MINUTES - Council - 19501218"'l~r.. f.ili!'£<l~ "jj. ''l•'.l'>~'l't'>l''' '"'"'/."t f\:•-~~'<n c:.•""'1 il.t'"t.)' n~~1:_.:} ·~~-. -~~1-.f.:'J c~ .... "l~'~,r-v;\<? ('!.l.,~·q-~"1.\.-o~;>\!r F~""-.1 ... 1.'1.~' -<: •• ~ ... L .... :\.. U t.;,,•,,, O<..Ji.;.~1:j v.J. v~,lti~tM;J}.,.~,, l''iC:,!;; J..;.~-;~• .. ~t.;£. ,l\,i!i-'<J.u.~·~ -A!,.~o,~J.tvJ·~·-'\,· ~.IJ.'.r.;;..!d-,..:.::·Z d w:£;,
.1>1on0Ii.:y' Dec,.~ C• 18th 19.50 s. t 8o 00 Po me. .Ha~lO:.t" Bell in 'i;he Ohet;lj:;' s r£t0fl.lb0;~"f%
p:rf£J:t5®n t P Heev-a' Oook f Dep e~Hroe'tJ"rfJ Co:t~ner ~ fJou:nc:lllc>rs D Cox""bed;·t;; Ds.vi e~ g
Gle,ss; .Jone130 l'1tlll:"Z'ay; P:~;ingle.
OOHNER, ·DAVIES; That the follo~,r.i.ng aa~otmts be paidn tha.t the 1'layor
~,I'J!ltHl ordert!! on the ~l'reaaurel:" f.o!' the seune and the Seal of' the Ciorpno
1'1~ \~ t tr!,c;hct,~. to "t.l::J t~ r-ssol~.r:l~~~.o:~t, '"' Or:--: ~:l··J,
Dani~ls Motor Sales
BoDo Gil 'bel•1;
B'rank s;rm.orw
A14l'Ol:'a l>i:l.lling Co. Ltd,.
Buchanan Ce,l··~mge
il·:ra:vr~l .:~ l":l.l1
Gas$oil truclt
R~·~"·' '"'' "'" t·~-·~•~ >v!J~·~,J..-. 0:.1 """" v.'i. \4\ifA.
Bt'illdo z,.ng
Sana. & G~a-.rel '·
2'? 0 80""" ·~,;; "b-.._
"'-..,.0,#0.... " 108~ 0;:; ......_
M'r, 86.._ -'"~}t:.e ......._
l52o 10 "'(
:t !HHH;t o:.•r:l$i1i:'!'J on the
be attached to thin
CORPORATION AV.roX:a1f.~o Oomm.
the :follo;,ring acoo1.m);s be paid., tb.at the Mayor'
~rr.ea.erux'er ft)r th~l £ss.me c·tnc:1 ·the SeaJ. of the Co;r.:pna
:t•esoluii:lon. Ca1•r.:teu. ·
l?'ett;y oasl.t
.Petty cash
'1.'. Tomlinson
A1U'O!'.S\. :Sldg.
J. A. loll 'Goltell
Ernie holman
& Sr:m
Clerl~s of:,:':!.ce
To\·tn Hall
Fi7.'!9 11larm
D:!. eposa.l plc:1nt
.Election acreena
~' ~ ")' ~1)~1.'( t· ,,,JCJ)I ess, os;.r._ce e .c.
Go" Ltd. 6 G<.1lley & :rrarues
:Prop £1 i~l e 1'!.::
li'la,aher Sept.
FJ~:r:-ap ~Jt' ~1 9 ; F.l'YJP~
New. mcvtol:" t3.x·e truol~ ,y. E. Tulloch
Oarpe!l'lier Motor
Lois Love
Supply I.-Cc1. ii':t:N> Depto
B.lJ'oDav:l.s & So~1 .
Aur" J:lea:ree,t:l.on Oamm,.
BelJ. Telephone Co.
Ina. l!~il"e tx>uok
J:iJ.~i 9 Ul.llllp tl'UCk
1ne.Town Uab:Uity
Ins" l''lre t:i'."JJ.Cll::
.Se'h1 e:t:S
Wo:;;•J,; em tcn•m pa:t'lu:
{]l~':!x~J!'.s 0 r:r;~c,e
r:. ?'> :.?<· _ _, " l2.Lfli·~ l,,oo,
"" J Q "-''' ·7"-,., 06
(r;. / --6 oq......_ c. ,t> .r -,.
191-r.i.>O ..._
77 .. 10-
.3{)8.5 ........
"'3 '71~ w.,_ vI'·--"......_
L~J6" 68 '-
6 "'"' o4i...l'
610 JCl .""' ;;n,. 70,
5.59. 83..,..,.
l;J, 15""
30 o JO ""'
17 ,, (!()....._
~c• ,,.. •
.f.,Qr,,Y,) ''
:l.osue o~'d.ex>e on 'the
be at '\:ached t;o 'th:). s
Ati'roraHydz·o Oomm.
r~o ''"' "~p•· ~ ~.,..., ...,;. &'v. wo
the f'ollo11ring
'l':;;'easurer• i'c)r
·t;he t>e.me
<;, 8 .. ~~ "'
be p~:l.d 1 that "'l(jhe Ma~ror
B 1·J m.~ "' "C e • ·' eJ.ep .. on.t., ·O •.
fi'ranci s HankS.n & Co. L·t.d.
