MINUTES - Council - 19610501- ' . ! I I I ·~· MINUTES OF THE 9TH REGULAR MEETING OF COUNCIL HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAlVIBERS ON MAY 1ST. 1961 at 8·,00 P.M. •<'!'. PRESENT: MAYOR; REEVE: DEPUTY REEVE: COUNCILLORS: DAVIS: CHILD: CORRESPONDENCE ----------~---------- KEITH .NISBET (IN THE CHAIR) C .F. DAVIS . .. . . W.H. STODDART CHILD, CORBETT., DAVIDSON, HAMMOND, JONES, MOFFAT. ~That the minutes of April 3rd and 17th 1961 be adopted &Jtlli as printed and circulated." Carried. A letter from Dean Dunlop Aurora Accountant outlining several items suggesting certain changes in Accounting methods in the Town of Aurora was read together with a letter from the Auditor submitting his audited finanical statement for the year 1960 • Mr. nunlop advised that many notes had been made during the 1960 Audit year and these notes had been sifted and the' important items were submitted this evening for Coxnsideration, Mayor Nisbet advised Mr. Dunlop that he kmtx~ appreciated this report. HAMMOND: ·cHILD: "That this letter and financial statement be referred to the Finance Committee to study and report back to Council with recommendations as soon as possible," Carried. ·-· A letter from the Town of Aurora Building Inspector regarding Town clean up and advising Council that in the course of their inspection it was found that two club houses had been constructed on Wenderly Drive, Block B, Plan 487, and that these Club houses resulted in a safety hwr;ard and would recommend their removal. . CORBETT: HAMMOND: "That this matter be left in the hands of Councillor Jones to handle as he sees fit." Carried~ A letter from the Ontario Municipal . Association advising Council that the 8th Annual Conference of· the Town and Village Section of the O.M.A. would be held in the Town of Renfrew and requesting attendance of delegates from 811 Towns for this conference was read. DAVIS: CORBETT: "That Councillor Moffat represent the ToWn of Aurora as the official delegate and that travelling expenses be authorized accordingly." Carried. ,..., 9TH REGULAR ~-2-May. 1, 1961. A letter from Thomas McPherson, Town Solicitor, concerning certain accounts o~ing by Consolidated Building Corporation and suggesting that %xx this matter be taken before Council in committee and officials of C.B.C. in regard to arranging an amicable settlelment of the above accounts was read. STODDART: DAVIDSON: "That a copy of this letter be forwarded to Consolidated Building Corporation and they be requested to attend a Committee meeting as soon as possible to settle this matter." Carried. A letter from Thompson's Ambulance Service Aurora advising Council ---~\ I I ~· that they have discontinued their ambulance servic~ and have transferred their calls to Richmond Hill Ambulance Service and further that Mr. McBrine of Richmond Hill Ambulance Service is a present negotiating with the Town of Aurora, Township of King.and Whitchurch for a subsidy and if successful an ambulance would be situattid in Aurora to give twenty-four hour service was read. DAVIS: CHILD: "That this matter be referred to the Services Committee for a report back to Council."· Carried. A letter fpom the Attorney Generalof Ontario advising Council of a proposal to study the many aspects of the present organization and functioning of our County Court system as well as a review of Division Court jurisdiction was read. DAVIS: HAMMOND: '· "That this letter be referred to the Police Committee for study and a report back to Council and that a copy of this letter be forwarded to the Town of Aurora lawyers for their perusal and comment." Carried. A letter from E;xcel Metalcraft Ltd. Aurora requesting Councilx to look into the matter of.bring water and sewage lines east on Cousins Drive in order for their contractor to hook up · and further concerning the removal of a tree stump from the front of the building was read. CORBETT: MOFFAT: "That this matter be ref~rrred to the Works Committee for study in conjunction with the Town Engineer." Carried. I :-I i ! ~· ~ 9TH REGULAR -3-l'IIAY 1 , 1961 A letter from Morris Wales, Toronto requesting permission to obtain a. catering license for operation of a Ice Cream truck in Aurora and the subdivisions was read. MOFFAT: STODDART: DELEGATIONS, "That approval be granted Mr. Wales to· operate the Ice.Cream.truck in Aurora provided to obtains the appropriate license." · · Carried. Mrs. Cole and Mrs Klees appeared before Council and stated they were representing the Aurora Institute and were at Coumtil this evening to .lii:lllll:lllllll hear the Council for their information only. Mr. Gary Gilbert also appeared before Council and advised he had merely attended to see the outcomv of the letter submitted from Elll:cel Metalcraft Ltd. · Mr. S,J, Kelner appeared before Council