MINUTES - Council - 19600404I ( MINUTES OF THE 7th REGULAR MEETING OF COUNCIL HELD IN THE TOWN COUNCIL CHAlVIBERS ON MONDAY APRIL 4th, 1960 AT 8,00 P.M. PRESENT: MAYOR: REEVE: DEPUTY REEVE: COUNCILLORS: DAVIS: PATRICK: CORRESPONDENCE D. J • MURRAY ( IN THE CHAIR) C. F. DAVIS S. G. PATRICK BELL, CHILD, DAVIDSON, HAMMOND > C.ORBETT AND STODDART, "That the Minutes of March 7th, 14th, 21st, 24th and 28th, 1960 be adopted as printed and circulated," Carried, Letters concerning the deplorable conditions of certain s.treets from the following ratepayers were read: · P. T. Horlock -10 Iber Court E. R. · Cambridge - 7 3 Foreht Crescent N.A. Davis - 7 Wenderley Drive A. We.rner -Wenderley Drive . Reeve Davis stated that letters were to be fo.rwa.rded .. to tv.:o of these sub-dividers to rectify this situation. Councillor Child ~tated that' these sub-dividers shoU:ldbe invited to ?-~tend council i;o answer questiqps concerning these road conditions. Councillo<:f Davl.ds.on' stated tha.t there was deplorable conditions on Forehi; Crescent and a definite drainage problem in this area,. and feels that we should put pressure on Mr. Sorbara to ease these conditions, . . / Mr. Cambridge of Aurora Heights sub-division stated that at the present time there is indeed a flooding condition and that.a.house had been built on a natural water course on Lot No.30()~ Mr. Cambridge stated that further a definite .odo.ur is emulating from a rubbish pile that the builders left ih a field. Councillor Hammond stated that. he had looked over this s;).i;uation with Councillor Davidson and that the whole east half of the field drains into Foreht Crescent, and further that some attempt was made to put up an artificial dam, and now this dam wa.s washed out. Councillor Hammond stated that a drainage ditch is required to alleviate this condition before houses become in danger of complete wash-outs. Mayor Murray stated that possibly the Town men might fix this condition and Councillor Hammond stated that with a.gr~der it might be possible to do so. Mayor Murray stated that. the Town Engineer and Town Superintendent be. requested .to check on this matter in the morning, and the lots concerned iri this e.rea were Nos. 330 to 336. Mayor. Murray stated that the sub-dividers will .be called upon to rectify this condition. ' 7TH REGULAR - 2 - April 4th, 1960. Councillor Davidson stated that the sub-dividers had sold the houses and now do not seem to care and is it not possible for council to put pressure on the sub-dividers and force them to rectify this situation. Deputy-Reeve Patrick stated that now· we should put the law on them to fulfill. their duties. Councillor Bell stated that all permits should be cancelled until the conditions are rectified. Councillor Hammond stated that building permits other than those ,.already released, should, be restricted until conditions of drainage and roads. are rectified and this would be a lever to effect satisfactory solution. Reeve Davis brought to councils attention that nothing in the sub-dividers agreement states they must open ditches or remo.ve snow, and this is a maintenance problem only, and it would appear that we are now liable. The question of grading .was brought to councils attention and Mayor Murray stated that one contractor had entered into bankrupcy and this had held up some of the grading between the two sub-divisions. Mr. Adgey representing a deputation from Aurora Heights sub-division concerning the road conditions stated that nothing has been done. to alleviate these conditions since the spring of 1958, and further that the .Sunnybrook sub .... divisions contl!'actors had ruined the roads by hauling their material in through Aurora Heights Drive and Tecumseth.' Further gerieraldiscussioriconcerningthese· problems took place, and Mr. Sain Sorbara, General Manager, Aurora Heights Limited, appea:I'ed before_ council and stated that he sympathizes with the repre'sentatives. of. Aurora Heigl;lts this eve,ni,ng and certainly un<iersta.nds .how poorly _the ~ondition of the, roads are. 