MINUTES - Council - 19531019~'\rJENTY*THIRD MEE'l'ING ~. OOTO]J~.~ .. J,2!ti.,_ 125;2.
A regular meeting of· Council •1as held in the Council Chamber on
l"londay, October 19th, 1953 at 8.00 p.m.
Present: Mayor, Dr. C. Rose in the chair.
Deputy Reeve Murray, .
Councillors Murray, Jones, Moffat, Davidson
Davis and King.
Q.QRR~S;t'ONDJfl'IQJl: .. _
A letter fl"om the Aurora Branch of' the Cana<'U.an Legion regarding
the arrangements foP Hemembrance Day v1as rearL The CJerk vJar:;
instructed_ to notify the local ancl Provi.ncis.l Pollee of the
Parade arrangements.
KING: D.J.MURPJtY: That the.Legion
or} Novsn!.-ber· ?tjJ~ rj.i·~d that; a 't.Vj:->eatb.
Cenotaph on Remembranot9 Day,
be permi ttecl to hold e. tag c1ny
be uurchaccd to be l~id en the
.. UARfllEI
A 1e'tter-f'.eom ·~;he Ontario fire Max•shall 118.8 readr not1.f;y:3.ng Cot~nc11
of a Fire Ghie~CG ~ rrrainlng Cour-se c.:tt the UniVEI'Slty ()\' 11 0~ronto~.
JOllES: DAVIS: Tha'G if a repi"esentative of 'the Fire Dc:pto<rtment
wishes to attend this course, that the Council pay tr".a expenses
incurred. CAHRIEI
A letter from the Department of Ns.tional Defence regGrd:i.ng wo;rk
to Qe done at Larmont Street s.nd the armouries· vras rr:e.(L
This matter was left for discussion uno.er Unfinished Business,
A letter from tl;le Department of High'liaye, -toge'cher 'ldth the
Departmen"G of High1mys 1952 Au<J.lt repor·t; relating to the Town of
Aurora >vi?-FJ read,
These were ordered to be filed,
A letter from the Aurora Planning Board 1vas reac't, 'l'hl.s letter
notified Council of' a joint meeting of the Councils and Planning
Boards of Aurora, King & Whitchurch to be held on October 27th,
1953. All members 1vere asked to be present at thin meeting.
Oounciiff()i::" Mu::P'ray rE;r)o.rtea. on the hydran'c in fronl; of the Post
Off1ce. The Clerlt was 1nstl'Ucted to have the 11atDF\vorl{s men move
the hydrant as. previously" arranged.
Cov.nc:tllor..,..Moffa·t-presented the f'ollmving ~"eport :--
Subject: Fire Hazard -Revie'li' and reoommenda tions regarding -the
Green Belt Area s.s shown on the z.onlng map,
------·-------------------·--------------------------···------·---·-------------------------------~~-~-----~~~---·--·-· ---. . ---~'--··.:: .. ~-~-~----"
The Committee respectfully submit the following:
(1) Fire Hazard: (a) It is unlawful to burn refuse in the
fire area (from Catharine St. south to
Church St,), or at.any other place of
business. unless such a fire is in an
enclosed. container,
(b) It is unlmvful to ste.rt a fire wlthin
thirty feet of e,ny building, unless such
fire is held in an enclosed container.
(c) Any person ivho lights a fire >'11 thin the
municipal limits must keep ss.me under
control at all times or be liable to a
fine of fifty dollars.($50.00).
( 2) G!lB§n Bel'G Area.;
(a) That 1·re delete Green Belt from Centl'e
Street to Yonge Street nor'th.
\I'hat vve delete Green Belt from Gurnett
Street to tvellington street west,
Remaining G·reen Belt area to extend
fifty feet on either side of the or~ek
m<>asured from centre of creek bed.
Counc:l.llor lJ!offat also presented a verbal report on the ne1•1ly
formed Industrial Committee.
D.J.MURRAY: DAVIS. Tb.a;G the ne~vly formecl group be knmm as the
Aurora Indvstrial Board.
JONES: KING: That this matter be left until the next meeting
of Council, CARRIED
The By~lmor Oommi ttee report
KING: D,J,MURRAY: That the
be put in as 11 50 feet''/
KING: D,J.MURRAY; 'l'hat the
be accepted and the seal of
vms then oon;>irlered,
d.istance in ltem C of Paragr•aph 2
report of the By-lm-rs Committee ,
the Corporation be attacb.ecl. hereto. CarrJ.
Themotion to allo>or a show wincJ.ow to ·be ereetetl. at Ardill' s store
on WellJ.ngton Street li<as r\')considereo .•
DAVIDSON: JONES: 'i'hat the previous motion on the subject be
rescinded, motion defeated.