and brought forward the matter of a further agreement to cover the re-assignment back to him of the ·contractors bond held by the Town of Aurora • · Mr. Kelner stated that he felt that his'purposal this evening wuuld be a fair solution to a settlement of Town requirements. Mr Kelner outlined that he would make a list of items deemed necessary by the Town Engineer to place any work necessary in Stage 1 in a proper stage. Mr. Kelner stated that no further installation of services other than repair work etc ·would be done withoug providing a ;!!llli::Dm perf.ormance bond, maintenance bond or letter of credit and that the form of security to be supplied would be approved by the Town Solicitor. Mr. Kelner stated that e·ach partvwould require its own bond and would be completed in the specified time an.d :fxtk•"E further...,that on or before th:e.completion of construction of houses in sta'e 1 the asphalt surfacing, sidewalk , sodding and repair . or installati:on of curbing on Haida Drive would be finished. Mr. Kelner s~ated that ke:xkali Haida Drive had not bee!I'J,aved as yet·since the houses were not completed and the time for this pavement.would appear to be subsequent lll to the completion of houses.. Mayor Nisbet inquired if the bond suggested this even:i.ng was to r.eplace the one that we return and Mr. Keln,er advised that he cannot obtain a bond for any work until it i:s contracted to be done and the work so specified and a time limit set. Meyer Nisbet stated that if the Town were to release the present bond to· Mr •. Kelner then a bond should be forth· coming in replacement thereof. Mr. Kelner stated that no work is going o:n and none will go on until· the required bond is deposited with the Town, Mr. Kelner stated that no release of residential lots in stage 2 would be entertained until the bond or letter of credit is deposited with the Twwn. Mayor N1sbet stated that some equalization mkma should be required before any fur'C'her releases are m.ade. Mr. Kelner stated that he cannot proceed with any building in Sta~e 2 however he did have a release of all lots in state 1 for building purposes and further this Council may 9TH REGULAR -4-MAY 1, 1961 only give a release for State 2. Mr •. Kelner stated he felt there is now a basis for a llk small neighbourhood shopping certre on Block "B" at the corner of Haida and;Wellington Streets and further that he had been in touch with the real estate concern and they are going to appraise this area and hope they agree with his conclusion regarding the need of a small commercial centre. M:t;. Kelner stated he did not see any need for an access to this small sh~ping centre from Wellington Street and i further that if this small commercial centre were built than it may be possible to release for building pur'poses Stage 2 and then a bond or bonds would be deposited with the Town before entering into any construction in Stage 2. Mayor Nisb~t inquired as to when Mr. Kelner might commence construction of the slipping centre and Mr. Kelner replied it was his hope to start construction w this year if it proved advisable. Reebe Davis inquired as to how large a shopping centre was entertained and Mr. Kelner replied 6 to 8 stores only. Mayor Nisbet stated ~hat the Town of Aurora would like to see a Mr. Kelner consider a locating a Theatre in this area particularly since the theatre building in Town is now being sold. Jlllr. Kelner replied that Block "A" is only there until we find a use for it. Mayor Nisbet stated that feeling is now th~t Council would like to meet further with you and Town Sol:i.citor in Committee to :lli:t:s12:x discuss this matter. MOFFAT: DAVIDSON: "That a Committee meeting b.e arranged for Monday evening May 8th. at 8.00 p.m. to meet with Mr. Kelner, the Town Engineer and the . Town solicitor t.o discuss this matter further." It was further decided that prior to this meeting Mr. Kel~er wquld submitt to Council a draft copy of a proposed agreement in order --., that Council may study. said agreement prior to the meeting. The motion was then carried. Council reverted back to correspondence.!imd a letter from the Town of Aurora Folic e Department apologizing for the misunderstanding in our failure to meet with you at 7. 00 p.m. on April 24 tlJ.. 1961 and furt'her stating that they muld agree to have another meeting and could the next meeting with Council be to pick an arbitrator was read. JONES: HAl\OOOND: "'That this letter be accepted and the Police Gommittee arrange another meeting with the Policemen ·and .Council as·committee of the whole." Carrr.ied. It was then decided that Thursday May 4th. at 8. 