'Mr~ Sorl)ara stated that as soon as ppss:i,ble, ,iri ear:J:y rJ!ay, he will look into the' whole situat;ion an'd do everything we dan. Mr. So,rbara stat.ed it might be possible to stop some of the erosion and advis'ed that these roads were cut in winter time and will now do everything possible to· place the· sub-division in a good c:ondi tion.. -! The. foll_qwing motion was . then proposed: HAMMOND: DAVIDSON: "That no f,urther building pe'rmi t.r:l for resid1:mtial building be issued other than .those I'eleased under existing agreements un!ess and until the respective sub-dividers agree to _and instigate r.emedial measures to rec.tify fa11lty draint:l:ge, road c'oriditions .and improper installations•" · Discussion .to this motion followed and Councillor Child stated we have motion on the books now that no further perrni ts .be issued A;ip.ce we have. a€I'eed that no further -sub-divisions other than tb,dse approved be allowed at the pres'ent time. ·. Mayor Murray stated that he would go along with Councillor Child and that we have 'the power to refuse anymore buildings if they do not live up to their agreements. · · · .I I ' 7TH REGULAR - 3 - April 4th, 1960. General discussion followed this motion, and the motionwas·then carried. A Mr. Jeffs from Wenderley Drive stated that he was unablte to see Mr. R. Case here this evening, and ,might .he have a~:~sur:ance that council will put pressure on Mr. R. Case to place Dunning and, other roads in godd condition. Councillor Hammond stated tht:tt the motion was passed to effect a lever for this purpose. Mayor Murray stated that Mr. Case would be advised first thing in the morning. A letter from the Aurora District High School requesting the council of the Town of Aurora to raise the sum of $1,150,000.00 by the issue.of municipal debentures to pay for. the cost of construction of a new high school in the said high school district was then read. < Reeve Davis stated he understood that a letter was to be forwarded from the Town to go with. a motion to the Ontario Municipal Board . concerning this matter. Mayor Murray stat~d, that the financial arrangements concerning the costs of the Aur:tJra District High School ten or so years ago is certainly not appropriate today and further that assessments and school attendance is not comparable now. Mayor Murray stated that we requested they change the fi!lanc~~l arrangements on the new school, and felt that' it was now a case of meeting with the High SchoolBoard and explain our reason for disagreeing with the financial arrangements. Deputy Reeve Patrick stated' that'a:. meeting had been held with the School Board and Township· represen- tatives and enquired as to what was accomplished. Mayor Murray stated that this letter this evening apparently was a result of that meeting. ! 1 Deputy Reeve Patrick then enquired as to the outcome of the meeting and what figures were presented, and further stated that he wa.s still not aware of the exact nature of financial data 9oncerning this high school problem. Councillor Bell. enquired as to what became of the ... deputation to the .. Department of Education, and, Deputy Reeve. ·Patrick stated that the. Clerk and himself had: visited the Department of Education and enquired of. the clerk who advised that the Department of Education did not wish to disturb any existing high school districts. Mayor Murray stated that meetings had been held and oilr problems discussed and the results of these . meetings were reported at a meeting of council. Deputy-Reeve Patrick asked the results of the meetings, and Mayor M"jll'ray stated that no solution had come forward as yet. Reeve. Davis stated that a mot.ion given consideration to split the county into one or two districts had been proposed, and that a representative of the Department of Education had attended county council and discussed this matter. Reeve Davis stated that a further meeting will be held this month, and reported that it is not quite as easy to withdraw from· a high school district as previously thogght, and that the representatives of the Department ,, 7TH REGULAR - 4 - April 4th, 1960 of Education stated that there should be a resolution from each municipality involved to County Council,. a by-law then prepared and forwarded to the Minister of Education. JZ.ouncillor.Davidson stated that he felt the Department of Education is unable to plan· for 15 ·.years ahead, and further they should revise the reasoning as to financial arrangements. Mayor Murray suggested that we meet with the District High School Board and explain that the financial set-uptat.present is not satisfactory to us as it concerns the new school. STODDART: DAVIDSON: "That a joint meeting be arranged with the High School Board and officials of the .Department of Education witha Committee of