MINUTES - Council - 19510813\
1'\·IENTY.-FJ:H.ST (SPECIAL) MEE'l'ING, AUGUnT 13, 12 51.
A speo.1!?.l meeting of Gouncil ~11'ao helcl. in the Council Chambers
on l1lcmlay, August 13th, 1951, at 8:00 P.l<l.
hP.yor Bell in the Chair.
l<lembe1•a .present:-neeve Cook; Councillors Corbett,' Jones, l:'rinp;le,
Dtwies, G-undy, l~ielcUng.
The in•opoaed debenture issue t.,a.a discussed ;ori th members of the
Public School A-nd High School Boards.
DAVIES, COOK; Th~.t the Clerk be authori:;,ec1 to call for tenders
on ~/600, ooo., 20-yea:r Se1•ial Debenture Issue for Aurora Hi~;.'l
School Area puruoses. Tenders to be based on e.n intereot l:'P.te
of both 42-t!~anrl 1-!i%. Sefl1ed tenders 11111 be r·eceived. up to
noon, September 17th, 1951. Carried.
Q.~,Yf!}ti.TI Olf§:
Hr. Ha.ym0nd i'ihi te appeared before Counoil P.sking that 1·rater serv~.ae
be extended along \•!ellington Ut1•eet Heat to the Tmm Limits. This
matter ~·rr.s turned over to the l"ire & lia. ter Committee for further
Hr. A. E. Sno~.; and Mr~ D. s. Heu•rison presented a peti ti,on request-
'-ng that Yonge Street$ north of \fellington Street, be ~Jidened.
COOK, DAVIES; That this petition be handed to the Streets Committee
for their consideration. Carried.
DAVIES, J.QNJJ:S; That le:we be g:l. ven to :tntrocluoe P. by-lP.ti. to
I~lCHi~ASE 'l'llE N.A.YOR 1 S HEHUlll!:HATION anci th'-'.t the same be no1-r read
a first ~ime. Carried.
JOIJEB, GUNDY; ~'hat the By-law no't'r befor~ the Council be !'e&d a
second time A.ml 'Gh~tt the Council clissolve 1 taelf into a comrni ttee
of' the ;:rhole for thP.t purpose. Carl'i.ed.
PRIHGLI:. CORBETT; ThA.t the By-law· not·r before the Council be res.d
P. thirc1 time this clay ancl that Rule 22 of By-La.H llo. 862 bl!l
auepended for i;hat purpose, Carried.
DAVIES, JONES; Th!'!.t leave be given to 1.ntrorluoe a. By-1a111 to.
I I 0 </
AUHORA and th!?:i; the flame be n01r read 1?. !~:l.rst time. CP..rri.ed.o /1 o"
GUWJY" FIELDING; That the By-la.tv no1~ before the Council be rend
a second time ancl th?.t the Council resolve itself into a comm:l ttee
of the 't'Fhole for thP.t purpose. Carried.
CORBETT, PRINGLE; That the By-lal·l not•r before 'che Council be read
a thiro. time this de.y and that Ilule 22 of By-La.t·J No. 862 be
suspended for 'Che.t purpose. Carried.
•r,.,en'GY-!~iret ( l.lpeci:>.l) Meeting. Auri'Ust 13, 1951 -l'a.ge 2.
DAVIES, GUIIDY; Th~.t leave be g:l. ven to introcluae a By-lr.ttr to
and thl".t the ea.-ne be no.~1 reacl a first time. -darried.
(}UNDYp FIELDING; The.t the By-l!WT noiV' before the Council be
rea.cl ft seCGnd_ time and that the Council resolve itself into
a. com'Ji ttee of tl;le t1h0le for th?.t purpose. darried.
I r' vt
l"'ELD!NG,. cooK; Thll.t the By-law nm·r before the Council be read
a. thi.rli time thiA clay P.nrl that Ri1le 22 of' By-L.'l.i1l' No. 862 be suspended
for that purpose.· Carried.
DAVIES, CHINDY; Th?.t leave be fd.ven to introduce a By-la.;v-to
l'HOVIDK l<"OH THE liSE 01~ l:'AHK!JlG TICKE:~~iJ At!D TilE :J?AY!4ENT OP ~'Ir!ES
arid th.,_t the s? ... me be now· reacl E>. first time. Carri_ed.
l•'IELDirm. GUNDY; Tha.t the By-lll.;.r nm·r before the Council be re~.o .
. a. eeconrl time and tl1<:1.t _ the Council resolve 1 tself into a
cornmi ttee of the -.rhole for that purpose. Carried•
PIU:mLE. cooK; That the By •• im-r no.t-r before the Council be· read
e. th:l.rd time this day aml thR.t. Rule 22 of By-L..<u1 No. 862 'be
suspended for that purpose. Carried.
fl D ~
PHINGI.E~ COOK; Tha:t leave be given to introduce a. By..;:J,a-.r
CJOMl>AtlY LIMI'l'ED ON ~·TE!LI:In'l'ON S"i'REET 11EST AUHOHA and tria·!; the /I o {,
aa.me be no1•r read a. first time. Carried. ·
GUNDY, ~'Ill:WillG; That the By-la11 :notq before the Council be
read ,;-, aecom:l time and th<?.t the Council resolve i tsel.f into a
committee ot the w'.nole for thP.t purpose. Carried.
JONES, ccmBE~'T; Th~.t the :By-lm-t noH beforethe Couneil 'be read
a thit•d time this day and that Rule 22 o:f' By-Lat-1 No. 862 be
sneperlcled :f'o:r . thP,t purpose. Carried,
.Q.QktliTTEE l:U~POH!§l
Hayor Bell presented a report for the Po Hoe . Committee :recolliillend.-
ing that the Poni;iac Coach at a total cost of ~i2.o40.oo,as
f1uoted by Bert Gilbert#be purchased as a police cruiser.
li'IELlJING, GUNDY;_ That the proposal to purchase. a police o:rottiser __
at ~2. OlfO. 00 be adopted. and th<?.t the Sea:t oi' the Corpo:f';.-,tion be
a.t t ?,ohecl thereto. Oarri ea..
Heating adjo1ll'!'Hld.
·~-~~~ .. &e.J..