MINUTES - Council - 19550926, . --~"'-~""'-•'''''":~""~~''··•·--·~,:-:.;.:,,;..:,:~~~···· --'-~-·~·--:'""•'·--'-~-•:,:.;~.:_w_.;.,.;..;..,:..;.___,_.._,, __ ,c.;,_•~"""""'~>'..<~"'=<*-;..;~<..b~-.-..,;,.,,.,'"'"~:.;,.;.=\o<>.k-•>.~."~-··~~ ,,.,..,_.,,,_~,~::;u: .. ~.LL -' ,:..:.C: .. :• . __ --·'··~--.....:.·~:::!.:i~.: .. :".,,_._, _____ .__
Minutes of a special meeting of the Council
held in the Council Chamber on monday September
26th 1955 at 8.15 p.m.
Mayor Dr. E.J. Henderson (in the chair)
Reeve D.J. Murray
Dep.Reeve v. Jones .
Councillors Bailey, Child, Corbett, Davidson,
Nisbet & Stoddart.
Councillor Stoddart presented the following report of the
Finance Committee:
11 The Committee rjspectt'ully submit the following
The Committee has met and considered the insurance coverage on
all Town properties and the following recommendations are submitted
tor approval ot' Council:
1. One schedule tor all properties
2. Policies staggered to tall due annually and equally
J. Wording broadened
4. Supplemental Perils included in all Fire Contracts
5. Adequate amounts without Co-insurance where possible and it'
this is not possible as in certain oases full coverage with
80% Co-insurance on the Actual Cash Value basis
At the present time various agents are handling the town 1 s
insurance and in order to have one schedule·covering all the prop-
erties and other assets it is recommended that the insurance be all
placed through a general agent. It is our recommendation that Parkes
MoVittie and Shaw be appointed the general agent and we suggest that
the general agent pay 15% ot' the Commission to each ot' the following
agents who are paying business tax, namely:
Corner Insurance Agency
A .K. Bennett
F.R. Underhill
and 7t % to each ot' the following agents:
I. Theyer
c. Fry
A. Grimes
H. Bolm~an
Merssrs. Parkes, MoVittie and Shaw have gone to considerable
expense and trouble in preparing a comprehensive report and we
sugmit it as part of this report. While we accept a considerable
part·of their recommendations we cannot agree on many. On page 6
they recommend the following insurance -
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Special meeting -page&2.
Finance Committee report (cont 1 d)
-Malicious Damage
Earthquake Insurance
Extra Expense Insurance -We do not recommend
any of these three.
Municipal Offices~ ·-We recommend that the Insurance on the comp-
leted offices-be $)5,000 and $5000 on contents. When the building ie
completed we recommend one policy on the building and one on the
Public Library -Building
We believe the presebt coverage is sufficient. The Town insures the
building and the Libtary Board the contents.
Fire Hall and Police Office.
Present coverage of $10,000 on building is believed sufficient.
Fire Trucks and Equipment carried thereon is covered in Automobile
Old Publj& __ School B
Present coverage is
to 70 cents and nine separate policies. We .believe that $80,000
should be the coverage on the building after renovations and that al
be in one policy. The new rate cannot be ascertained at present but
it is expected to be less than the average of the existing policies
whiqh average out to $59.87 per M. It is estimated that the rate wil
be about 54 eta. per hundred.
Waterworks Building
Present coverage is $17.600-We recommendthat,a new policy be
written for $20,000 and a separate policy for $10,000 to cover all
contents therein. On the frame garage to the east of the buillng
we recommend $500.00 on buildin~ only, and $500 on contents.
At present there is $500.oo &n ontents and $500.00 on the
Sewage Disposal Plant
No insurance carried on the Plant and none recommended at this
time. We would recommend that $200.00 ineuranQe be placed on the
tool house and $2000 on the tool house contents.
Automobile Insurance.
At present there are five policies. We recommend one Fleet policy
covering all Town vehicles and that the policy include comprehensive
The police cruiser PL & PD limits are 50/100000 & 5000. This can be
brought up to the same limits as other town vehicles amd the total
coverage plus comprehensive will be at a slightly less cost.
LiabilitY Insurance-.
This insurance to be brought up to $200,000 covering Bodily Injury
and Property Damage. The present limits are Bodily Injury Liability
$50/100000 and Property Damage Liability $5000. The rate quoted on a
new policy with the high coverage is considerably less than the
premium being paid at present.
Fidelity Bonds.
Two policies at present carried on two employees -It is recommended
the.t a new policy be writte n known as Comprehensive, Dishonest,
Destruction and Disappearance policy and a blanket bond of $10,000.
This policy will cost $124.10.
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Special meeting -page 3. Sept.zG/55
Finance Committee reports (cont 1 d)
BurglarY Insurance -On Office Contents.
This would cover office fUrniture, fixtures and office equipment.It
is recommended that $1000 be carried at a cost of $13.50 -This
policy would also cover damage to the equipment and damage to the
building as a result of burglary or attempt.
This report is somewhat lengthy but we can not do otherwise if each
phase of the Town Insurance is to be covered. We believe that it is
many years since a complete analysis has been.made and we believe
adj~etment of the situation is somewhat overdue~
11 That the report of the Finance Committee regarding
the revision of the Insurance of the Town be adopted
and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached
hereto 11 •
Fire and Water Committee
Reeve Murray presented the following report:
"The Committee met on Friday September 23rd and also
present were Deputy Reeve Jones and the Town Engineer.
It is recommended that a debenture by-law be prepared
to authorize the borrowing of $26,000.0.0 to instal new
watermaine on Maple, Tyler and Centre Streets, and to
pay for the teet drilling undertaken to the present time.
It is recommended.that a 6 11 main be laid at once on Tyler
Street from George to Harriman at an approximate cost of
$5,300 and if at all possible also Centre Street from
Yonge St. to Spruce St at an approximate cost of 13,500.
The Committee recommends that the paving of Centre Street
be left until next summer, because of the need to replace the
11 That the report of the fire and water committee
be accepted, and th-seal of the Corporation be
attached hereto 11 •
11 That leave be given to introduce a By-law to authorize
an agreement to be entered into between the Corporation
of the Town of Aurora and the Collis Leather Company
Limited, and that the same be now read a first time.11
The by-law was then read a first time.
STODDART: 11 That the By-law now before the Council be read a
NISBET: second time and that the Council dissolve itself
a committee of the whole for that purpose".
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Special meeting -page 4. Sept.26/55
By-laws (cont 1 d)
The by-law was then read a second time in vommittee of the whole,
and the reading was then approved in Council.
NISBET: 11 That the By-law now before the Council be read a third
DAVIDSON: time this day and that Rule 22 of By-law No. 862 be
suspended tor that purpose 11 •
JONES: 11 lllhat the by-law be taken as read a. third time 11 • . 1p,/·
CHILD: Carried. I 'YT
The agreement was t~en signed by representatives of the Council
and Collis ~eather uompan~ Ltd.
Mr. Lorne C. Lee then attended before the Council on behalf of
Mr. Lorne Cousins to present proposals regarding Mr. Cousins
proposed subdivision.
This was left for further consideration at a later date.
11 Blhat the meeting now adjourn 11 •