MINUTES - Council - 19590908MINUTES OF THE 18TH REGULAR lVJEETING OF COUNCIL HELD IN THE COUNCIL . -~ l 6 7 CHAMBER ON TUESDAY, SEPTElVJBER 8TH, 1959 AT 9:00P.M. PRESENT: MAYOR: REEVE: DEPUTY REEVE: COUNCILLORS: DAVIS: NISB]l!V: CORRESPONDENCE: D.J. MURRAY (IN THE CHAIR) C.F. DAVIS C.K. NISBET ADAIR, CHILD, CORBETT, DAVIDSON, PATRICK AND STODDART. "That the minutes of August 4th and 17th, 1959 be adopted as printed and circulated." Carried. A letter from Mrs. E. Zimmerman', Lot 28, Dunning Avenue, regarding the condition of stagnant water lying in the ditches on Dunning Avenue was read. NISBET: DAVIS: "That this matter be taken up with Mr. Lorne Cousins to attempt to remedy this situation." Carried. A letter from Consolidated Building Corporation Limited concerning the lowering of the 14 11 transite waterlhain on Davis Drive, a storm drainage ditch in the north west section of Regency Acres, the asphalting of Murray Drive from Yonge Street to the limit of Sterling Drugs and the . ' feeding of springs in the industrial area of Regency Acres was read. It wa~·dec1ded that in connection with the lowering of the 14 11 Transite watermain on·Davis Drive that the firm of Proctor & Redfern be advised that the{ must make the necessary financial· arrangements themselves or the cost of this lowering will be deducted from their holdback. A letter from Mrs. Ruth Fines, Yonge Street North, Aurora, requesting perm;i.ssion fJ:'Om qouncil to open a "Coffee Shop" was read. · NiSBET.: CHILD: . "That the necessary approval be granted subject to Mrs.·Fines receiving a licence and meeting the approval: of the Health Authorities." Carried. A letter from Roselawn.Farms Limited of Toronto requesting. a licence to distribute milk in the Town of Aurora was read. It was decided that Roselawn Farms Limited have a representative come to the next regular Council me.eting in. order that this matter may be d:Eussed more fully. \ ; ' ; ' 1G JlBTH REGULAR - 2 -September 8, 1959 A letter together with a copy of El, by-law in conBection with a temporary building permit being issued after in order that a construction of a dwelling up to the stage of having the footing poured might be issued and then the applicant must. file a sketch of survey made by an Ontario Land Surveyor showing the location of the structure on the Lot and the distance from the front and side Lot Lines was read. NISBET: CHILD: "That the necessary by-law be prepared in a marurer suitable for the Town of Aurora requirements and be·available for the next regular meeting of. Council•" Carried. A letter from Edward E, Johnson, Inc., St, Paul, Minn., stating that he will arrive in Aurora on September 14th with.regards to the . . development of the new well at the north end of Town was read, It was decided that Councillor Patrick and the Town Engineer would meet with Mr. Johnson on that date. The letter from the Furniture Shoppe, Richmond Hill, requesting per- mission to operate a furniture store on the premises known as 214· Yonge Street South, Aurora was read. NISBET: CHILD: "That permission to operate.afurniture storeat 214 Yonge Street South, AurOJ:'.a, be granted, 11 Carried. A letter from Horton Steel Works, Fort ' be in a position to repair the leak in tank on September 21st, 1959 was read, Erie, advising that they would the overfl.ow in the elevated It was decided that the tank might P?Ssibly be. emptied on Sunday, September 20th and. at the same time that hydrants in the Town might be flushed out. It was decided that a notice be inserted in the paper the week prior to the emptying of the tank. A letter from Norman E. Weller requesting permission to change the . . occupancy of the. building on rear of Lot 11, Plan 9 at 57 Temperance Street, Aurora, to operate' a body shop was read. It was decided that the building committee would visit this site and ascertain if permission might be granted for this body shop. A letter from the Town of Aurora Planning Board in which .they enclosed a bvochure from Interconsult, a:group of Consulting Engineers, covering certain aspects of planning in connection with the Town of Aurora was '•,, September. 8, . 1959 - 3 - 18TH REGULAR;:, .16 9 read. Deputy Reeve Nisbet suggested that each member of Council peruse this brochure prior to the next regular meeting of Council. A let.ter from the Minister of Planning and Development concerning the ,f,act .that all amendments to the Zoning Plan of the Towns prior to March, 1958, should be re-opened in order that they might be approved by the Ontario Municipal Board at a public hearing. It was decided that the Clerk look into this matter and ascertain if one by-law or four separate by-laws would suffice in this instance and that the same be prepared. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Councillor Patrick presented a verbal report in connection with the interim payment of the Statutory Gran~ from the Department of Highways. PATRICK: DAVID~ON: "That a~petition for interim payment of the Statutory Grant under The Highway +mprovement Act, on road expenditures made from January 1 to August 31, 1959 be made to The·Department of Highways." Carried. Councillor Patrick reported on the construction of a road on Industry Street and stated that a final payment less the 5% holdback was now ·due to Wellesley Construction Company under the terms of this contract. Deputy Reeve Nisbet stated that credit for a very excellent job must be given to Wellesley Construction Company. PATRICK: DAVIDSON: "That the following accounts be paid, that .. the. Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto." Carried. Wellesley Construction Co. Industry Street Final Pa~ent -less 5% holdback $4,904.00 Councillor Patrick browght to Council's attention that two other accounts, namely, one for Marino Construction re lowering the 8 11 Watermain, Mary and Industry Streets and to Taylor Electric of Aurora with regards to electrical work done for the Waterworks and Sewage Treatment Plant were due for paymant. PATRICK: DAVIDSON: Waterworks Taylor Electric "That the following accountsbe paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto." Carried. Re: Electrical Work 429. 