MINUTES - Council - 19600105~ ' l I <"'O''CJ ' 1 l~ l·.::lf ,.,.,., i MINUTES OF THE 1ST REC1ULAR MEETING OF COUNCIL HELD. IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 5TH, 1960 AT 8:00 P.M. PRESENT: MAYOR: REEVE: DEPUTY REEVE: COUNCILLORS: DAVIS: PATRICK: CORRESPONDENCE D.J. MURRAY (IN THE CHAIR) C.F. DAVIS S.G. PATRICK BELL, CHILD, CORBETT, DAVIDSON, HANmOND AND STODDART. "That the minutes of December 4th, 8th and 21st, 1959 be adopted as printed and circulated." Carried, A letter from Miss J. Burling tendering her resignation effective on the 15th day of January, 1960 was read. Reeve Davis stated he was sorry tnat Miss Burling saw fit to tender her resignation and that she was indeed very capable and not too many attain th~ statis of Deputy Clerk at such an early age. CHILD: DAVIS: "That Miss Burling's resignation be accepted with regret and the Town advertise for a replacement." Carried. A letter from the Upper Holland Valley Conservation"Authority request- ing notification.of the appointment of a member to this Authority for the year 1960 was read. STODDART: DAVIDSON: "That Harold Pringle be re-appointed to the Upper Holland Valley Conservation Authority for the year 1960." Carried. • A letter from the Ontario Association of Rural Municipalities concern- ing the Twenty-eighth Anl'mal Convention of this Association· to be held on February 15th and 16th, 1960 was read. Council decided to hold this aatter in ~beyance· untii the next Regular Meeting of Council. A letter''from the· Town of Aurora Planning Board contain;ip$he follow- ing resolution -"That tne names of Mr. Mill,s and Mr. Wims be sub- mitted to Council for appointment as members of the Board for a further 3 year perioq" was read. · · · CHILD: STODDART: -('.~·o:'." "That the recommendation of the Aurora Planning Board be approved as follows - that Frank Wims and s. Mills be re- commended for appointment to the Aurora Town Planning Board· for a 3 year term. 11 1ST REGULAR - 2 -January 5th, 1960 Discussion followed this motion in which Deputy Reeve Patrick inquired if the two men recommended by the Planning Board were actually active on the Board and Councillor Child advised that they were indeed very active. Deputy Reeve Patrick further stateg that in his opinion Keith Nisbet's name should be included since he_w~s a man that was very conversant with planning and definitely k~ows the area. Councillor Child stated that both rdr. Wims and Mr. Nulls were Engineers and neither miss m~etings and more important last year two new men were added to the Planning Board and certain older members should remain on th~ Planning Board to ass:i,.st the newer members through their ,--.. ~~· exper~ence. I "··"-'' Councillor Hammond stated he would like to bring Keith Nisbet's name forward as a proposed member. HAMl'IIOND: DAVIDSON: "Amendment to the motion that Keith Nisbet's name be proposed as a member of the Aurora Planning Board. 11 • Further discussion followed this amendmellt and the vote on the amend~ . ( ment to the motion was taken and the _§Jllendment was defeated. A vote on the motion was then taken and the-motion was Garried, I • A letter from Mr. H.E. Seston_expressing his desire to resign as.a representative for Aurora on the Board of Directors of the York County Hospital was read. Mayor Murray stated that this matter should be held over for discussion and recommendation and brought forward at the ~ext Regular ~eeting of Council. A letter from Miss Marjorie Andrews, Aurora Librarian, thanking Council for the presentation to her of t4e Merit Award together with the roses for twenty-five years serv~ce in the Aurora Public Library was read. DAVIDSON: "That this letter be accepted and filed." PATRICK: Carried. A letter from lV!r. & Mrs. G.R. Ardill thanking C~uncil fo~ the basket of flowers they received on the 50th Wedding Anniversary was read. DAVIS: PATRICK: "That this letter be filed. 11 Carried.· Mayor r~rray requested that anyone who is aware of any person in the Town attaining their 50th Wedding Anniversary·to advise him since it is a policy of the Town to acknowledge 50th Wedding Anniversarys. DELEGATIONS Three gentlemen advised Council that they were at this meeting only as a matter of interest to hear any discussion with regards to lV!r. Bower- man's boarding home on Spruce Street. : ·l·· '''.''-"'' l .. , ... ,.,, fl l ' '·--' Janu,ary 5th, . 1960 .,. 