewer up Metcalfe
Street and feel its possible to take this sewer up south side of
Metcalfe ahd pick up water on Bercy Street and carry it down Metcalfe
Street. Councillor Jones said we have yet to dig up and find if
sewer large enough to carry water.
Councillor Jones brought forward the matter of the sidewalk on
Glass Drive and Mayor Nisbet state4 that the easement is ready to be
signed and that we can pass the motion to sign. Councillor Jones
stated that the sidewalk was for the north side of Glass Drive and
arrangements had been made with the Separate School Board to have an
easement so we could construct a side&alk on their property.
' ·. -'·"--'"
i ,_
I ,_
Councillor Jones stated· that this was the only feasible place
to construct the sidewalk.
"That the M~or and Clerk be authorized to
sign an agreement to enter into an easement
with the Separate School Board."
Councillor Moffat inquired as to how far is sidewalk going and
_Councillor Jones stated 500 femt just dear their driveway to
sidewalk at Murray Drive that it was to be an asphalt sidewalk.
"That the Works Committee be authorized to instal a sidewalk 4 feet wide at the north
side of Glass Drive from the west end of the
Separate Shhool to connect with the sidewalk
at Murray Drive, at an estimated cost of' $1,000.
and the Seal. of the Corporation be attached
hereto, such monies to be taken from Capital
·Levy Fund."
Councillor. Hammon inquired of the Engineer if any notification
had been received from the Departmen~ of Highways in regards to
the Temperance Street Bridge and Mr. Murray stated that the design
has not been submitted as yet. Councillor Hammond stated he felt
that it should be furthered aa it is dangerous and necessary and
that all spped be taken to finalize this matter. Councillor J 0 nes
informed Council that we are working on this project and are considering
cement culVerts at this time with retaining walls.
Councillor Davidson inquired of the Town Solicitor Mr. T. McPherson
if there was any change in the Police question and Mr. McPherson
·stated there was no change.
"That leave be given to introduce a ;iy-law to _,11
.amend by-law 1456 and that the same be now read r~ a first time.
The By-law was then read. a first time.
21ST REGULAR -8-NOVEMB;ER 6, . 1961
Councillor Moffat stated that she was not quite clear on this
amendment and felt that it was to bring in~o conformity with
other parts so that each would be 3 feet from lot line.
"That this By-law receive only one reading
to-night and be left over until next meeting
and referred back to rr 6ommi ttee. 11
Councillor Moffat informed Council that at the last Recreation
Commission meeting she had been requested to Ask Council where
they could store their equipment. Councillor Moffat stated
that the Town Truck takes up some little space in the quonset
hut. Councillor Moffat stated that the feeling is material
is spread around and contrary to their insurance. Councillor
Hammond statedthat the entire area in the red barn could almost
be used and what is available in quonset hut. Councillor Hammond
said that there is no building available that would house all
the equipment and felt that the insurance was there own business.
Mayor Nisbet stated this was last Council meeting before nomination
night~ and would like to taank you all for a pleasant year. Mayor
Nisbet felt that we have had·good.discussions and that we have done
preety well what Council said they would do. Mayor Nisbet informed
Council he would be standing as Mayor.
Reeve Davis stated he would be runnin~ as.Reeve and felt there is
a job to do in the coming year that w~ll take experience in our
Town and the County.
Deputy Reeve Stoddart stated that he would stand again as Deputy Reeye.
County Waise Deputy Reeve Stoddart stated he would like another year on County Counc~l. ·
Councillor Corbett stated that he has recently retired from the Post
office and has not fully made up his mind as yet.
Councillor Jones stated he could give all his time to Town affairs
as he is retired but that he hasn't made up this mind asyet.
Councillor Hammond informed Council that due to bu±siness commitments
he would not. seek re-election. Councillor Hammond stateVhe would
like to thank the Mayor and Members of Council and the clerk's staff
for assistance so readily given. Mayor Nisbet stated that we are
sorry you have to withdraw but hope you can come back.
2.;:1~,:REGJJLA.l't -9-NOVEMBER 6,1961
Councillor Davidson informed Council he would be standing the good
Lord and Khrushchev willing.
~ouncillor Moffat said she had enjoyed this year and enjoyed working
with Council and staff and will be seeking re-election.
Mayor Nisbet congratulated Uouncillor Moffat for a job well done.
Mayor Nisbet informed Council that he felt Councillor Child would
seek re-election.
STODDART: "That we adjourn."
The.meeting then adjourned.