MINUTES - Council - 19600908f~l C) ,,~ r·; ·,_) COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 6TH. 1960 RESUMED AT 8,30 P.M. September 8th. 1960, At the hour of 9.00 p.m. Mayor Murray read an excerpt from by-law number 1295 being a by-law to amend by-law 862 to establish rules and regulations of the procedding of the Councir of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora as follows in part; "If a quorum is not present within thirty minutes after the time fixed for a regular or special meeting, the clerk shall record the names of the members present and Council shall stand adjourned until the next regular meeting. Five members of a the Council present in person be a quorum," PRESENT ~UYOR D.J. MURRAY COUNCILLBR W.C. CORBETT Mayor Murray then declared the meeting adjourned at 9.00 P.M. )) 4 t}J__iA/14/fl!L v·----.,--·~ /! MAYOR (/ .I( /_,,