MINUTES - Council - 19611002~~ ... MINUTES OF THE 19TH REGULAR ThffiETING OF COUNCIL HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHMlEERS ON OCTOBER 2, 1961 AT 8.00 P.M. PRESENT MAYOR REEVE DEPUTY REEVE: COUNCILLORS: STODDART: CHILD: CORRESPONDENCE __________ ........ ., _________ _ KEITH NISBET (IN THE CHAIR) C.F. DAVIS W.H. STODDART CHILD, CORBETT, DAVIDSON, HAMMOND, JONES,MOFFAT. "That the minutes of September 5th,8th 18th and 25th. 1961 be adopted as printed and circulated." Carried. A letter from the Aurora Memorial Arena Board advising Council of a new policy change eliminating most of the out of Town rentals and devoting the major portion of ice time hours to local uses and stating this new policy may cost the town between $750.00 and $1,000.00 additional, was read. HAMMOND: JONES: "That the report of the Aurora Memorial Arena Board be accepted and filed." Carried. A letter from the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 385, Aurora , advising Council that the Annual remembrance day services and parade were .being held on November 5th. 1961 and inviting Council to attend t.he parade' and service also· requesting permission to hold the annual poppy :':·· ... tag day on November 4th. 1961 was read. STODDAR~: CHILD: "That permission be granted the Canadian Legion to hold their annual poppy day on November 4th. 1961 and that Council be notified by letter of the time and day of service and parade." Carried. A letter from lVlr. A.B. Griffin, 25 Huron Court, e.nclosing a photograph showing the conditions of the roadway, and requesting that some attention be given this roadway. CHILD: "That a letter be forwarded to Mr. Griffin STODDART: explaining that these roads are still under the ~urisdiction of the Sub-divider and that therefore work must be done by him." CarrieQ.. Further discussion to this matter left to New Business. ---~-./' OCTOBER 2nd. -2-19th Regular A letter from a Mr A. G~roux and a 1~. ~. Dwason advising Council of improper drainage on the service road to the water tank and a traffic problem on walkway and requesting that two steel posts and a chain be installed at the entrance to this road was read. CHILD: HAMMOND: "That the Works Department be authorized to carr:sy out..requests." Carried. A letter from Mr. J.L. Smith, Clerk-Treasurer County of York advising Council of a letter sent to the Honourable Kelso Roberts, Q.C. Attorney General in connection with the establishment of a separ~te Court House·was read. STODDART: "That this letter be received and filed." MOFFAT: Carried. Mr. T. McPherson, Town Solicitor will be attending a meeting with regards to this Court House. A letter from Mr. w. Kennedy, 89 Catherine Ave stating that children play on the road and asking if mome thought could be given to enact a by-law to stop children playing in the streets was read, STODDART: BAVIS: "That this letter be referred to the Police Committee for study and report." Carried. Letters from J$an· Culbert and D.J. Helliner regarding benches -.. that have been put on boulevards in Aurora Heights and requesting removal of same was read, · JONES: HAMMOND: "That these benches be;. removed from the boulevards," Carried. A letter from Mr. N. Gibson Madge advising Council that a Fire and Weed hazard exists on property behind his property. DAVIS: "That this :i.etfer 'be referred to the Fire Chief." MOFFAT: . . Carried. ', _ _, t_~ 19TH REGULAR - 3 - OCTOBER 2, 1961, A letter from the Aurora Recreation Commission advising Council that they would recommend that Mr. A.E. Graves, 45 Bailey Ores, and Mr. Dan Bowerman of the Bank of Montreal be appointed to thek Aurora Recreation Commission for 1961 and 1962 was read. liiHILD: '!That this appointment be so moved.'! DAVIS: Carried, A letter from the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 385, advising Council that Mr. F. Young be recommendedto service on the Aurora Recreation Commismion was read, DAVIS: "That this appointment be so moved,'! STODDART: Carried, , Mayor Nisbet requested permission to leave the meeting, HAMMOND: "That Reeve Davis take the chair," CORBETT: Carried, REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Councillor Jones gave a verbal report on the prices of extending the sewer on Hillview Ave, Beamish Construction $2,077. Councillor Jones estemated that the job could be done by the Works Department for an estimated cost of between $1,200 and $1,500.00 Town Engineer Mr. S,T, Murray estimated the cost to be $3,000. and explained his estimate, JONES: DAVIDSON: "That the storm sewer on Hillview be extended to George St. with two catch basins on corner of George St and Hillview Ave a distance of approximately 300 feet at an estimated cost of $2,000.00 and the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto and the work be done by Town labour," • Councillor Child inquired if this would be a determental effect on George Street Pa~ement and Councillor Jones said No, Reeve Davis stated it will alleviate an expected increase in water run-off condition because of the new paving, The motion was then carried, 19TH REGULAR -!J-OCTOBER 2n~. 