MINUTES - Council - 19580623MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF COUNCIL HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER, ON MOND!Y, JUNE 23RD, 1958 AT 8.00 P.M. PRESENT: MAYOR: REEVE: DEPUTY REEVE: COUNCILLORS --------------- D,J •. MURRAY (IN THE CHAIR) C.F. DAVIS C.K. NISBET ADAIR, CHILD, CORBETT, DAVIDSON, PATRICK AND STODDART. 129 Reeve Davis presented a report of the Fire and Water Committee regarding Waterworks employees in which the Committee respectfully submit the following: On Wednesday, June 18th, the Committee met to discuss a schedule for hours for the waterworks men so that there would be a man at the waterworks every week-end, Present: The Committee, Mayor Murray , ·Councillors Davidson, Patrick and Stoddart, Superintendent Browning, Also J, McGhee and A. Higgins. The waterworks men requested that when a man i~ call for a week-end (Sat. & Sun.) that he should be given Monday & Tuesday off the following week in compensation. General discussion followed the presentation of the Fire and Water Committee report and Reeve Davis stated that a schedule had previously been prepared whereby when a man was on call on week....:ends at the waterworka in order that a man would be on duty during the week-end he would be allowed one days compensation lieu thereof. The water- works men have since demanded two days off in lieu of working the holidays i~e. Monday and Tuesday the following the week-end on call. R~eve Davis stated that one full....:time employee was required at the waterworks and all other Town men might be formed into the Town labour pool. The scheduie drawn up to allow one day off in lieu of Sunday or employ a rover to alternate every 3rd week was not adhered to. -Deputy Reeve Nisbet asked the Reeve if the men over the week-end worked just on call and not actually on full-time working duty. Reeve Davis replied that this statement is correct and if no call was re- ceived then one man might have four days off, Deputy Reeve Nisbett stated that it was always considered that men were always on call. Reeve Davis mentioned that during the time of the water trouble the foreman was not available. Councillor Davidson remarked that the salaried man's duty is to be · on call 7 days per week to ensure that someone is always on duty at ~ the waterworks, '· · Councillor Corbett suggested that a work sh41p might be utilized and on Saturday, when on duty, a man could repair and sharpen work tools and in this way the man would be on call during this time. Deputy Reeve Nisbet thought that Council might be critized for allbw-' ing such extra time as reque.sted. Mayor Murray stated that the Reeve . and the Town Superintendent had presented a schedule in ·that. the Waterworks men had refused to try this schedule· prior to :tts adoptjjon , and in other worll.s felt that a fair trial should have b'een. allowed first. Mayor Murray asked if Council were running the Town or are the 'employees running us. -~ .,., 1311 -2--Monday, June 23, 1958. Councillor Adair stated he had supported Mr. McGhee originally be- cause at the time it seemed reasonable however since that time apparently .it has become quite prohibitive. Councillor Stoddart agreed that the work s~op on Saturday might help this situation somewhat however it would support the Reeve 1 s original schedule whereby one day was allowed in li~u.of the week-ends. Councillor Child stated that if Mr. McGhee is willing to accept the responsibility for Foreman of the Waterworks he must then ascertain that someone is on duty each day of the week. DAVIS: ADAIR: ••11 That the report of the Fire and Water Committee be adopted. n The following;·amendment to this motion w·as then proposed. DAVIDSON: NISBET: 11 That we revert back to the original schedule pre:.. · sented by Reeve Davis and the Town Superintendent," Carried. Re Elevated Trunk sewer across Aurora Heights property Mayor Murray advised to all present that this evening's meeting they were not interested in personalities but they are only interested in Proctor and Redfern and the Subdivider's engineers. Mr. G.U. Proctor, Engineer representing the firm of Proctor'and Redfern. outlined a story of this sewer and stated that e.ngine'ering drawings were first submitted i~ the spring of 1956 for approval. There was a plan submitted showing the proposed method of servicing a subdivision and plans were subll!itted so that the sew:er running across the valley was laid out and shown to run above ground to the creek as it is today. At the .. oreek there was