the. Whole of council for discuss:ion. 11 Carried. A letter from Mr. Dick Buchanan concerning new arrangements with regards to the garbage contract between the town and himself was read. DAVIS: CHI.LD: "That this letter be referred to the Services Committee for study and recommendation." Carried. A letter from Mrs. Lily Buchanan, Mrs. lV!arguerit Garstang, Mrs. Sheila Hewitt requesting permission to open a gift shop etc. on premises belonging to David McLean Real Estate Yonge Street South was read. ' DAVIS: "That.permission be granted." CORBETT: Carried. I I· I 1 I A letter from Canadian Johns-Manville Co.Ltd. concerning the use 1 1 of their pt"essure pipe in future town water main constructions 1· was· read. DAVIS: "That this letter be received and filed BELL: and a meeting arranged with a committee of·· council." Carried. A letter from the City of Woodstock containing a reso.lution from their council concerning certain amendments to the Planning Act. was read. STODDART: "That this letter be referred to the Planning PATRICK: Committee for study and recommendation." Carried • • I I ' i ~ lj :· .. I 7TH REGULAR -5 - l)~~ELEGATIONS: . . . . 1, An engineer for Sunnybrook .sub-division appeared ·. S • J. Jo~oP to asnwer questions that council might · /(EJ..XcR, . April 4th, 1960. : on behalf of Mr. desire to ask. Mayor Murray advised that council is concerned concerning the close down of Sunnybrook development and realizedthat the contractor in charge in this area had become financially embarrassed. Mayor Murray asked the engineer what has happened. The engineer advised that the matter wa,s now in the hands of the. Bonding Co. and that a separation report was being pr-epared at this .tiriJ.e. Mayor Murray further stated that a very dan.gerous condition exists along Wellington Street West where water is quite deep in the old creek bed, and the engineer explained that this condition might be rectified by either filling in the creek or by drainage. · Mayor Murray stated that we are requesting some action and furtherlithat there had been an agreenien;t, with Toronto York Roads Commission for the sub-divider to fill in this creek and what assurance will we have that it will be fixed. The engineer promised that council will receive an answer with regards to this. matter very shortly. Mayor Murray brought to councils attention that the President of .the Regency Acres Ratepayers Assoqie,ttion was present this evening, and further that he would like to report that the mariner of the turnout in last Saturdays vote under the Liquor Licei;tce Act, was certainly commendable by the, sub-divisions.. Mayor Murrey .stated he felt that this· is a trend .of what is goii;tg to take place in the future·and compliriJ.ented the sub-divisions on the manner of their turnout. Mayor Murray stated t:P,at the .question has arisen as to where the new stores wou1d locate and felt that the north and south end of the sub-divisions were responsible in bringing them to town and felt they now have a right to enquire as to their location. Mr. Topp stated that he felt the south end of town is a logical place, and thanked Mr. Murray for his kind words •.. Meyor Murray then advised that it was up to the Liquor Control Board to decide where these stores will be built. ·· · REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Reeve Davis presented a verbal report and stated'that a meeting had been.held recently with representatives of the Municipal Service Comp~ with regards to house numbering in ~ of. t:P.e forthcoming house mail delivery. ·Reeve Davis stated he felt something should be· done shortly .in this matter, and desired to see it turned over to·a committee for study and make a report back to council. Reeve Davis further stated that the Municipal Service Comp~ were directed to the Town of Aurora by the Post Office Department in Ottawa. Councillor Stoddart felt there should b.e a letter from the Post Office Department stating that our house numberii;tg at present is not adequate for home mail delivery. Councillor' Child stated that it was his understanding that the Post Office Department were not satisfied with. the A-B prefixes pertaining to numbers c 7th REGULAR - 6 - April 4th, 1960 in Regency Acres, and yet the Municipal Service Company representatives had advised that they contemplated the use of A & B•s on Yonge Street and the commcercial area. Councillor Child stated that if we hope to get