MINUTES - Council - 19600502I_ I ! I • • MINUTES OF THE 9TH REGULAR MEETING OF COUNCIL HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON MONDAY MAY 2ND. 1960 at 8,00 P.M. PRESENT: MAYOR: RE.EVE: DEPUTY REEVE: COUNCILLORS: DAVIS: CORBETT: CORRESPONDENCE D.J. MURRAY ( IN THE CHAIR) C',F, DAVIS S.G. PATRICK BELL, CHILD, CORBETT, DAVIDSON, HAMMOND STODDARD. "That the minutes of March 28th. April 4th, 11th, 18th. be adopted as corrected with Mr. Kelner's .name corrected on April 4th. and Council Corbett's name added to the minutes of April 18th. A letter from the Lion's Club requesting permission to utilize the Town Parks for their annual fire· works display on May 27th. was read. STODDARD: PATRICK: "That this approval be granted the Lion's Club of Aurora; 11 Carried. A Letter from T. Glen Rowe & Associated advising Council of the municipal service available by this corporation was read. CORBETT: "That this letter be filed." PATRICK" A letter from Neptune Meters concerning the meter in Town of Aurora and most particularly in connection with the deposit of sediment in theee meters due to the type of water in Aurora was read. DAVIS: CORBETT~ "That this letter be referred to the Water Committee for study and recommendation." Carried, A letter from Consolidated Buidling Corporation Limited advising that representative of that firm will attend a meeting in the Council Chambers on Monday May 9th. 1960 at 8.00 P.M. DAVIS: "That this letter be filed." CORBETT: Carried. l/TH. Regular 2 May 2nd. 1960 A letter from Consolidated Building Corparation advising Council that the plans are underway for the construction of a second factory was read. DAVIS: "That this letter be filed." PATRICK: Carried. A letter from the Ontario Godd Roads Association concerning a course for Town SuperimRenaen'ts to be held at the University <f Toronto dm May 9th. and May lOth. was read, This matter was referred to the Streets Committee to authorize Mr. Browning to attend this coursein Toronto. I~ ' [ i Councillor Dav·idson presented a report of the works committee concerning 'a grader· that had been in the Town of Aurora for the past few weeks and the Collll:frittee respectfully submit the following. "That Council Purchase a Rome Grade 107 horse power model 403 at a price of $3,500. and a Scarfier 'unit at approximately $450.00 on the provision that the purchase to be consumated following the Town Operators i~stnuction period such P.eriod to be 9 working days." DAVIDSON: DAVIS:, ~·· "That the report of the Works Committee be approved and the Town purchase a Rome Grader 107 horse power model 403 at $3,500 and a Scarfier unit at approxiately $450., and the s~al of the Corporation be attached hereto." Discussion to this motion followed and Mayor Murray stated that he had inspected this particular grader and had noticed quite a number of welding jobs and been undertaking and further that it would appear that the grader had upset at one time. Mayor Murray , stated that the tires were not too good and the motor had very dirty looking oil and further that he did not· hesitate in saying that the Town in his opinion wpuld be buying a lot of trouble. Reeve Davis stated that he had seen the grader workingand although it had a few weld jobs that the grader was doing a good. job. Reeve Davis stated that we have the Subway sidewoad to maintain and understood that the motor will give good service for approx- imately 2 years. Reeve Davis further s.tated that this is not a Towns.hip'where we have miles and miles. of roads to maintain and we require a grader to_ditch and allow water to run off the roads and in addition it will als.o take ice off raads and therefore has. purpose in the winter time. Mayor ~urra~ advised h~ was. not objecting to the purchase of a grader but just felt that this particular grader was not a good buy. Councillor Hammond stated the grader was not brought into Town with the understanding'it was 100 per cent good condition and agr~ed that it had bee abused, that th~ steering was not to good and poss.ibly $450. would repair these items • • .I I ' 9TH. REGULAR - 3 - May 2nd, 1960 Councillor Hammond stated that the unit as is would do practically anything we want o~ it and that we are in need of a graser an:D felt this grader would be adequate for our purpose and further that that they would still have a trade in value after two years. Councillor Bell stat;;, t;ed that he had inspected this grader and. was of the opinion it'had had its day, Councillor Bell stated it would appear to me it would cost about $1,500 to place this grader in a good condition anlfr felt that this $1,500. should be applied on the cost of a better grader, Deputy Reeve Patrick stated he had seen this grader and did not approve. Deputy Reeve Patrick stated that one large item he was afraid oL' is that parts must be imported from the United States and it is all hydraulic which is very bad for breakage on tilting. Deputy Reeve Patrick further stated that the hourly rate is .. $15, 00 per hour to repair the machine and that th;is purposed grade is too cheap to be good. Councillor Davidson stated that he