MINUTES - Council - 19600307I '
"That the Minutes of February lst, 8th and 15th,
1960 be adopted as prin~ed and circulated,"
A letter from Mr. Jack
establish a school for
of .Aurora was read.
Renz requesting permission of Council to
the instruction of safe driving in the Town
"That this application be granted to operate a
school for the instruction of safe driving at
211 Yonge Street South, Aurora."
The above motion was withdrawn until such time as Mr. Renz verifies
in writing that he will operate this school for the instruction of
safe. driving from 212 Yonge Street South in. Aurora.
A letter from the Recreation Commission advising council that Dr.
Rex Sedore had resigned as the Junior Chamber of Commerce
representative on the Recreation Commission.
DAVIS: "That Mr. Harry Graham, Machell Avenue, Aurora,
PATRICK: be appointed to the Aurora Recreation Commission,"
A letter from Mrs. Helen Clark, Hillview Road, asking town .council
if anything is being done to enforce the Dog Con'trol By-law in
Aurora, and in par~ic~lar on Hillview Road, was read.
"That this letter be acknowledged and Mrs. Clark
advise that ac.tibn be taken and' the dog catcher
instructed to make more frequent calls in this
area of town,"
A letter from the Horticultural Society requesting financial
assistance in the form of a grant for the year 1960 was read.
',~ ...
"'" ..
March 7th, 1960.
This matter was referred to the Finance Committee for study and
A letter from Corby's Cleaner Service, Scarborough, Ontario, requesting
permission to inaugorate a pick-up service in Aurora was read.
"That this letter be referred to the Services
Committee for study and. recommendation,"
A letter from W.R. Case Real Estate advising council that the
correction of a sewer service at Lot 21, Tyler Street would be
made to the satisfaction of the Town of Aurora as soon as frost
conditiohs permit was read,
"That this letter be received and filed and
brought forward in IVJay 1960,"
A letter from IVJr. Gerald Preston, Regency Acres, requesting permismion
to operate the Aurora Driving School in the Towu of Aurora operating
from Vern Gowan's Imperial Esso Station on Yonge Street, was read,
"That this letter be referred to the Police
Committee for study and recommendation."
A letter from IVJr, W,W, Edmond, 130 Yonge Street South, thanking the
Aurora Fire Department for their prompt action in supplying oxygen
during the recent attack of his wife, together with a cheque to be
credited to the Firemens Benefit Fund was read,
"That a copy of this letter be forwarded to the
Aurora Fire Department and that the thanks of
council be forwarded to the Fire Department
A letter from IVJr. R, Harrison with regard to the
on town property on Wellington Street was read,
referred to the Streets Committee for study,
removal of snow
This letter was
A letter from W, R. Case with regards to the construction of an
attached brick garage on Wenderly Drive was read,
"That this matter be referred to new business,;,
: I
! -~
March 7th, 1960 - 3 -5TH REGULAR
A letter from the Aurora Hydro Elec;t:i:lic Commission requesting
the Town to issue a letter authorizing the borrowing, on a
temporary basis, $100,000.00 for capital purposes for the Hydro,
in 1960, was read.
This matter was held in abeyance until Mayor Murray got in touch
with the Aurora Hydro the following morning.
Reeve Davis requested Fire Chief H, Jones to explain to council
the matter of fire alarm boxes in the Town of Aurora. Fire Chief
H. Jones explained that he had written to the Canadian Underwriters
Association and in conjunction with their reply and the fact that
• two false alarms in the, past month or so had ,-cost • $150, that he
recommends the old system be taken out completely and that four new
fire alarm boxes be loc'ated, Reeve Davis stated that prior to the
1960 budget being brought down these alarm boxes should be taken_
into consideration and that we require boxes that lock and this would
do away with the present type that do not lock, It was decided that
this matter be referred to the Fire Committee for study and
Mayor Murray introduced l'/lr, Topp, President of Regency Acres Rate-
payers Association, and invited him to attend council with any
problems at any time,
l'llr. John Offord appeared before council and presented a 1960 budget
of the Auro'ra Recreation Commission, and stated that the same
assistance was requested as in 1959.
"That the request of the, Recreation Commission
be referred to the Finance Committee for
Counc.illor Stoddart advised that several meetings had been held
concerning the setting of the 1960 budget, and that one or two
more meetings were required in order to finalize the budget,
Councillor Davidson stated he would like to congratulate the Town
Superintendent and his men on an excellent job accomplished during
the last two snow storms. Councillor Davidson further reported
that tbe Davey Tree Company had been engaged to cut and trim trees
in the town that were rotten. Councillor Davidson stated that an
expert on tree cutting being a representative of the Department of
Lands _and Forests had, presented a report concerning the large elm
March 7, 1960 - 4 -
at Laramount and Wellington Streets, and that this gentleman
has stated that the tree will live eight to ten years, but
there are many dead limbs each year and if left until there is
more dead wood, then it would indeed b'e dangerous to take this
tree down at this time. Councillor Davidson s·tated tha11 the
same advice had been received from two other sources who had~
reported that the tree should come down.
