MINUTES - Council - 19510108\
T·~·~···~·,."'·'7 ?.··~-...~··1 "Yl8e~~'1t"1cr t}t'~ ·~'hr.:) "~{·;~1 C"~~'l"'"'";""1~1 '""·1·h:~~·---;6~"'" r,;.·,~: i-· ~ lf, .• .t_;,t~'} . ._., ..... :'.~·•\'",._, -'b~::'"~""" ,It, ~,~:'·W•.,..;',:-.~
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ALl ~''~mbera o:'' ·the tknmcil elect l'!ere P'~esento
5'"n. th.e a~£:uno:L:1•
'I'ha Oath of Of.fi~Je was talten 'by the 01er1;:. to wJ:lj.oh eaoh rnt~lt!bel'
su·baori bed by-s:i.gna'au:reo
~;he l"~&yor assumed the Ohair for the meeting. and asked Revo K.D.
Wha. tmr.ml?',l.~ ·to give the I ne.ugural prayer.
1'1aycn: Bell ct,lled em the Counc:J.l, guests a.ml !Tess 'Go say a fetf
'IJlCll.'da, All of wl:lioh ve;_•y al'.Jly replied and wished the nm·; Council
every sucess tor the emn1.ng ;reax•o
T.h.e !lJaeting was adjeurn~l'.i. at. tl;J.is t:lmeF aftel." which the :!-1e.yo:~.•
Jlamed ~rhe Reeve~ Deptlt:Y. Reeve a.nd Ck.mnc:l.ll!!tr Davies an the St.z>:U.:.~.ng
'{t;Jpmm:U;tee to meet a\; '(., oo p.m. t.h:ts da1;e tt) atrike tl'le Standing
tlbmmittees tor the year. .
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