postal delivery, every house ·must be numbered and everyone should be so advised to have. their house numbers erected. Councillor Corbett stated he has not heard a word from the Department-concerning dElivery, and felt that they will want houses to be. numbered in such a way that mail carriers might effect ·mail delivery as easily as possible, and further that the matter of slots in doors or baske.ts outside must be decided upon prior to this delivery service. BELL: DAVIDSON: "That the town :write the Post Office Department and requ'esttheir official guidance.concerning house numbering, door slots, ·etc •• " Councillor Hammond stated.on quering the use.of A1 s. and B•s in house numbering Mr. Copland had advised that the post office would accept such numbering. The motion was' then carried. Councillor Child stated that further to Councillor Corbetts remarks with 11.egards to a temporary addition to the post office that the town engineer had received a letter from an architect and upon enquiring he had stated that a permanent addition was conteniilated, ·and· Councillor Child .felt that this· would be in line with the one in Newmarket. Councillor Davidson stated that the town roads are in very poor condition and felt that the town was at this time in.need of a grader; and subsequently presented a report of the Works Coilimi ttee in which the committee respectively submit the following , "Subsequent to meetings of the Works Committee it is highly recommended that a 610 Adams Grader be purchase,d at a cost of $14,500.00". DAVIDSON: PATRICK: "That the report of. the Works Committee with regards to purchasing a grader at a cost of $14,500.00 be approved and these monies be expended from the capital levy reserve fund and the· seal of the corporation be attached hereto•" Discussion to this motion followed and Councillor Stoddart stated that we must first obtain permission from the Department of Municipal Affairs to utilize capital levy's monie·s for such a purpose. Mayor Murray stated that he did not feel at this time that we can q\lalify' suc'h an expense. Councillor Child suggested that our Town Engineer.be instructed to draw up specifications and obtain approximate costs to cover I i - I 7th REGULAR -7 -April 4th, 1960 the paving of all the streets now approved by the Town of Aurora and that the payment for the cost of these works to be mad!! from the issue of debentures over a period of years~ Councillor ··Child stated he felt it is about time we paved all the roads in town. · · Councillor Davidson stated it was his feeling that what might be saved on oiling each year together with government .subs.idi.e.s ·. received on this road paving program will certainly help towards the payment of annual debenture charges. Councillor Stoddart stated that we should ascertain, prior to going ahead on our own if we will obtain a grant.each year from the .Department of Highways. Reeve Davis stated that prior 'to considering the motion with regards the purchase o:f the grader lets consider this· matter suggested by Councillor Child and :felt further that Councillor Child 1 8 suggestion should include the construction of sidewalks. Deput-Reeve Patrick stated that this was a good idea but it must be remembered.that when we consider the paving of streets that we must also consider the installation o:f storm sewers. Councillor Cqrbett stated that subsequent to .what Councillor Child has brought forward that we should hold up the motion regarding the purchase of a grader till we :find out where we stand. Deput~­ Reeve Patrick advised that a grader might be used on. paved roads as well as others, and felt that it is a necessity this time. Mayor Murray stated that possibly a'snow blower would be more appropriate than a grader. Reeve Davis stated that it was felt that we are running away with our capital levy monies. Connaillor Child stated it was still nis :feeling that the first six months the new grader would be worked like·a new toy and then left to gather rust, and further that we can rent this type of equipment. .Councillor Child stated that this grader alSo cost money to operate that another operator would be required. · ·· · · The motion was then defeated. CHILD: STODDART: "That our·TownEngineer be instructed · to draw up details and .obtain approximate costs. to vover the paving o:f all ·.the streets now approved by the Town of Aurora and that the payment be ,made :from debentures to