was not a m~chine man and must base his opinion on other things and further that this grader does not have, to work steady to make money as in a construction compauy ~nd felt it could earn its value in a couple of years. ' .Councillor Stoddard stated he had seen several machines and had heard this machine .could give a couple of years of service and the trade in after this period would be almost what its original cost was, Councillor Stoddard further stated it was his original.understanding that nothing under 100 horse power would be of any value but now understood that 75 horse power is sufficient. Councillor Child stated he had li~teded to the pros and cons of the purchase of this grader and further that Reeve Davis '-' and himself and made an appearance .on ,Kennedy St. West to inspect this grader and felt it had .·done a good job on its operation on Kennedy Street West. Councillor Child felt that the tires were not as oad as made out anlfi felt it was a good investment and worth the money to place in good condition. _,_, Councillor Stoddard 'stated anything less than 100 miles of streets and expensive grader was not required and Deputy Reeve Patrick advised that a grader is really needed for parks and we must have a good one for such proposition. Deputy Reeve Patrick said he was. in favour of a grader that will manoeuvre. Councillor Corbett stated that he had seen t)1;is grader in operation on Case's sideroad and it had appeared to be doing a good job of ditching and levelling the road and since we only need the grader for a few jobs in Town Councillor Corbett felt it would be a good buy, The motion was then carrie.d.,_- ~- -~-. 9TH. REGULAR - 4 May 2nd. 1960 Councillor Hammond presented a verbal report in connection with garbage collection and stated following a meeting with Mr. Buchanan that a notice of garbage collection is to be placed in the Aurora Banner this week. Councillor Hammond stated that this notice will advise people that grarden refuse will be picked up at certain times, that paper must be bundled and tied, containers limited to a weight of 60 lbs. and card- board cartons broken down and packed flat. Councillor Hammond stated that from May to October garde,n refuse will be picked up monthly and considerable discussion followed the statement by Council members and it was finally decided the words garden refuse be clarified and tha_t this matter be given further Committee study and brought back to Council. -· Councillor Child brought to councils attention that the Planning Committee had held a meeting with·regards to the replacement of a building inspector and advise that this matter resolves around whether it will be a full time or part time position and also whether it will be on a salary or commission basis. Councillor Child stated in order to assist any applicants to make up their mind we must decide how we are going to pay a person to take Mr. King's :; place and he .would leave this matter for councils consideration. Councillor-Child stated that an application for a building permit hy Consol1dated building Corporation is in his hands and that the gentleman ·, at the Vynelcote will make up his mind this week as to whe'ther they will require the extra land beside their present plant. Councillor Corbett presented a report of the Property r_c .•• , Committee · in which the Committee respectfully submit the following; CORBETT: PATRICK: "That material be purchased for construction for twenty cement end benches." "That the report of the_Property Committee be approved and the seal of the copiJpation be attached hereto." Mayor MurrllY inquired of what amount was being considered for the cost of these twenty cement end benches and Town Superindent Mr. Browning advised that approximately $25.00 ea.ch would be the cost for material. Mayor Murray then asked how many,benches we now have and Councillor Corbett replied-about 18 arid that some of these benches require replacing and that we must place new ones in the new Subdivision and als() thatat t}le_ swimming pool. Mayor Murray advised that this mot:lon would' be held temporary untilwe can find out approximate cost of the benches to incorp- orate in the motiou. · Councillor Corbett brought to councils attention the matter of the Arena Restaurant to beautify the area to the north of their rest- aurant and advised that he had talked to the owner and discovered he has plans prepared to extend his building to the south by the width of the driveway and go back 40·feet with another building. 