KING: DEPUTY REEVE MURRAY: That the Building Permit to Mr.
Ardill be not issued until the agreement bet;;een him and the
'rmvn is drs;\m up and the.t a 10 year lease e:t 9. nominal sum be
granted to Hr • .Ardill, subject to a sixty day notice for
termination. CARRIE
The letter from the Department of National
the Department of National Defence.
Defence w-as consio.ered .•
the proposed plan from
'i'b.at 'che~following i•rori!ls be ado.ed '~and that an effort be mao.e to
get the Department to move the tanks via Larmont Street and
Wellington-Street" AMENDMENT CARRIED.
Councillor Davidson asked. a question regarding the contPol of
. Ind.ustl"les -vilshing to locate ;;i thin the To;m,
Councillor j"ones asked fol' thill'orme.tion on the sale of the
debentures and this matter ·ems discu.ssed briefly.
):!!O~,FAT; D,J.2..!'i1!RRAY:l. That leave be given to introduce a By-
law to amend By-lmv Number 938 as amended by By--le.vv number
1077, belng a By-la1v to c;l.eBignate through highways ;vi thin tl1.e
municipal corporation of the Totvn of Aurora and that the same
be novv read a fij"s~c time. CJIJtRIED.
JONES: D.J.:ti!URRAY: That the By-laM nou b?f'ore 1;he Council be
read a secono_ t:lme and that the Council <'LiE:solve itself into
a committee of the Nhole for that purpose, C.A.HRIED,
The By-la1.,-vas read and di scvssed in Gommi ttee and returned
to Councll v.Ji th a change rnao.e ~cherein, 1'he By-J.a1·r a£1 ameno.ea.
viE'.S then approved in Council.
DAVIS: KING: That the By-lav·i no11 before the Council be read.
a th:lrd time this day ancl ;cb.e.t Rule 22 of By·-l<'Hi No. 862 be
suspended f'or that purpose, CARRIED,
DEPUTY REEVE MUHRtu: JONES: Tha.t the By-lmv be ts.l:en as read.
I!liDRIMY: DAVIDSON: That leave be given to ini;or·rluce a By-lavv
to amencl By-,;l.mv No, 1051 to regula'ce the use of land and the
location of residontia.l bu:i.lcUngs and 'chat the sa.rr.e be no;·; read
a first ~cime, CAHRIED.
KING: DAVIS, That the By-lm·; nmv bei'ol:'(cJ. 'che Council be ~oead
a second time and that the Counc::i:L dissolve itioelf into e.
commii;tee o:t' the 1•1h9le for that purpose,
The Fiy-la'\'i \'i'B.S read and discussed in Committee an6. then
am)PCJVOc1 :ln Coun'cil.
KING?. IJEPUTY REEVE NURJ'lAY: That the Bv-lm·; novv
be l:'fJacl a th.iro. time th:ts day and ·tha~t H1-1.le 22
86~: be suspendect for tha.t purPose •
]~11"'""'• v--,;;. ~· . -"-"-... vlo. ->-Llhx• lhat che By-le.w be taken as rea.d,
before the Council
of By-J.I?,I-J No,
DEPiJ'rY:REEVE HURRAY presented a proposal for development of
.r, parking lot a.t the rear of ~che lot on Yonge Street South
recently o1mecl by Caruso's,
This matter was referred back to the Property Committee for
an investigation en to costs, etcv
Councillor Jones asked if the Streets Committee coulcl have
the ratl 911 Gurnett Street at the east end of the e.rena repaired,
JONES: DEPU'l'Y HEEVE HURRAY: That the Streets Committee he:ve the
1vork clone, ~~
Councillor King askeo. if. a cleJ.\)gation could be appointed to
go to the Department of Pla.nning & Development to pr?sent the
amendment to the Offic:\.al Plan,
'rhis mat~cer 11as left in the hands of Councillor King.
KING: lWFF.A.T: The. t 'cb.e Official Ba"ic Lan(l Use Plan be
amend.eo. by deletlng the Green Belt from Centre Street to
Yonge St. North and from Gurnet t St ,. to \iellington St. West,
and tha.t the remaining Green Belt arc~a exte.ud 50 feet on
either ki'Lde of the creek measured from the centre o:i" · ~che
creeJ.r. becl. C.I\HRIED,
The Disposal Plant matters ivere then discussed 1Jriefly,
The question of the Nesbit easement w·as considered s.nrJ.
the Finance Committee :~vas asked to go into this matter,
The By-law to provide for :l:lhe removal of sno•r ~11\:Jm sirJ.e-
walks ;vas discussed briefly·,
~~· d2~ ' . ,