an iverte.d syphon on the ··original plan. On April 30, 1956 approval was not then given and further information was requested from R.E. Winters, Engineers. The Department of Health granted approval on July )rd, 1956 and subsequent things became dormant until last fall when a further set of diawings were submitted detailing the se1.rer as it now exists. Under date of October 3lst,l957 Proctor and Redfern wrote R.E, Winters and a copy of this letter was sent to the Town in connection with a elevated sewer question and this letter mentioned that the elevated sewer would act a~ a dam. On December 11, 1957 approval was given by Proctor and Redfern for this ee~ver with the recommendation that granular till be used under this elevated pipe. Mr. Proctor pointed out that at the preseat time the water course at the point where the sewer crosses over the creek ~as not been widened and an flooding damage will originate from Aurora ~eights Drive and not from the sewer dam, . . Mayor Murray stated that in case of ice ·jamming up at the creek it could easily strike the se•rer, Although ice might go through the culverts it could not go through at the Sewage Disposal Plant, Councillor Child asked if the creek were to be widened at that point is there a~ specified distance that the widening should be required, Mr. Proctor stated that the bridge must be removed and the channel must be cleared and widened up to the bridge~ -3 -Monday, June 23. 1958. Councillor Davidson stated that a flash flood might easily overflow. the creek and either wash out the dam or damage the Sewage Disposal Plant. Mayor Murray stated that since we place such a high value on our park lands and conservation areas he could not understand how the engineers could reobmmend·the dividing of this land in two. 131 Mr. Proctor stated that originally this plan would not have interfered with very little park area and suggested it might be spread out and an access made over the sewer. Also that sodding was requested pre- viously but had been rescinded by Counuil. Mr. Howard, representing R.E. Winters, Engineers, stated that Mr. Proctor had certainly outlined the progress of the sewer. very well and that. he agreed with Mr. Prootor 1 s statement. Mayor Murray stated that we, as laymen, have been misled and although he had noticed a pile of dirt there during the winter months presumed it was fill for the sewer but once speing came he actually saw it was an elevated dam. Councillor Child stated that all of Council certainly like to see this sewer dam removed but asked the question who is going to pay for its removal. Mayor Mur·ray mentioned that the Town might have had a very fine park and conservation area however it is not<T out up in-tell small parcels. Councillor Child agreed with Mayor Murray that the elevated sewer . and elevated road certainly makes small parcels out of what was once to be one large park area. Mr. Proctor differed in opinion as to how this elevated sewer out the park up into little parcels. Mr.Prootor further stated that it would cost approximately $7,000.00 to .$8,000.00 to replace the sewer over west to the Pumphouse. Councillor Patrick stated that as soon as we fill on the west side of the creek flood damage will come to the Sewage Disposal Plant and '"e must protect our Plant. Mayor Murray asked if we are going to put up with this dam or are 1•re going to spend something like $8,000.00 to remove it. Councillor Adair asked if there were any basis for a compromise in this situation. Councillor Davidson suggested that the cost be divided between Proctor and Re!Rfern and R •. E. Winters. Mr. Proctor stated that Proctor and Redfern will not accept any part of this responsibility. Mr. D. Richardson, representing Aurora Planning Board thought that all points have been well covered although it was quite apparent that Proctor and Re!Rfern did not consider all use of land when the dam was approved. Mr. Richardson also thought the.channel to be widened wax at the expense of the Aurora Heights Engineers and asked Mr. Howard if this was understood by himself. 