0'0 p.m. would :tlul:x be th:e time of this meeting. * ~ i '~ i 9TH REGULAR -5-MAY 1, 1961 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Deputy Reeve Stoddart presented a report concerning an ereor in assessment on property at 10 Stoddart Drive owned by Karl and Julia Sitta and recommending that an over payment of taxes due to this error amounting to $27.88 be refunded. STODDART: DAVIS: STODDART: CORBETT: Councillor CORBETT: corbett DAVIS: Corbett "That due to an error in assessment on property at 10 Stoddart Drive, owned by Karl and Julia Sitta an overpayment of taxes in the amount of $27.88 be refunded, and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto." Carried. "That the resolution of the City of Windsor resolving that Provincial Government be requested to consider seriously the repeal of Section 13 of the Assessment Act which limites taxation of gross receipts of a telephone company to 5% of the b:a'i: total of such receipts be approved." Carried. "Resolve that up to the sum of $1,000 be· authorized the Parks Committee for the purpose of grading ball parks, green belt areas and playgrounds when conditions permit and the Seal of the Corporation be attached he.reto." Councillor Corbett spoke to this motion and stated that up to this amount of money was deemed necessary should the weather break and dry up shortly the Committee desire to start work at once and not have to wait for a further Council meeting. '~ The motion was then carried. Councillor Hammond reported to Council that the. parking lot at the north east oorner of the Remmington Rand building that work had been commenced and as soon ik ast~e weather conditions permit. work on this parking lot would be furthered. Councillor Hammond stated that the question of the Tank Truck had been considered and recently to other vehicles had peen looked into but have not proved too satisfactory. Councillor Hammond stated that this matter might be finalized at a Committee meeting and it was decided that this Committee meeting would be held for the Property Committee following the Police meeting on Thursday May 4th. 9TH REGDLAR -6-lVIAY 1 , 1961 Councillor Davidson presented a report of the ~olice Committee in which the Committee respectfully submit the following: "That the application of Irwin Keen, 61 Spruce Street for Taxi Drivers :2iliaaee License be granted." ·~ ~ r .. ._ ."That the report of the Police Committee re ! .! DAVIDSON: I JONES cab drivers license of Irwin Keen be accepted." ·- Carried. Councillor Moffat reported to Council that the County EFme~gx Emergency Measures organization requires key personnel in each municipality and of utmost importance that some of the Town of Aurora be appointed as Liaison Officer between the County And this municipality. Councillor Moffat stated that an appropriate questionnaire had been filled in with the exception of the name of the apointee. MOFFAT: STODDART: "' "That the. name ot the Mayor of the Town of Aurora be instered in the appropriate form." Carried. Councillor Moffat brought to Councils attention that a meeting l"egarding MK:tu Mental Health Week was to be held between 7.00 p.m. and 9.00 p.m •. at the Ontario Hospital Aurora to-morrow evening and requested that as many members who may attend do so. Councillor Davidson stated that a Mr. 0. Line of Toronto who had made application for a Driving School license had received approval from the Department of Transport and recommended that his application be approved. DAVIDSON: CHILD: "That this application be approved. u Carried. Councillor Davidson brought forward the matter of a purchase order for the Police Department for supply of snpp out forms in a total amountof $450. 31 to be purchased from Central·Office Supply in Newmarket. It was decided that this matter would be referred to the Police Committee for study and report back to Council. Councillor Davidson brought forward a request from two policemen who are embarking on a police course commencing May 7th. and stated t:p.at these policemen had requested they receive .their two weeks overtime · and 8 days statutory holiday pay prior· to leaving for this course. Councillor Davidson recommended that Council'might authorize half pay at this time. " ~~. •• ·'· I r ( l:___..- .