MINUTES - Council - 19570225I I" ! [~ -·-" -----'-~·-·-"." '--·'---'---~.:.:.~~.:.:.. ,:, '-•-·'•' -·•·•"••"><Ooo<"•r,;,,;_,;,-:c;,•;G'"~•'<"•"'~r)-,'h"\;;'C.~~-~,,-,;<;,.C,:"''~"Y.V -•· ·~ ',-,~-;_.: o•---. '-~"-·--:.". , _ MINU~ES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE COUNCIL HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER, ON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 25TH 1957 AT 8 P.M. PRESENT: MAYOR: REEVE: DEPUTY REEVE: COUNCILLORS: D.J. MURRAY (IN THE CHAIR) C.F. DAVIS V. JONES ADAIR, BAILEY, CHILD, DAVIDSON, NISBET AND STODDART. The Mayor spoke on the need for subdivision in the Town. Mr. Lorne Cousins and Mr. W.R. Case attended before the Council to present proposals for amendment of the subdivision agreements. BAILEY: DAVIS: 11 That the matter of the dedication of parkland in the agreement with Calwood Ltd. be left until the Planning Board is heard from on the matter". Carried. The agreements were discussed at length, and the proposals for amendment were considered. BAILEY: CHILD: 11 Subjeot to the change in paragraph 8 of Calwood Ltd. agre.ement and paragraph 9 of Aurora Developments Ltd. agreement so that the paragraphs comply with instructions to the town solicitor in a letter from the Clerk dated 15th May 1956, that the applications for changes to the agreements be refused 11 • Carried~ Councillor Nisbet asked for consideration of payment to the Disposal Plant operator for use of his oar for visits to the new· pumphouse~ This matter was left for consideration by the Finance Committee. Deputy Reeve Jones asked what had been done about requests for increase of pay by the Town men. NISBET: ADAIR: BAILEY: 11 That these requests be handed over to the Finance Committee and that the Deputy Reeve be appointed to this Committee to consider these requests 11 • Carried. 41 NISBET::, "That the meeting now adjourn 11 • Carr1od; ?JJ-~/