132 -4-Monday;; June 23, 19 58 Mr. Howard replied that this was not understood in his specifications. Mr. Proctor stated that there will be definitely not be any confirmation on his part that flooding conditions will not arise in this area and that these are conditions that are due to happen occasionally and might only happen in 50 or 100 years. Mr. Proctor further stated that the water channel area available when increased has adequate area in it to carry a rainfall similiar to that occasion of Hurricane Haxel. Councillor Stoddart in~uired as to how much of the $7,000,00 cost would be cost of removal of this sewer be and Mr. Proctor advised that approximately $2,000.00 would be involved in the removal ~~~~ of the present sewer. Councillor Davidson said that a flood is bound to cause flooding east into the Sewage Disposal Plant beca~se of this elevated sewer and Reeve Davis stated that he has seen the flats flliood at least three times. Councillor Stoddart thought that it might cost us $2,000.,00 for re- moval and the other $5,000.00 should be Aurora Heights responsibility •• Mr. Proctor stated that he is approving something to save the subdivider money and was previously reprimanded because he recommended something causing the subdivider more expense. Deputy Reeve Nisbet inquired what would happen if the conservation authorities do not approve of this elevated sewer and if they might enfoTce Proctor & Redfern to change. Mr. Proctor replied that we have been acting on behalf of the Town of Aurora and cannot accept this responsibility. Mayor Murray stated if Proctor and Redfern were working in the interests of the Town why did they approve of this sewer. Mr. Proctor/how actually does this sewer area would have not now. . asked affect your par~ area. Mayor Murray replied that this made a fine amphitheatre and ho~se show but certainly l Mr. Richardson stated that the problem of a north access is certainly not good planning. It was then moved by Councillor Corbett that Reeve Davis take the Chair. Carried, Mayor Murray then stated that the Reeve, Councillor Corbett and myself have been here the longest and we can go back 8 -10 years and talking about Proctor& Redfern and not Jvlr,· G.U. Proctor that as long as I've been here we have'run into difficulties with the firm of Proctor & Redfern and Mayor Murray stated that he was tired.of the fact that everything that comes before Council we have first discussed and then disagreed "l'ri th our Engineers. We are now faced with either agreeir_1g with our Engineers or getting Engineers we can.agree with. ( Jvla:yor. Murray In The Chair·) Reeve Davis stated he agreed wholeheartedly with Mayor Murray's. statement. Councillor Patrick asked Mr •. Howard if he would call it eounQ. business 'c practice to enter into the stream as ·.the sewer now does and Mr. Howard replied that tremeddous cost is saved and at least half the cost to the Town regarding extra pumping cost. 1 i:, ,; -5 -Monday, June 23. 1958 Mayor Murray stated that a meeting should be arranged with Mr. Marrese and lets hope that no expense to the Town is involved in the solution to this problem. This matter was then left in Reeve Davis'hands to arrange a meeting of Council as Committee of the Whole with Mr. Marrese whereby firm pr!ce might be obtained at no cost to the Town. It was decided that this meeting be held next week. Mr. Proctor stated that he had attempted to arrange plans of subdivision for the Town and that there is no particular way he is able to explain to Council other than by letter or presentation at a Council meeting certain faces of these ~-,plans. Mr. Proctor requested Council to appoint a Committee vmo might be in a position to sit with Mr. Proctor and go over all engineering drawings on future subdivisions before approval so there will be no repetition of this matter. Mr. Proctor further stated that he had endevoured to act in the vary best faith for the good of the Tovm. Councillor Child definitely stated he was not aware of this elevated sewer until the inspection this spring. Re· Sunnybrook Subdivision DAVIS: 11 That we discuss this matter briefly." NISBET: Carried. Councillor Child then mentioned during his absence a meeting of the Planning Committee had been held and there were two items in his opinion that had to be decided this evening. These items 1vere as follo'tors: Item 4 -there was no quarrel with the width of the road however thought that only one sidewalk should be required. Item 5 -that we are out of order pequesting Sunnybrook Subdivision to pay the cost of 110 ft. of pavement between the t1-ro Subdivisions. DAVIS: STODDART: 11 That item 5 be deleted and that we not asked Sunny- brook Subdivision to pave the 110 ft. in the Aurora Heights Subdivision." Carried. ' STODDART: DAVIDSON: 11 That a sidewalk on one side only of Sunrise Drive be installed. n Carried. Moved by Councillor Child that we adjourn. The meeting then adjourned. ]) !lifrz~ - - -. - - - - --··· - - - -.. 7Tffayor --{/