9TH. REGULAR - 5 - May 2nd •. l960 Councillor Corbett stated the owner anticipates placing steps down the bank on the north side and a walk way along the side of the building with a railing and in addition a curved bridge, Councillor Corbett further stated that evergreens and flowers would be placed on the north side of the creek and benches put there, Councillor Corbett further stated it was the owners intention to cleasn up the creek and landscape the area and that he desired an option to purchase the area for future expansion. Councillor Corbett stated this was a verbal report onlyahd will have a Committee meeting shortly and further felt that Council should visit the .Arena Restaurant and '.look over the plans that have been prepared, UNFINISHED BUSINESS Councillor Hammond stated that a construction company are working in the Sunnybrook Subdivision and residents in the sou.th .end of ·Aurora Heights desire to know if this company might rectify the banking situation. Councillor Hammond also stated that Kemano Road aad allllost be washed out in its entirety and inquired that this road might be fixed up in the near future. The town engineer S, Murra,y stated he had received no further news on fixing up the embankment however Kemano Road has been coveredwith the Aurora Heights Engine.ers and they have let a contract to fix up the roads soon, Reeve Davis brought to councils attention that each year there has ~andaliam ~t the bowling alleys at the north end of !own and this year the vandals were apprended and will attend Juvenile Court shortly. The motion approving the purchase of material for the construction for twenty cement end ' benches was corrected to further read at an approximate cost of $500, The motion was then carried, Councillor Davidson brought to councils attention that we have been discusing renewing the white paint lines on Yonge St, at the intersections and advised that the Town Superintendent was to look into this matter the following morning, - Councillor Child inquired if. any word , had been received as yet on the cost of paving the' roads in Town, The Town Engineer Mr. S, Murray explained that the sufficient time has not been available to extend the prices he has received from paving firms, however a gentleman was coming to Aurora next week to undertake the testing of soil and advised the cost would amount to $120, per day for an auger test, This matter was discussed by council and.it was decided that they would look for a post hole digger in order that the Town might dig the holes and speed up this testing of the soil. , + ?1 1 ,~ '1.1 ~ 9!11H-REGULAR BY-LAW~ BELL: DAVIS: -6 -May 2nd, 1960 "That leave be given to introduce a by.,.law . to adopt the assessments of lands annexed and the same be now read a first time."- The By-Law was then read a first time. STODDARi': DAVIDSON'1 "T hat the By-law now before Council be read a second time that the Council resolve itself in the committee of the whole for that purpose ." Carried The By-law was then read a second time, and approved by Counnil. DAUS: CORBETT: . CHILD: CORBETT: BELL: DAVIS: "That the By-law now before Council be read a third time this day and rule 22 of by-law 862 be suspended f~r that purpose • "That the third reading of the by-law be taken as read, Carried. "That a leave be given to intruduce a by-law to restrict speed of motor vehicles and .the same be know read a first time, Carried. The By-law was then read a first 'time. DAVIDSON: HAMMOND'1 "THat the by-law before the Council be read a secondtime AND THE Council resolve itself into the committee of the whole for that purpose," Carried. The By-law was then read a second time.and approved by Council. HAMMOND: CHILD: BELL: DAVIS: "That the by-law now before the council be read a third time this day and rule 22 of by-law· 862be suspended for the purpose." "That the third reading of the by-law be taken as read." Carried I ' 9TH , REGULAR - 7 - May 2nd. 1960 BELL: "That leave be given to introduce a by-law DAVIS: to authorize higher speed limites and the same be'n~w read a first time, ~' The by-law was then read a first .time. 1 -,1 .J f' PATRICK: DAVIDSON: "That the by-law now before Counci'l be read a second time and the Council resolve itself into a committee of the whole for that purpose, Carried. The by-law was then read a second time and appvoved by council. CHILD: HAMMOND: CORBETT: PATRICK: NEW BUSINESS "That the by-law before council be read a third time this day that rule 22 .of by-law 862 be suspended for that purpose. · "That the third reading of the by-law be taken as read. Carried, Reeve Davis brought to Councils attention that at a previous meeting Mayor Murray had requested a detailed account of the expenditure of County Levy that Aurora was charged in 1960 and Reeve Davis presented a detailed break down of the County Levy amount to $62,012.83, Reeve Davis stated.that our 1960 road rebate will amount to $4,050,17. ~yor Murray stated that this was a very detailed report, Reeve Davis stated he must compliment the girls in the York County Office for prepari~g this report, Reeve Davis stated that during discussion the sp~ed limited in Regency Acres Subdivision it was brought to his attention that what was to be done to provide a park in this area and Deputy Reeve Patrick stated that he was going to arrange a meeting of the Parks Committee for the following w~ek, Councillor Bell stated that the recreation commission have the playground equipment available and are only waiting for a place to set this equipment up. · Councillor Child brought to councils attention that copies of bill 89 would be distributed and this provides that the provincial government will grant 50 percent of the cost of parks