Councillor Corbett stated that if the tree is a menace to people
in the vicinity then it should be taken down. Reeve Davis stated
1 that apparently this tree is causing alarm to those living nearby · · ·1
and felt we had no other alteor'native but to take it down.
"That the Davey Tree Company be instructed
to take the elm tree at Laramount and
Wellington Streets down."
Councillor Davidson advised council that he was able to receive
correspondence on the·graveling of the 600ft of Murray Drive
from Consolidatea Building Corporation and read the cor~espondence
pertaining to this subject. General discussion followed in this
matter and it was decided that a request for a breakdown on the
actual cost would be requested in order that we may ascertain how
the road was fixed in detail.
Councillor Davidson enquired if the three quarter of 1% engineering
fees was being collected from Consolidated Building Corporation
pursuant to provisions of the sub-division agreement. It was
decided that this matter be checked with the Town Solicitor, Mr.Lee.
Councillor Davidson further 'stated that Aurora Heights Limited had
deposited with the town a cheque in the amount of $7,000.00 in
connection with Proctor's dam and that this cheque could now be
returned to them.
Councillor Davidson then stated that the hazard on Wellington
Street West near George Street and that the creek was full of
water, and if this matter had been looked into. Mayor Murray
stated that a letter had been forwarded to Mr. S.J. Kelner that
·the towD would. clean up with matter and charge accordingly. The
Town Engineer advised that this letter had not been sent until it
was ·ascertained just what remedy the town might take to alleviate
this condition. Councillor Patrick stated that we should not
take over large jobs for sub-dividers and that the task of placing
in a culvert to drain this water is impossible. DepuW..Reeve
Patrick stated that this hole should be filled in and this would
require heavy equipment.
"That we purchase and erect a snow fence around
this hole, charge Mr. S.J. Kelner accordingly
and make arrangements in writing with Mr.Kelner
to rectify this situation."
~ I
- 5 -
March 7th, 1960.
"That lVIr. s.J. Kelner be written and notified
of this situation and allowed 48 hours to
advise the Town as to his intentions in .
rectifying the matter and that this letter go
forward by registered mail."
Councillor Davidson then brought to councils attention a letter
received from 19A Davis Road with regards to the erection of a
hedge, and t,he engineer explained the situation as it exists.
It was then decided that the Streets Committee have a meeting
with th~s gentleman to iron out this situation.
Councillor Bell presented a report of the By-laws Committee
concerning tra,tfic by-laws in which the committee respectively
submit the f~llowing:
"That the By-law Committ.ee suggest that the
By-law re ! load be tabled, as we find that
we would, be strangling our industry in the
districts not serviced by industrial base
roads. Also the Committee suggests that a
meeting of all members of Council be called
to discuss further changes and additions to
the Traffic By-laws after the budget has
been struck.
"That the report of the By-laws Committee
be accepted."
Councillor Child presented a report of the Town Planning Committee
re Lloyd property in which the committee respectively submit the
"That members of the above committee together
with the Mayor, Councillor Hammond, Corbett
and Davidson met on Tuesday February 23rd,l960
to discuss the offer made by Mrs. Lloyd for the
extension of Centre Street, sewer and watermain
easements. After considerable discussion it was
agreed that the sum of $4,500.00 was quite
reasonable in view of the trouble lVIrs. Lloyd has
been put to through the past years.
It was pointed out that the Town would require
further land to extend Industry Street north
from Wellington Street East to the north line
of the Lloyd property which would mean an
additional purchase of property. It was agreed
that Councillor Child should contact Mrs. Lloyd
to see what price she would want for approximately
the same area.
- 6 -March 7th, 1960,
At a further sho,rt. me.eting held on Thursday
February 25th,l960, Councillor Child reported
back to the members that Mrs. Lloyd had told
him that she was thinking of the same sum for
the land required by the Town, It was felt
that it should be based upon the same price per
foot as the Lloyd offer, A check revealed that
on the same basis the price for the land should
be $3225.00,
"That the Town Planning Committee 's report re
the Lloyd property be approved, and the Seal
of the Corporation be attached hereto."
Councillor Child presented a report of the Committee of the Whole
re the Lloyd property in which the Committee respectfully submit
the following: ·
"That on Monday, February 29th,l960 Reeve Davis,
Deputy-Reeve Patrick, Councillors, Child,
Corbett and Davidson, and Stoddart, with
Councillor Child in the Chair met with Mr. and Mrs,
I.loyd to discuss the offer mad.e by them for the
property required by the Town for the extension
of Centre Street, sewer and watermain easements
and pumphouse site,
Councillor Child stated that the Committee had
met and felt that the Committee was prepared to
offer ~~3, 225,00 f.or the property the Town needs
for the extension of Industry Street, Mr. and
W~s. Lloyd agreed that this sum was quite
agreeable to them, and requested that the
necessary agreements be concluded,
A sketch of the plan, as per attached, was given
to Mrs. Lloyd and Councillor Child was to instruct
the Town Solicitor to draw up the necessary
agreements. It was agreed by Mrs, Lloyd that
payment could be made in two payments, the first
to be made on March 22nd, 1960, and the second
the next year, March 22nd, 1961.