3 -1ST REGULAR REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Reeve Davis advised Council that a meeting had been held last week and present were himself, Mayor Murray, Councillors Stoddart and Davidson and Dr. King of the York County Health Unit and discussion had taken place with regards to this home on Spruce Street. Mayor Murray' stated that legal action should be taken to see that this home is put out of action. Councillor Davidson advised he was thinking about the people involved and stated that these people ]ll'e attempting to make a comeback. Councillor Davidson stated it is a hard decision to make and particul- arly if there i,s a possible chance that·· something might go wrong should these people locate in this home and that he was unable to vote for it if there was only one chance that something might go wrong. Councillor Stoddart stated that we must prptect the people on this street.and can't allow such an institution to exist when so many people are against it. Mayor Murray stated that this home is located in the wrong place and as such is definitely out of order. Councillor Stoddart further stated that it would appear that .this is a straight commercial venture. Reeve Davis said he would go along with Councillor Stoddart's views and that this is not the place for such a home. CORBETT: BELL: "That we ins.truct the Town Solicitor to commence legal proceedings to prohibit· such a home being established in this area. 11 . Carried. Reeve Davis then took the Chair andNayor Murray presented a report of the Striking Committee and stated that this Committee had spent con- siderable time making the selection of Committees for the year 1960 and trusts that it meets with the approval of Counc.il. Mayor Murray then read the list of Committees as follows: FINANCE WORKS PARKS PLANNING PROPERTY FIRE-POLICE SERVICES BY-LAWS INDUSTRIAL Chairman STODDART DAVIDSON PATRICK CHILD CORBETT DAVIS HAJIIIIVIOND BELL lVIURRAY Vice-Chair. CHILD PATRICK HA1VllVIOND DAVIDSON BELL STODDART CORBETT DAVIS DAVIS .Member HAJIIIJVIOND DAVIS CHILD STODDART PATRICK DAVIDSON BELL CORBETT CHILD 1960 BOARD REPRESENTATIVES PARKS RECREATION ARENA PLANNING BELL: DAVIDSON: PATRICK CORBETT STODDART CHILD HAJIIIIVIOND BELL HAlVIl'I10ND DAVIDSON "That we accept the recolllillendation of the Striking Committee." Carried. 1ST REGULAR - 4 "-January 5, 1960 Mayor Murray then took the Chair. The report of the Police Constables received in the latter part of 1959 was then turned over to the Chairman of the Police Committee for study and recomm.endation.' BY-LAWS DAVIS: CORBETT: "That leave be given to introduce a by-law to repeal By-law No. 1360 being a by-law to appoint an Industrial Committee and that the same be now read a first time." Carried. \," ~~The by-law was then read a first time. DAVIDSON: PATRICK: "That the by-law now before the Council be read a second time and ~hat the Council resolve itself into the committee of the whole for that purpose.". Carried. The by-law was then read a second time.and all members of Council were in favour of the second reading. CHILD: HAMMOND: . PATRICK: CHILD: BELL: DAVIS: '"That the by-law now befor.e the Council be read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of By-law Number 862 be suspended for that purpose." Carried • "That the third reading of the by-law be taken as read. 11 Carried. "That leave be given to introduce a by-law to amend By-law No. 1354 to appoint a Committee.of Adjustment and that the same be now read a first time," Carried. The by-law was then read a first time. PATRICK: DAVIDSON: "That the by.,-law now before the Council be read a second time and that the Council resolve itself into a committee of the whole for that purpose." · ,I General discussion took place on the commencement of the second reading of the by-law and controversy occurred in the names to be inserted in the appropriate years and it was decided that this by-law be held over for study and recommendation and brought forward at the next regular meeting of Council. n I_ I !-I ! .1. I _,- ] .1~1 L.J i. I I , 1 ~-: l : i i ,_~'C-''~ h January 5, 1960 BELL: DAVIS: - 5 - 1ST REGULAR .. "That leave be given to introduce a by-law to borrow temporarily $150,000.00 until taxes are collected and that the same be . now· read a first time. " Carried. The by-law was then read a first time. STODDART: PATRICK:· CORBETT: CHILD: "That the by-law now before the Council be read a second t.ime and tha.t .the Council resolve itself into.a committee of the whole for that purpose." Carried, "That t,he. second reading of the by-law be taken as read." Carried. All members were in favour of the second reading of the by-law. HAJVllVJOND : CHILD: PATRICK: CHILD: "That the by-law now before the Council be read a third time this day,and that .Rule 22 of By-law No. 862 be suspended for that purpose. 