providing a land use plan is submitted to tbam designating the parks to be set up, Councillor Child stated that after the government approval then the grant wil]. be paid on a 50 per cent basis, 9TH. Regular - 8 - May 2nd. 1960 Mayor Maurray brought to councils attention that a Mr. Hertsberg had visited Aurora with regards to the roof of the digester at the Sewage Treatment Plant and asked if at all possible if a portion of these hold backs monies might be paid to him • Mayor Murray sgggested that C,ouncil appoint a 3 man committee to study this matter and have the authority to clean up this account. DAVIS: DAVIDSON: "That the chairman of the Finance Committee, Chairman of Property Committee and Deputy ,~1 Reeve .Patrick along with the Town Engtneer 1 study this matter and bring in a recommendation to council as soon as possible. Carried. MayorMurray brought to councils attention that in connection with Choice Cut Up Chicken Limited we must make a study of the existing agreement and get at this project to complete thh forcemain. This was placed under the streets committee for a study. Mayor Murray reminded Council that to-morrow evening there will be a party for Sam King which will consist ofa dinner to-gether with a presentation. Councillor Child brought to councils attention that. at the las planning board meeting discussion had been held regarding the storage of planning board records and felt that the closet in Council Chambers would be an ideal place. Council Approved the use of this closet for planning'board record storage. Councillor Stoddard brought to councils attentlonthe matter regarding supplementary assessment and stated"!;hat the,Assessor ·~ had assured him that all assessment is up to date at this time and that approximated $500.000 dollars of assessment had been brought in since the beginning of the year and further that the Assessor is of the opinion that the assessing of the new homes in Sunnybrooki Subdivision at this time is premature. Mayor Murray asked if this matter had come up in,a Committee meeting previously and inquired why does it come right into a council meeting • Councillor Stoddard replied that it had not been brought before a Committee meeting previously but that he had heard he would be aske.d to answer this question at to-nights meeting • Deputy Ree'0e Patrick stated that in. reply to Councillor Stoddart's remarks he had attended County Council• the previous thursd~y night and the County Assessor had advised him ~ that the houses in Sunnybrook Subdivision are going to be assessed, and that he had told the Town Assessor ~uch. Deputy Reeve P?>trick said that he. is not c:htizing thE!J assessor never the less had been advised by other assessors that houses are at when two thirds complete. ·-1 I I ! ... ,( ' 9TH. REGULAR - 9 - 'c May 2nd. 1960 Deputy Reeve Patrick inguired if Council are going to sit back and let the sub -dividers go unassessed when homes ar e 90% complete.and felt that the Town is losing many dollars by not assessing til occupied. Councillor Hammond stated he had met with the Town Assessor that afternoon to-gether with ¢ouncillor Stoddard and that the Town Assessor had assured them that the matter of the assessment in the sub-division is up to date and further that he is not legally able to assess Sunnybrookc' sub-division homes at this. Councillor Hammond stated that the assessor is aware of the partial completion on part of the sub-divider and would stem in immediately if this partial completion looked intentional. Councillor Hammond :flurther stated that we might only apply the laws of Government that exists. Town Assessor John Thompson stated that his job was to bring in all the legal assessment that he is abJ,.e We> and that the County Qssessor, in the department of Municipal Affairs had advised that the Town wait till the fall of the year to assess these homes.and further that the Assessment Act ,provides that houses must be reasonably iit for occupancy before assessing. General discussion continued and it was summed up that the Town should contact Mr. S, J. Kelner the sub-divider to complete the services in the Sunnybrook sub-division and allow the builder~ to finish this project. Councillor Stoddard then commended the Assessor for the supplementary assessment he has brought in. Councillor Hammond brought to Councils attention that propane gas tanks provides in the sub-divisions prior to natural gas have not been installed adequately and subsequently have dropped and broken and are a extreme hazzard at this present time. Councillor Hammond felt that we should asked the Consumers Gas Company to fasten thses prop:!l,ne containers strongly so they will not fall down when the soil subsides, Reeve Davis suggested that the Consumers Gas be notified that the full time fire Chief supervise all propane gas instalations. Mayor Murray brought to Councils attention that a week to-morrow Reeve Davis anp himself would entrain to Chicago and that in their in absenc.e 2/3 of Council might pati tion the clerk to call a meeting of Council. CORBETT: "That the meeting adjourn." DAVIS: THE meeting then adjourned,