!'That the report of the Council as a Committee
of the Whole re the Lloyd property, Wellington
Street East and dated March 1st, 1960 be
approved and that the Seal of the Corporation
be attached hereto,"
Councillor Child reported that. an application for a permit had been
received from Messrs, Skinner and Merritt to construct a service
station,, apparently on the. Moughan property in Aurora. Councillor
Child stated his personal opinion and said we have sufficient service
March 7th, 1960. - 7 -
stations and does not feel that we should entertain any additional
"That permission not be granted this
Councillor Child brought to councils attention an application for
a permit with regards to No.33 Victoria Street, the homestead lot,
for an extension to the existing funeral home. Reeve Davis
enquired if they are comp+~ng with the town requirements with
regards to setback line, and Councillor Child replied "Yes".
"That~this application for a building permit
he--'··approve d. "
' Carried,
Councillor Child brought forward the matter from W.R. Case with
regards_ to constructing an attached brick garage on Wenderley
Drive and suggested that possibly by moving the garage back one
foot or eliminating one foot from its length, they would comply
with the town by-law. Councillor Child stated he will discuss
this matter with Mr. Case and see if an adjustment might be made
so that this matter would come within the requirements of the
Councillor Corbett presented a report of the Property Committee
re the waterworks house, in which the committee respectfully
submit the following:
"That a meeting of the Property-Committee
on the subject of painting and dec orating
the house at the waterworks ~ a price of
$425.00 was tendered by A.W. Heard. This
was the lowest of two tenders received,
and the committee recommend that Mr.Heard
be notified that his tender be accepted."
"That the council accept the tender of
A.W. Heard to paint and decorate the
waterworks house. Completely papered
rooms etc., two coats of paint on
woodwork at a cost of $425.00 and the
Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto."
Councillor Corbett brought to councils attention that another tender
in connection with the decorating of the waterworks house had been
received this evening, but had not been opened since it was received
too late.
BELL: "That this t"ender be returned unopened."
STODDART: Carried.
5th REGULAR - 8 -
March 7th, 1960.
Councillor Corbett presented a report of the Teenage Club Committee
re their request that representatives of council attend their
meeting in which the committee respectfully submit the following:
"That the above committee attended a meeting
of t~e Teenage Club Directors and plans for
a town house league softball organization
were discussed, Also the Directors of the
Club are interested in ascertaining through
their organization the Recreation Commission,
Schools, etc, the potential need for facilities
as tennis etc,
"That this report be received and filed,"
The matter of a By-law approving the Town of Aurora's accepting
its share of·the new High School to be built at King Township
was brought forward, and Reeve Davis accepted the Chair,
Mayor Murray addressed his remarks to council as follows:
Mayor Murray brought to councils attention that it is his duty
as head of the council to communicate with them from time to \
time and make recommendations as to measures that may tend to ·
the improvement of the finances of the municipality. At this
time Mayor Murray stated: "I wish to pass my opinion that we
would be financially ill advised to participate in the construction
and maintenance of another academic high school in this present
school area. Mayor Murray stated that the school would be built
outside of our municipal boundaries and not one single pupil from
Aurora would be attending it, and therefore, the present method of
financing such, a. school would be enti;rely unfair to the Aurora
taxpayer, Mayor Murray sta:te.d he would now ask this council to
send a. resolution to County Council stating that we are objecting .1
to, Clause 5 of the proposed By-law No: 2914 and if By-law No:
2914 is to be given a third reading it will have to be revised
because under the present financial arrangements, we of Aurora
find it most financially unsound, and ;ne:reby go on record as
stating we do not wish to,be financially obligated towards this
new school. Mayor Murray then pointed out to the press and
radio stations .that at no time in the last few moments have I
used the name of any municipality except that of our own, the
Town of Aurora."
Councillor Child requested that Clause 5 of the By-law be read,
and this was done. Councillor Stoddart asked how this Clause
might be revyorded, and Councillor Child felt there may be some
possible rewording so that the Town of Aurora may eliminate
itself from the High School district at any other time·following
a survey that was contemplated.
I . l .
March 7th, 1960. -9-5TH REGULAR
General discussion took place f'ollowing this matter, and it was
finally decided that the Town either approve or object, and
should an objection be raised, then the Town of Aurora's objection
should be forwarded to the interim Municipal Board.
"That a letter be written to County Council
that the Town of Aurora at this time objects
to Clause 5. of proposed By-law No: 2914,
that particulars of our objection will be
Mayor Murray in the Chair,
Councillor Child brought to councils attention the matter of Mr. L.
Sauro's sub-division, and stated that their directions from planning
and development was that the town must take 5% of the land, however,
Mr. Sauro says he received a different version, and Mr. Hidaka of
the Department of Planning and Development told him that any land
acceptable to the town would meet with Planning and Developments
approval, It was decided that this be received in writing from the
Department of Planning and Development in order to further this
Councillor Corbett asked if anything had been done in connection with
crosswalks, and Reeve Davis stated that a meeting would be held as
soon as the budget had been finalized,
DAVIS: "That the meeting adjourn,"
The meeting then adjourned.
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MAYOR 7/-·-· •t --~7