MINUTES - Council - 19591208MINUTES OF OHAl'IIBER ON THE. 24TH REGULAR MEETING OF COUNCIL HELD IN THE COUNCIL' ·~36 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8TH, 1959 AT 8:00P.M. PRESENT: MAYOR: REEVE: DEPUTY REEVE: COUNCILLORS: DAVIS: ADAIR: CORRESPONDENCE A letter from the the need of lites left in the hands D.J. MURRAr (IN THE OHAIR) O.F. DAVIS O.K. NISBET ADAIR, CHILD, CORBETT, DAVIDSON, . PATRICK AND STODDART. · "That the minutes of November 2nd, 9th and 16th, 1959 be adopted as printed and circulated." Carried. retail section of The Aurora Board of Trade respecting in the town parking lots was read. This matter was of Mayor Murray to study and make a recommendation. ' A copy of a letter from Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation to Mr. Lloyd with regards to· their property on Wellington Street East was read. It was decided that this matt~r be held over to the next meeting. A letter from the 'Salvation Army requesting financial assistance in order to construct new quarters for their members was read. Council directed that a letter be forwarded advising the Salvation Army that this type of assistance has never been undertaken by the Town of Aurora in prior years and further that no monies are available for this purpose in the municipal budget for 1959. It was further stated that this matter w.ould be ref.erred to the incoming Council of 1960. A letter from the University of Toronto thanking the Town of Aurora for their hospitality in the recent visit of the University students to the Town's. sewage treatment plant was read. NISBET,; DAVIS: "That this letter be filed." Carried. A letter from the Township of King advising that the Township will assume the $25.00 charge plus mileage in connection with the fire chief's services was read. NISBET: CHILD: 11 'Dhat the fire chief be sent a copy of this letter and that the letter be filed." Carried. A letter and resolution from the Town of Orangeville with regards to public school buildings to be erected in 1960 was read. NISBET: CHILD: "That this letter be referred to the Public School Board for comment." Carried. I "" ? 3'1 ' 24TH REGULAR - 2 - . December 8, 1959 · A letter from Consolidated Building Corporation Limited re Murray Drive, Regency Acres, Aurora containing an account for 50% of the total cost of strengthening and reinstating that portion of Murray Drive from Yonge Street to the limit of Sterling Drug was read. This account was referred to the Works Committee and Town Engineer for study and recommendation. Deputy Reeve Nisbet sta~ed that a request from the policemen with regards to salary requirements etc. for the year 1960 be referred to the 1960 police committee. REPORTS' OF COMMITTEES Deputy Reeve Nisbet presented an account of the Aurora Fire Dept. for services rendered for the year 1958-59. NISBET: CHILD: "That the amount of $7,391.25 be forwarded to the Aurora Fire Department for fire services rendered by membe'rs of the brigade for the year 1958-59 and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto." ·carried; Deputy Reeve Nisbet brought to Council's attention that the Inter- national fire truck went to Stratford for repairs. STODDART: NISBET: "That Christmas fowl be purchased by the Clerk~ for all town employees and that the same be purchased from the I.G.A.. Food Liner providing that each turkey does not exceed 20 lbs. and that the pr.ice is competative and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto." Carried. Councillor Davidson brought forward a recommendation for payment to Almsi Contracting Company as ~ecommended by the Town Engineer. ' DAVIDSON: CORBETT: Capital Accounts "That. the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto." Almsi Contracting Company Installation of 12" ~ Trunk Watermain & 24 11 ~ Trunk Sani tapy Sewer $4,000.00 Mayor Murray stated that he temporarily objected since it was his feeling that .the job should be cleaned up before any payment is made. DAVIDSON: CORBETT: "That we withold payment of $2,000.00 until thi.s clean up has been accomplished to the Town's satisfaction. Carried. -l I I ' ! . ~ .. ! -, J. •.. " I December 8, 1959 - 3 - ,24.TH REGULAR 238 Mayor Murray reported that the Department of Highways will be lowering the knoll at Yonge Street at the south end of Town and that approximately three feet would be lowered in order that the highway would end up with 500foot vision. Mayor Murray further reported that he had attended a recent meeting of the Ontario Mayors and Reeves who had presented a brief to Premier Frost and his .Cabinet. Mayor Murray stated that one. of the biggest problems presented was that School Boards be made fully responsible for school taxes and their collection and stated that Councils should have some control over the.amount .of monies spent by School Boards. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Councillor Davidson asked if the Town was making arrangements to give any extra money at Christmas time to town relief cases and it was decided that the committee would look into this matter. Councillor Adair brought forward the.matter of. the Government winter aid and felt that this would allow the Town to clean up the creeks during the winter months. Councillor Adair further stated that it would be a good idea to publicize this matter so that everyone might understand this situation. BY-LAWS DAVIS: ADAIR: "That leave be given to introduce a by-law to appoint a successor of a member'of the Public Library Board and that the same be now read a first time," Carried, The by-law was then read a first time. ADAIR: DAVIDSON: CORBETT: DAVIDSON: CHILD: STODDART: NISBET: DAVIS: "That the by-law now before the council be read a second time and that the council resolve itself into a committee of the whole for that purpose." "That the second reading of the by-law be taken as read." Carried. "That the by-law now before the council be read a third time this day and that rule 22 of By-law No. 862 be suspended for that purpose." "That the third reading of the by-law be taken as read." Carried. All in favour of the third reading of the by-law. Carried, 239 December 8, 1959 - 4 -24'.CH REGULAR NEW BUSINESS Councillor Child reported to Councii that the Town should put them- selves on record as not being responsible for flooding conditions that might occur with respect to Mr. Gelleny's house on Tyler Street and it was further decided that any buildings to be erected in Town that are out of the unusual should be referred to the Engineering Department prior to the issuance of a building permit. NISBET.: "That we adjourn." The meeting then adjourned. Q). I J