11 Carried. ".That the third reading ·Of the by-law be taken as read·•" Carried. The Town Solicitor, Mr. L.C. Lee, appeared before Council in connection with the home on Spruce Street and stated that the only ground he was aware of for legal' action is that the area is strictly residential. Mayor Murray then brought.to Mr. Lee's attention that Section 260 of the Municipal Act states that every Council may pass such by-laws and make such regulat.i.ons for the. health, safety, morality and welfare of the inhabitants of the Municipalities in matters not specifically providlild for by.this Act as may be deemed expedient. Mayor Murray advised Mr. Lee that they require his legal guidence to prohibit this type of housing and that this.guidence should be undertaken with speed. Mr. Lee thanked Mr. Murray for explaining this situation .and advised that he now knows how to.proceed and will.investigate the matter immediately. Mayor Murray stated that the Clerk and Councillor Hammond would keep Council informed as. to -pro.gress in this matter. NEW BUSINESS Councillor Corbett stated that last year a gentleman had appeared before them in connection with a Safety Program on thE? stree.ts and felt that this matter should be started early in 1960 in order that cross-walks might be inaugurated by the spring. Councillor Child stated that if. at any time we required any further assistance the gentleman would be glad to come to Council and explain so that people might become con- scious of cross-walks, •. 1ST REGULAR - 6 - January 5, 1960 Mayor Murray stated that a representative of the Department of Highways had visited him yesterday wi.th regards to traffic lights at Murray Drive and Yonge Street and stated that .this, should it take place, would definitely slow down traffic entering the Town. Mayor Murray ask Council if it was their. wish for us to write this gentleman and have him come to Council for the next meeting. It was decided that this should be done. 111ayor 111urray then inquired of Council if Council were interested in becoming a member of .the Toronto Industrial Commission and Council ~~~ stated that they were indeed interested in this matter. DAVIS: STODDART: "That the· amount of approximately $500.00 be approved to join the Toronto Industrial Commission for the year 1960 and the Seal of the Corporation be attached thereto." · Carried. Council·lor Davidson inquired of Council if there was any merit in sending a resolution to the Government requesting that they spread out their development rather than have everything located at the Lake Shore which tends to cause a tremendous density of both people· and industries and this would be def·ini tely bad· should war develop. It was decided that the Industrial Committe& would study this mattelr and make a report. Mayor Murray inquired with regard to a fut'ure meeting regarding side boundaries and Councillor Child stated that·a meeting would be held next week on Tuesday evening, January 12th at 7:00p.m. to further this matter. STODDART: CHILD: "That a resolution of CounciL be ,forwarded to the Town of Bradford congratulating them on becoming a Town. 11 • ' Carried. Mayor Murray stated that last year's Committee Meetings. were not 100% organized and that this year notices must go out for all Committee Meetings and the notices must state the purpose of the meeting. Councillor Child recommended that we have a meeting of the Industrial Committee re the possibility of hiring.a Commissioner whosesalary will be paid for by the Subdividers. Councillor Child stated that the Subdividers must supply industrial and/or commercial assessment and they should all have a share in such a set-up. Mayor Murray stated there was merit in this proposal and it could be the answer to this problem. It was decided that at 8:00p.m. on Tuesday, January 12th, 1960 a meeting of the Industrial Committee would be called. It was further stated a Works Committee meeting wo~d be held on the same evening at 9:00p.m. with regards to the development of the new well. ~"- .1-·1 LJ l~l I I I I. January 5, 1960 - 7 - 1ST REGULAR Councillor Davidson inquired with regard to the payment of the cost of gravel on Murray Drive and it was decided that this matter would be iooked into. Mayor Murray stated that interest rates today are staggering and they may make or break a Municipality. Mayor Murray recommended that each Committee Chairman would get their estimates in for their Department as early as possible in 1960. DAVIS: CORBETT: CHILD: "That permission be granted the Clerk to start proceedings with regards to registra- tion for tax sale purposes of certain properties who are in arrears of taxes three years or more." Carried. "That the meeting adjourn." The meeting then adjourned,