·J. -- I 9TH. REGULAR -7-JV!ay 1' 1961 Councillor Child stated he had no objection to any one receiving monies due them but felt that. the 8 days statutory holidays for example should not be paid ahead of time and that these policemen may leave Town employee at any time during the year. . . DAVIDSON: JONES: UNFINISHED BUSINESS "That authority be given to pay these policemen two days statutory holiday pay and 1 week overtime pay this week." • Carried. Councillor Davidson brought forward the matter of smoke aminating from Queen City Storage and causing quite a problem in this. area and felt that pressure should be· brought to bear on the factory to clear up this situation ~t this time. C~uncillor Hammond mentioned that 2 or 3 corresponden~ had been forwarded to Queen City Storage and they had stated previously their property was in the process of being sold and felt that changes to their boiler at this time was not justified. Councillor Hammond stated that he felt the smoke problem was more from incorrect usage rather then the requirements of a new boiler. HAMlVIOND: MOFFAT: "fK.s Resolve that a letter be forwarded to Queen City Storage and request that they advise Council if the sale of their property is pending in the very near future or if not then that they undertake remedies to rectify this situation or the Town would have no choice put to take action in this matter." Carried. Councillor Davidson brought to Councils attention that a dangerous condition exists at the corner of Tyler and Yonge sts. particularlly in front of.the United Church where park cars block the view of cars entering·Yonge St. and creating a traffic hazard since the view to the north is definately block~~ Councillor Davidson suggested that this side of Yonge Street and an area on the West side become a no parking area. It was decided that the Police Committee bring in a report recommending an amendment io the existing parking By-law at the next meeting of Council. Councillor Jones stated that the roads in Regency Acres required repair and stated that he had visisted Child Drive west of the present payement ~here a large pot hole for a distance of about 50 feet existed. It was decided that the Town Engineer would.look into this matter and contact Consolidated Building Corporation to attempt to recitify the situation. 9TH REGULAR -$-MAY 1 0 1961 Councillor Jones further stated that pot holes in Aurora Heights Subdivision existed = in particular Tecumseth Drive was in very bad conidition; Mayor Nisbet stated that the Town Engineer had writlllen a letter to Mr. s. Sorbara regarding this matter and a meeting would 'be arranged with him shortly to il'~ further this matter~ . ' I Councillor Jones stated that at present we have no dumping place .. I for scrap etc that the Town picks up in cleaning ditches. ' Councillor Jones stated that approximately 400 Christmas trees hall been picked up by the Town subsequent to last Christmas. It was suggested that the Services Committee arrange a meeting with l'IJ:i:o. Buchanan to arrive at an agreement regarding using his dumping facilities for this material. Councillor Jones stated it was imperative that a phone be obtained for the Town Foreman w. ~teadman in order that he might be contacted withou§ actually visiting his house and further stated that k suggested phone at the Water Works be removed and utilized for this purpose • This matter was referred to the Committee to undertake .this matter as cheaply. as possible. It was further felt that the Finance Committee should undertake a study of the complete phone situation existing in the Town of Aurora at present. · Councillor Jones stated he required a Committee meeting regarding road programme in the Town for this ye~ and it was. decided that a meeting be held with l'IIr. K. Beamish, Beamish Construction on next Tuesday May 9th. at 7.00 p.m. to visit certain roads and outline a programme. Councillor Hammond inquired as to the matter of the addition of wings to the backstops in ball parks and inquired if this matter was up mo the Recreation Commission or the P.roperty Commixxttee and it was decided that the matter be referred to the Recreation Commission. ) Councillor Moffat inquired if the T:~ had received permission to proceed with the fencing along Murray Drive and Councillor Jones advised that this permission had been received the previous week. ·,._;; CHILD: STODDART: "That the Mayor and Clerk be authorixed to sign the agreement between the 6orporation of the Town of aurora and CAlwood Limited, Olindo Sauro and Kenneth Arnold dated March 30th. 1961." . . Councillor Child then summarized the contents of this agreement which referred to the instalation of certain services in ~dward St. and Dunning Ave. , The motion was then carried. c-. I, j ·' 9TH REGULAR -9-MAY 1, 1961 Mayor Nisbet brought forward the matter of a meeting between Council and the High Shhool Board. regarding extending school facilities and in particular in connection with a resolution from King Township and it was decided this meeting should be arranged as early as possible. Councillor Davidson inquired when a meeting might be arranged between Council and Bonsolidated Building Corporation Limited and it was decided .that this meeting would be set for Thursday May 11th at B.oo p.m. BY-LAWS MOFFAT: CORBETT: ... "That leave be given to introduce a by-law to authorize the construction of sanitary sewer and waterm~in in Edward Street and in Dunning Avenue and the grading and building base and surface treating of EWward Street. 