18 , {7n ' '' ' 18TH REGULAR - 4 - Waterworks (cont.) Marino Construction Co, Ltd, Lowering 8 11 Watermain - Mary & Industry Streets Total Sewage Treatment Plant Accounts Taylor Electric Re: Electrical Work Sep@ember 8, 1959. $2,510.00 $2,939.18 $ 35.75 Councillor Patrick then brought forward the report of the Committee with regards to the opening of tenders in connection with the sewer and watermain installation on Wellington Street West to the Su:O.nybrook ·Subdivision and asked the Town Engineer for further explanation in this matter. The Town Engineer reported that he had been in touch with the Town Solicitor, Mr. Lee, and had ascertained through Mr. Le·e I I I . that other agrE:ements between Sunnybrook Investments Limited and the Town and one with Aurora Heights Subdivision were required. Mr. Lee attended before Council and explained. his feelings in this matter and why these agreements were necessary. .of the tender be held up at this time It was decided that the awarding and tha~ Councillor Child and Mr. Lee would work together and attempt to prepare an agreement to cover all necessary items for next Monday night. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Depu~y Reeve Nisbet stated that Council should hold a Committee meeting with XKK regards to the appointment of a permanent Fire Chief for the Town of Aurora and it was decided that the fqurth Monday of September such Committee meeting would be held. Deputy Reeve Nisbet brought to Council's attention that he was attending a Planning Convention in Montreal on behalf of the County of York and that Mayor Murray would attend this convention along with him. Deputy Reeve Nisbet stated that since Mayor Murray will be at~ending as a representative of the Town of Aurora some expense account shouli be allowed in this instance. CORBETT; NISBET: "That tl;le sum of $100.00 be allowed Mayor Murray towards travelling eipenses to attend the Planning Convention in Montreal," Carried. I I September 8, 1959 BY-LAWS DAVIS: CORBETT: - 5 - 18TH. REGULAR .... ' j 1 ,,J ~ ... '"'1 .L t . "That leave be given to introduce a by-law to appoint an Inspector pursuant to the req,uirements of the Trench Excavators Protection Act, 1954 and amendments thereto and that the same be now read a first time." Carried, The by-law was then read a first time. DAVIDSON: PATRICK: lVIURRAY: NISBET: DAVIS: NISBET: CijiLD: DAVIS: DAVIS: STODDART:. "That the by-law now before the Council be read a second time and that the Council resolve itself into a committee of the whole for that purpose," "That John Browning's mme be added to the By-law. 11 Carried, "That the second reading of the by-law be taken as read." Carried, "That the by-law now before the Council be read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of By-law No, 862 be suspended for that purpose." Carried, "That the third reading of the by-law be taken as read. The by-law was then approved by CouiJ.Cil, DAVIS: ADAIR: "That leave be given to introduce a by-law to appoint a Weed Inspector and that the same be now read a first time. The by-law was then read a first time. ADAIR: PATRICK: NISBET: PATRICK: STODDART: NISBET: DAVIS: CHILD: "That the by-law now before the Council be read a second time ~-and that the Council resolve itself into a committee of the whole for that purpose." Carried,. "That the second reading of the by-law be taken as read. 11 Carried, "That the by-law now before the Council be read a third time this day ~d that Rule 22 of By~law No. 862 be suspended for that purpose," · Carr:Led. "That the third reading of the by-law be taken as read," C~ried, The by'-law was then approved in Council. 1; )-~7 .:~18TH REGULAR - 6 ,... September 8, 1959 NEW BUSINESS Reeve Davis advised that he had received several complaints from private home.s with regards to the existance of weeds and Mayor Murray explained 'that a letter advising the owners of lands over- grown with weeds would be forwarded to cover any complaints received and after a period allowed had_elapsed and the weeds were not cut down then the Town would carry out this work and charge accordingly, Mayor Murray advised Council that the sidewalk on George Street n~ar the Public School was neanly completed and had inquired about the sidewalk at the south end of Aurora on the east side. Deputy Reeve Nisbet stated that the sidewalk would be more feasible to be placed on the east side since eventually a stop light would be installed at Murray Drive. Chief Langman stated that it was imperative that this sidewalk be constructed immediately from a safety factor. It was then.decmded that the ToWn Superintende~t obtain prices on the construction of this•sidewalk. Reeve Davis then inquired with regards to·progress being made in the annexation of a certain parc~l of land from Whitchurch Township at the north end of Aurora. Mayor Murray advised that all material had been_filed and the T0Wn was no~ awaiting for a deed for the public hearing to be set by the Ontafio Municipal Board, Councillor Adair brought to Council's attention that Mr. J. Bodfish had registered a complaint with him in connection with the overgrown weed condition and general run down condition of the green-belt on the east side of the_creek on Harriman Road and Mr. Bodfish would like to know what the Town is going to do with this green-belt. This matter was discussed and it was decided.that something must be done with all park lands within the Town and it was further discussed that a tractor and mower are a definite reql,lirement since the park -- ·ladds in Town is increasing. NISBET: "That the meeting adjourn" CORBETT: The meeting then adjourned. 7).q 1r; ~/ o· Mayor II