MINUTES - Council - 19510719' K i\ I' I H!N~~~'H_Ml\;!f!TING._~J2TH, 1951. A special meeting of Council "~s held in the Council Chambers on Thui•sda.y, July 19th, 19.51~ a.t ;;:oo P.H. Ivla.yor Bell :i.n the Chair. Ivlembers present:-Reeve Coolq Councillors Jones, Pringle~ Corbett, Davies. G·undy. mf:::~: DAVIES, CORBETT; That letwe be given to i:a:troduce a by-la~¥ to APPO!UT A CLERK .IWD TREASURER l!'OR 'l'HE 'l'Ol'll! Ol•' AURURA and that the same be now· l"ead a f:l.rst time. Cs.rried. JONES, cooK; That the By-la-.r now before the Council 'be read a. second time and thR.t ·t;he Council dissolve itself into a comm:l.ttee of the whole for that pux>pose. Carried. ,, ? II 0 0 PR:rrmva;, GoH.i3E~r·r; That the. By-lat1 noi:r before the Council be x•ea.o. a ·t;hlrd ti.me this day and that Rule 22 of By-law No. 862 be suspended tor that purpose. Carried. ~lL12.!l.e!.ill!tml: GUNDY., JONES; That 'o;he Arena Boal'd be e.uthari zed . to pay an amount of' fil~00\).00 to Be~vis Bros. on their contract :f~or -vmrlt on old builflin[': e.nd that 'Ghe Se11.l of the Corporation be a'Gti>.ched. her•eto. Gt'l.l'ried. X•1eet:l.ng Adjournea .• . .~~ .. 0.~ •••• HAYOH. .........