MINUTES - Council - 19590112f' LJ I \ .~1 [l ') <J MINUTES OF THE 2ND REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER ON MONDAY, JANURAY 12th, 1959 AT 8:00 P.M. PRESENT: MAYOR: REEVE: DEPUTY: REEVE: COUNCILLORS: NISBET: DAVIS: CORRESPONDENCE D. J. MURRAY (IN THE CHAIR) C.F. DAVIS C.K. NISBET ADAIR, CHILD, CORBETT, DAVIDSON, PATRICK AND STODDART. "That the minutes of December lst and 15th, 1958 be adopted as printed and circulated. :• Carried. , A letter from the Secretary of the Aurora Town Plann;Jing Board advising that the personnel of the Aurora Town Planning Board whose current terms expire at the end of 1958 are Mr. D. Richardson, Chairman and Mr. Floyd ·E. ·corner, Q.C. The letter further stai;.ed that Mr. Richardson has signified hi:s intention of serving again while Mr. Corner has · indicated.that he will be unable to do so. NISBET: PATRICK: NISBET: PATRICK: "That Mr. D. Richardson be re-appointed to the AurOra Town Planning'Board for a three year term." Carried. · "That the matter of a ~acancy in the Aurora Town Planning Board be held in obeyance pending a meeting of the Planning Board." Carried. A letter from the Secretary-Treasurer of the Upper Holland Valley Conservation Authority concerning an appointment to this authority for the year 1959 was read. DAVIS~ STODDART: "That Harold Pringle be re-apwointed to the. Upper Holland Valley Conservation Authority for the 1959." Carried. A letter from Dr. c. Rose concerning an extension of the office premises on Wellington Street East was read. NISBET: PATRICK: "That this letter be referred to the Permits Committee · for investigation." carried. Letters from R.K. Kiloorn & Associates and R.V. Anderson & Associates, Consulting Engieers, concerning fees chargeable in connection with their engagement as Consulting Engineers in Sunnybrook Subdivision·and Regency Acres,respectively, were read. NISBET: "That these letters be held over to Committee reports." DAVIS: Carried. A letter frofu Mr. R.F. Humphreys, Kitimat Cres., Aurora Heights re- questing permission to start a hairdressing·business·in their residential premises at lot 70 east Kitimat Crescent, Aurora Heights was read. 4 2nd MEETING - 2 -January 12, 1959 Mr. Humpheys appeared before Council on behalf of this application and stated that this business venture was very greatly needed in the Aurora Heights Subdivision. Deputy Reeve Nisbet stated he was unable·to see any objection in allowing this business to be established; ·councillor Child stated that business is business and definitely should be isolated to business area. Councillor Child felt that it was not fair to business salons paying high rent in Town and then have the same business located in a re- sidential ho.use and further that this wo.uld jepo.rdize our zoning by- law by allowing it. 6ouncillor Corbett ~elt that there were many hairdressing extablishments set up in homes in the old part of Town right now therefore this·new outlet should be allowed. Reeve Davis mentioned that Mr. Marrese will in the future be erecting a shopping centre in the Aurora Height Subdivision and might possibly include a hairdressing salon at that time and also stated that we should try to get away from having business outlets in residents. Councillor Stoddart stated he would like to hear from Mr. R. Hammond. Mr. R. Hammond out~ined briefly the facts as·he knew them·concerning this hairdressing business and stated that neighbours of his have applied for permission in this instance and although he can'· understand and go along with Councillor Chi~d's feelings in this matter the type of business must be taken into account. If the business were annoying then of course it should be disallowed however this type of business should not effect the people in the vicinity. Deputy Reeve Nisbet felt that we might only hope for Mr.Marrese's shopping centre since there is nothing definite at this time and should this business in the house prove satisfactory then they might possibly move into larger premises; Councillor Child stated that the hydro requirements of a hairdressing salon are extremely high and wondered hww this works in with the residence. Mrs. Humphreys on her own behalf stated bhey would employ ,only a shampooist and do not intend this businessi to become very large. · · · Mayor Murray stated that this type of business has been going on in other houses in Town and they haven't come to Council for permission. However since Mr. & Mrs. Humphreys have asked Council for permission then Council must decide either yes or no. Reeve Davis asked Mr. Humphreys if they intended to hang out a sign and·were advised that this was very do.ubtful. NISBET: ·CORBETT: "That permission be granted to Mr. & Mrs. ~uniphreys to start a ladies hairdressing busieess in their residence." Carried. Mr. Humphreys was then instructed to make application to the Building Inspector for a permit