1961 HAlVIMOND: "That the Property Committee be authorized DAVIDSON: to purchase 1 set cutters and 1 set shear bars. for the Barruminator at the Sewage Treatment Plant from Charles Napier Co. at a cost of $245.Q2 complete and the seal of the Corporation be attched hereto." Carried. Councillor Corbett presented a verbal compl~t from a Mr. Billbrough regarding tile being t.aken out from in front of his driveway and Jack Browning, Town §uperintendent stated that it had been removed a year ago because it was broken and was too small. Reeve Davis requested the Town Superintendent to look at this situation to-morrow. STODDART: CORBETT: "That a letter of condolences be sent to Mr. Billbrough cin the loss of his father." Carried. Councillor Moffat presented a veraal report of the Services Committee with regards to the Ambulance Service. Councillor Moffat stated that there had been three offers of ambulance seri:ice to the Town but that the town had agreed not to subsidize any private enterprise at this time. Reeve Davis stated there was a definate need for an ambulance Eliu!txl!r service in Town. Councillor Moffat felt that in the near future might be grouped on the two hospitals in the County namely Richmond Hill and Newmarket. Reeve Davis stated that investigations with the two townships had suggested that one ambulance service T for the area was not enough. Councill.or Child reported a verbal report .. pertaining to side yards in Aurora Heights Subdivision. CHILD: CORBETT: UNFINISHED BUSINESS "That we revise By-law 1456 to include whole of town." · Carried. Councillor Jones inquired if work could be done on the ditches in Regency Acres as water is laying in them. Town Engineer Mr. S.T. Murray stated. that a.contractor is working on ditches now. Reeve Davis stated that a letter should be sent to Mr. Shanbnan in this regard and Councillor Hammond suggested that this work should be started before the winter months. -. ----~··' J V_l YJL. 19TH REGULAR CHILD'! HAMMOND: -5-OCTOBER 2nd. 1961 "That a follow-up letter be sent to Mr. Shankman requesting a reply to letter that had been previously sent to him in regards to work to be done in Regency Acres." Carried. Councillor Hammond inq~ired if any answer had been received from Mr. Sobara in rePLy to letter sent by Town Engineer Mr. s.T. Murray in regards to work to be done in Aurora Heights. HAMMOND: CHILD: ,;That a follow-up letter be written to Mr. Sobara and ~sked what his intensions are in this regard." CaJ;'ried. Councillor Hammond inquired if the weed~ etc had been cleaned up north of the Works Department and Mr. J. Browning, Town ~perintendent stated that it had been done. Councillor Davidson inquired if any word had been received from Dr. Berry, Ontario Water Resources Commission and Councillor Hammond stated that Dr. Berry has been ill. Councillor Moffat-inquired if the Parking lot could not be cleaned up as the Esso Station had planted flowers to help make this lot liliok nice. Counc-illor Hammond suggested that the Street Cleaner to do this clean up if necessary and Mr. Browning said he would look after this matter. Reeve Davis inquired Berczy St. sewer and but definitely soon. Council Meeting. BY-LAWS if anything had been done regarding the Town Engineer Mr. Murray stated not yet Reeve Davis asked for a report at the next A By-law to authorize the issue of debentures in the principal amount of $100,000.00. MOFFAT: CHILD: Corbett; DAns: "That the by-law now before the Council be read a third time. Carried. "That the third reading of the By-law be taken as read. Carried. The By-law was then numbered 1493 • .---- ,1-'!3 19TH REGULAR -6-OCTOBER 2, 1961 NEW BUSINESS Councillor Jones stated that their were potholes on roads and broken parts on Tecumseh Drive and suggested that Colas be put on these roads as soon as weather is fit. Reeve Davis stated that we had an obligation to the people of the Subdivision • . HAMMOND : HONES: "That we do the repairs to road and keep a record .of cost and submitt it to Aurora Heights Subdividli.r." Carried. Councillor Jones stated he had a complaint from a Mrs.Murray, Kennedy Street with regards to a water daainage problem. The Sub-division will need 15" sewer here and Councillor Child stated that he hadn't heard any more about this sub-division and that it is uhlikely anything will be done with it. Reeve Davis inquired of Councillor Jones if he would work on it and Councillor Jones said ye~. CHILD: STODDART: "That the Building Inspector attend a convention in Hamilton and $50.00 be .aJ.lowed for expenses." Carried. Mr. s. T. Murray, Town Engineer stat·ed he had four items he would like to present. 1. Members of Town ·council are invited to attend a demonstration of two-way radio equipment on Thur·sday evening at 6.p.m. on the roof of the Ontario Mental Hospital Yonge St. South. 2. An interest party is looking for 5 acres of land. Deputy Reeve Stoddart is assisting in this. 3. A Town of Aurora Brochure is in the. making. 4. George St. Paving. Reeve Davis inquired if this was within the contract Price and s.T. Murray, :· · ·.'. that we could possib],y get more than 50% from the Department of Highways. Reeve Davis stated that there has been some trouble with drive ways on George St. HAMMOND: "That this meeting adjourn." STODDART: The meeting than adjourned. ~~ ~