11 Carried. The by-law was then read a first.time, DAVIS: CHILD: "That the by-law now before the Council be read a second time and that the Council resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole·for tha:t purpose," Carried. The second reading of the by-law was approved in Council. MOFFATT: CORBETT: "That leave be given to introduce a by-law to prohibit bicycles, vehicles and conveyances being on sidewal~s, and in parks, and other disignated places." /' "" .tft<•''f . /~11 Carried. ~EXEXM~*XKWXW&EXXR~RXXRMX~m The by-law was then read a first time. The by-law was then referred to the By-law Committee for a further study. MOFFATT: CORBETT: "That leave be given to introdcue a by-law to prohibit the discharge of guns and :fl'.iraarms." Carried. The by-law was then read a first ti)lle. {! Q ~~0 \ ~'!,"" \ 9TH REGULAR CHILD: DAVIS: -10-MAY 1, 1961 "That the by-law now before the Council be. read a second time and that the Council resolve itself into a.committee of the whole for that purpose." Carried. The second reading of the by-law was approved in Council STODDART: CORBETT: HAMMOND: CHILD: "That the by-law now before the Council be read a second time this day and that rule 22 of by-law 1468 be su:sspended for that purpose." "That the third reading of the by-law be taken as read." Carried. The by-law was then number 1480. MOFFAT: CORBETT: "That leave :ee given to introduce a by..;.law to regulate the sale of fireworks." Carried. The by-law was then read a first time DAVIS: CHILD: CHILD: STODDART: That the by-law now before the Council be read a second time and that the Council resolve itself into a committee of the whole for that purpose." m:arried. "That the wording " 7 days" be inserted in Clause 1. Carried. The by-law was then read a second time. STODDART: JONES: DAVIS: HAMMOND: "That the by-law now before the Council be read a third .. time this day and .that rule 22 of by-law no • . 1468 be suspended for that purpose. "That the third reading of the by-law be taken as read." Carried. The By-law was then number 1482. MOFFAT: CORBETT: "That• leave be given to introduce a by.;.law to prohibit and regulate the setting off of fireworks." Carried. The by-law was then read a first time. ~.......- 9TH REGULAR -11-lV!AY 1, 1961 CHILD: DAVIS: "That the by-law now before the Council be read . a second time this day. and that rthe Council resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole for that purpose." . ,. Carried. I if g I The second reading of the By-law wasthen approved in Council CORBETT: STODDART: "That the By-law now before the Council be read a third time this day and that rule l2 of By-law 1468 be suspended for that purpose." DAVIS: HAMMOND: "That the·third reading of the by-law be taken as read." Carried. The By-law was then numbered 1481. NEW BUSINESS Deputy Reeve Stoddart brought to Councils attention that although a letter had not been received from the Aurora Lions they had requested the use of the Town park on Friday 1Vlay.26th. 1961. STODDART: DAVIS: "That permission be extended to the Lions Club for use of the Town Park on Friday lV!ay 26th. 1961. II Carried. Deputy Reeve Stoddart stated he had a petition from numerous Town employees regarding a change in the Town Insurance coverage and stated that a meeting would be required to study this matter. It was left to Defuty Reeve Stoddart to arrange this meeting. Councillor Jones stated that dirt had been dumped at the south end of the swimming pool and that hhe grader was required to levy thi s area off. Approval for this work was given to Councillor Jones. Councillor Hammond stated that a property owner on Murray Drive had build up certain land causing a drainage problem and water lays in certain yards and further Councillor Hammond stated that he had advised certain residents that this was a civil matter. DAVIS: CHILD: "That we carry on past the hour of 11. p.m. until business is completed." Carried~ 9TH REGULAR -12-. MAY 1, 1961 of<' the necessity Councillor Jsnes brought forward the matter/of a drainage ditch between propert;tes.on the Sou"tih side of Dunrting Avenue :e: to :e:l:qa alleviate the water problem now existing. and felt that sign releases should be obtained from these residents in order for the Town to move in with their equipment and undertake this work. Councillor Davidson advised that the Police Chief had expressed ·-, his desire that the Police Department be relieved of the responsibilty of collecting parking meter revenues and it was decided that a report would be brought into Council concerning this matter. . CORBETT: "That the meeting adjourn." CHILD: The meeting then adjourned • '......___----~-/' --:: ... --· . ,':/~ --"'/ . ~"""/~/.// ~~~/ •? / . ·? / ... MAYO.; ---~ /..,;;;____ v__,_ --"''-. i ' ,._/ -.1