be. issued by t.he Town." . ' Carried. Councillor Child brought to councils attention that a certain industry who wish to remain anonymous were considering locating in Aurora and that they considered Aurora the most likely location if they are able to :find suitable land. Councillor Child stated they· are gp ing to visit the· town again when the land is clear o:f snow and are trying to obtain a certain parcel. Councillor Child stated that the acreage involved would be 5 acres and that mostly men employees would be hired, and .further that they anticipate expanding rapidly once they were to commence. Councillor Child 7th REGULAR - 8 - April 4th, 1960. further stated that another enquiry had been received last week through the Depar""J;ment of Planning and Development, however, this i~dustry desire to locate further away from the city of Toronto to. avoid union trouble and therefore Aurora was not in the picture. UNFINISHED. BUSINESS Councillor Davidson brought to cou~cils attention the matter concerning the cost of graveling Murray Drive and stated that according to correspondence he had etc. that the cost of granular fill and the shaping and compacting of this section of road should cost the town 5o% or $1,377 .{l:t. .Deputy-Reeve Patrick stated he had enquired and understood that the town had originally agreed to pay one half of the cost of granular fill as .Councillor Davidson has set forth. REEVE DAVIS: "That we carry on past the hour of ll.p.m." Carried. Councillor Child stated that it was his understanding that the Town.had agreed to pay 5o% of $7,000.00 and no more, and Mayor · Murray suggested that he invite representatives from Consolidated Building Corporation in for a discussion, and it was suggested that Mr. Shangman and the engineer, P. Thomas appear. · Councillor Davidson further to the above stated that Consolidated BuildingCorporation had installed certain services up to January . 12th, 1960, and they were to pay according to their agreement .. threequarter of 1% engineering fees. Councillor Davl..dson brought to councils attention that the town office had not billed Consolidated Building Corporation for this amount nor.'Jlad we received one cent from them, and felt'that'this is very poor business on our part. Councillor Davidson further stated that Consolidated Building Corporation is still holding back the $7,000.00 owing to the town and felt.that thE!Y should be billed immediately'for the engineering fees a,ndfor this $7,000.00 that they owe us. Mayor Murray stated that he felt they should be brought to council to discuss this matter. · Col,l.ncillor. Davidson then brought to councils attention that it should be considered time we thought about a water line for Loblaws and advised that a valve is required for water off Murray Drive. The Town Engineer was authorized to order this valve and.tool. . ' Councillor Davidson then advised on· the matter of an elevation of properties in Mr. Kelner•s,sub-division and stated that the town had considered a. letter·from.Mr. Keln!'lr was sufficient, but the town engi~eer,had desired an agreement be draw up, and asked if we had. heard from our town solicitor. Councillor Child stated we should. review the minutes and fo+low this matter through. ' .\;, Councillor Bell brought ·to councils attention a drainage problem that exists on Irwin Avenue, and stated that one lot had not been filled in and had now become a lake. Councillor Bell asked if [~! : I I ! I_. 1 r l ~: 7th REGULAR - 9 - April 4th, 1960. there was a chance to look over the situation and see what might be done to aleviate this condition. BY-LAWS BELL~ HAMMOND: "That leave be given to introduce a by-law to licence regulate and govern lodging houses and that the same be now read a first time." Carried. The By-law was then read a first time. Mayor Murray stated that the first reading of this by-law will definitely show the complexities of this matter. Councillor Hammond state.d that at this time only the first reading should be given and that each councillor should take time to read this by-law and study it thoroughly before its second reading. Councillor Hammond then thanked the town solicitor for his work in preparing this by-law. The town solicitor Lee then explained an outline of the by-law and certain matters that should be considered by council prior to its final decision. CORBETT: "That the meeting adjourn". PATRICK: The meeting then adjourned.