and it was decided that whatever commercial >assessment might be attached to·this hairdressing business it would be only credited to the Town. ·,-:,·· ·~<· ·t .,-. {} J • l January 12th, 1959 -3 -2ND MEETING 5 DELEGATIONS Mr. R. Hammond,President o~ the Aurora Heights Ratepayer's Association appeared be~ore Council and stated that the residence o~ ~urora Heights wish to thank Council ~or the work they did on the street lighting in time ~or Christmas in addition to the work done in keeping the roads in good condition so ~ar this wint'er. Vlith regards to road servicing Mr. Hammond stated. that it may be more ~easible i~ less tim~ was incurred between periods [I~ road· sanding as some cars had gone into ditches in the subdivision. Mr. Hammond remarked that garbage collection has created problems since delays o~ up to two days have occurlied in the collection. Mr. Hammond stated that he would like this matt~r looked into and i~ possible a ~orwarning given i~ a delay must occurr. Mr. Hammond stated that it was doubt- ~ul i~ there is an o~~icial dog catcher in the Town o~ Aurora and ~elt that there should de~initely be an o~~icial dog ca~er in the Town. Mayor Murray stated at this point de~inite steps are being taken about dog control. Mr. Hammond then stated that water c·onditions in c'ertain incidences were not ideal and that the color o~the water at times was quite red and no one would drink it. Mr. Hammond asked i~ the older section o~ Town were experiencing the same di~~iculty with the water situation. · Mayor Murray advised that various in the Town's water pipes and are in the water causes this color to iron itsel~ out very short~y. changes causing occurr. have· taken place recently a surge and that the iron However this matt·er should Mr. Hammond stated that the Planning Department have stated that the road or laneWJY up to Aurora Heights does not constitute a coad at all and that the problem is that the residents have been stuck in their cars overnight and' have had their cars. towed away and in the morning a~ter were ~orced to pay the towing charees. Deputy Reeve Nisbet stated tbe people involved should phone the police and advise them that their car will be le~t overnight. Mr. Hammond then· went on· to· ·state that the subdivision agreement allows ~or the subdividers'maihtain the services until one year a~ter instalation. Mr". Hammona· Tel t' that Stage 1 o~ the· sub.di vision should be treated as one unit and one year shouatd ~ollow the instalation ~or that stage in itsel~ rather than the whole subdivision. Mayor Murray advised that the subdivider has requested building the 2nd,. stage and he will de~initely not be allowed to start the 2nd stage i~ the lst stage is not ~inished properly. Mr. Hammond asked i~ a rider might be put in the agreement to· state that the ~irst stage is completed and that all services must be completed in Stage 1 as a unit. Councillor Child ~elt that thts matter shoullii..be held in obeyance 6 2ND MEETING - 4 -January 12, 1959 until we have an opportunity to go over the subdividers agreement thoroughly. Mr. Hammond asked if the lights going past the farm on the laneway were temporary and Mayor Murray advised that there were temporary for a walkway however it was possible that the lights might be left for the walltway. Mr. Hammond felt that the two lights may be placed near the bridge. Mayor Murray stated that it may help if we close this laneway to vehicular traffic. and allow only a walkway. Deputy Reeve Nisbet stated ·that ·the streets are still under the maintenance of the subdivider and Mr. Hammond had mentioned that sanding had not be carried out fast enough. Mr. Hammond stated that this refers back to;;the subject of the subdivision agreement mentioned previously. Mr. Walter Nisbet and Mr. Charles-Bowser appeared before Council and stated they would definitely like to know if dogs in the area of To~ where they live coui!d not be locked up since they bark .. all night arid cause damage to lawns etc. Mr. Nisbet further stated. that the children were not safe because of these dogs and seeps shoula be taken to at least make them quiet dur[ilng the night. Mayor Murray advisedthat this Council has every intention of b:einging in a very st.rict pollcy re dog con':§i:Jol. Councillor Davidson stated he was gettihg a kick out of this matter since he had been trying ~or four years and now hopes that something regarding dog cnntrol can be done and done immediately. Thls matter was left for further stddy. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Reeve Davis presented a report of the Service Committee re By~laws in which the Committee respectfully submit the following: Re: By-Laws The Committee met with members of Council and it was decided the procedure by-law of the Town of Auoora be amended to refer to new five committee set up rather than the nine committee set up. was further recommended that tee authority to spend monies be as follows: Chairman of a Committee Chairman & Vice Charman All members of Committee . . . . . . . . •••••••• •••••••• $50.00 100.00 200.00 maximum It II that tee It The Committee therefore recommends that the above amendments be approved and the necessary by-law be prepared. Reeve Davis enlarged on the Committee report and stated that up until now no Committee could spend more· than $50.00 and now because of the value of the dollar today it was felt that a larger authority is warrenteii. Councillor Corbett stated that this increase in amounts was for· emergency p~:u:•poses only. Deputy Reeve Nisbet stated that it must be for emergency such as tee labour day week-end storm. The report was then Carried. ~~, I • .l r- l_ - r L_: January 12, 1959 - 5 - 2BD MEETING "1 Councillor Stoddart presented a report of the Finance Committee Re: Town Resident Engineer in which the Committee respectively submit the following: The Finance Committee met on Wednesday evening, January 7th, 1959. All members of the Council were present. The Committee reviewed the applications for the Town Resident Engineer. After careful study of the applications it was agreed to interview Mr. Stan Murray on Friday evening, January 9th at 6:15 p.m. The Committee again met on Friday evening arid most of the Council members were again present. After interviewing Mr. Murray the Committee recommended to. Council that Mr. Stan Murray be hired as Town Resident Engineer at a yearly salary of' $8,000.00 and that a by-law be prepared authorizing same. This is to become effective on February 1st, 1959. The Finance Committee ·also recommends. that the Group Insurance be given to the Great West Life Assurance Company. Deputy Reeve Nisbet pointed. out that there were l7 apjllications for the position of Town Res±dent·Engineer and they were now narrowed down to Mr. Stan Murray because he was familiar with the Town and his past work had always been satisfactory. Deputy Reeve Nisbet further stated that a new·man/~ would take several months to become as familiar with the Town as Mr. Murray. ~~~ ·. . . Deputy Reeve Nisbet/that the matter of life assurance for the Town that this is .the same policy as the Board of Trade and is approximately half the cost of the previ·ous compan;l:es." charge. Deputy Reeve Nisbet stated that the Great West Life Assurance policy appeared to be a far better policy for all Town men over the other policy. Reeve Davis stated that he would go along with the Deputy in this matter in that we cannot afford to be without the Engineer. Mr. Murray knows the Town which is a veyy important factor. Councillor Stoddart stated that of the two policies one was weighted heav~ly for lffe and the one that was chosen· was on the side of medical services rather than life insurance. The report was then Carried. Councillor Patrick presented a verbal report which he stated that the new system had been in operation one week and that he can see definite pngress. Councimlor Patrick further stated that there will be many . changes and after a subsequent meeting this week far better supervision and better service for the people should be obtained with the new method. Councillor Patrick felt that the growth of the Town requires a new system that is up to date. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Deputy Reeve Nisbet stated that in connection with the matter of::Kilborn and Anderson Associates letters re the two subdivision that we should close our dealing with both these Consulting Engineers since our new engineer would be in. a position to handle this matter. 8 2ND MEETING NISBET: CHILD: BY-LAWS DAVIS: CORBETT: - 6 - January 12, 1959 "That we close our dealings with Kilborn & Associates and Anderson & Associates and request them to supply us with a report to date togehher with any accounts they might have covering th~s work and point out to them that in case we need Consulting Engineers in the future they will receive consideration." Carried. "That leave be given ao introduce a by-law j;o appoint a trustee to the Aurora District High School Board. and that the same be now r.ead a first time.~ Carried. The by-law was.then read a first time. DAVIDSON: PATRICK: NISBET: DAVIDSON: CHILD: DAVIS: DAVIS: STODDART: NISBET:· DAVIS: !'That the by-law now oefore ,the Council be read a second time and that the Aouncil resolve itself into a .Committee of the Whole for that purpose." C.arried. "That the name of'Dr. J.L. Urquhart be inserted in .the by-law and that the second reading .be taken as read." · Carried. "That the by-law now before the Counci·l be read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of By-law 862 be suspended for that purpose." Carried. "That the third reading of the by-law be taken as read." Carried. "That this meeting adjourn" The meeting then adjourned, • }) #· ... -~) I I .J 1