Can. Brase Oo. Ltd..
National !:;;•on Clol"pn. Xitcl.
D:r.mm:uon'ln Nc0al.1 & Co. l>t•'i.
"' ~? tr ~~ .. --
~-·d ~l'e "'~~1 o"' 1·J,ft 6.,-.,,n o,.U ~~ .. L 1\.l..:;;c:o. J.. !J. ,f>\:0: ';./'!,..11.1, ;.-"~~ ~>
1.;11 meter•
113.07" . / ~ !",
· Oo~l.../ "' :ri' .o~
"'l '7o '-c.. .... ..-. '
f;happlic-;e r-ep>at}iala
9· Q ~.(;'
tQf)....,..,. "
I:Q2o90'\. .,..!"' \
31st meeting Dec. _12;tl:J, 4;_9,20 un,:pag,!3J._
MURRAY. PRINGLE; That the follo·~·ring e.ooount be paid 9 the.t the 1-!.ayor
issue orders on the Treaaurer .for the same and the Seal of ·~he Corpno
be ~ttached to this resolutiono Carried.
P. Alan Dea.con
Consultants tees 177.5~
An advice from the Department of IU.ghways was reoei ved
advising that the Dept. had re-~onsi1'J.ered the Townva appl:\.oai::l.on for
extend?d approval for g:ra.llt · p'IU'poses. The Dept. haa agrt,ed to
approve expenses to the $18.000.00 Umit as set up in the '~o~m
budget 0 tor 1950.
A l.etter from the North Amer:i.oan l.ite. re ret:j.remeni; plan 1-r.ae reo···
e1veet. advising that the plan will likely be approved by the
Dept. of Municipal Affairs in '!;he nea>.zo f~\tm.•e.
CORNER 0 CORBE;rT; That th!!J Dept. of I:B.gh~.ra.~-s be written a letter
of appl•ecie.tion f'or e:pproving the road expemsee to the full :t:tml t
of ou~ budget. Carried.
A letter from ·the 'l'cnm Engineer enclosing eaUmates for thr~ oontraoto,.•
as W!9ll as a. bill for engineering fees. we.s received.
COPJ!lERo DAVIES; That the follo~1ing acco~Jnts be pa.id 0 that the l•:a.yo:r
issue orders on the T1•ea.surer for the came and the See.l of the tlorpn.
be attached to this resolution. Ca:r:r:led.
l'rootor 8 .Redfern & Laugh;lin. engineers fees o!'l worlr on Cameron Ave.~
Dunn~.ng Aveo Royal Ra.. Storm eewera, sanitary ae'l':ers and gre.il:lng
and gravelling $21.50?.60 at S% $62S.38
OOP.NERn COOK; 'l'hat the follo-vring acoount. be paid~ the.t the Mayol"
issue ordera on the Treasurer for the same and i;he Seal of the Conm.
be attached to this resolution. Carried. -
Mar9.no Oonatruot;:1.on 8 MProgreas estimate # :;. as approved by the
eng~.nee:l.' for wol~k done on Cameron Av.e~Dunnj.ng Ave.; & Royal B.d.o
Total work on estimate · $12 9 507.60
less 1.5% holdback 1~6~ J.it.
Estimate to pay ilO,o31.4b
CO.R.NER, MURRAY: Tha'G the folloi•ring acaou;'lt be paJ.flB that the l<ls.yor
issue o:!'dera em the .T;reasul•er for. the same e.nd the Se2ol of the Corpnn
be attached to-this resolu-tion. 0aJ.•r:1.ecl.
!.m!:l:lt'i"J;fU{S . . .
Marino Oonl!ltruetion. estima.te tr l ae approved. by the Ent<;inee1•9 fOI'
;.;a:terrnaine on Cameron Ave. Dunning Ave.: & Royal Rd .•
t;otal o:t: estimate !< 921+.1.5
esa 15% holdback 26~~§~
Estimate to pay "$l,b35.S3
CORNER" COOK~ T'a.at the followlng aoeount. be paid~ that the l>iayor
issue orders on the Treasu:r•er for the same and the Seal of the Oon:m ••
be attached to this resolution. Carried. -
WATER1W.RKS ~ctor,Redter•n & Laughlin. engineers :t'eee for ~;ate1•mains on Came:!'on
Ave." Dunning Ave.~ & Royal Rd. amd. mater.•:t;;;.l used on this ,job.
5% of $60?0.47 · $303.52
•'•.•:o;'-:'•'''' . .,-,,;. ··.--.··-•·<>-:·:··
'"']~~-~tt ... 'ktfJ C:f~)~.,;?,~$1 .... ,_,. P .. l?.9 ._?. ..... JJ?.tft."<,,.,_~J~ ~.?"~L. . ., .. ,., .. ,XLSH~.~.-"~•>0<"
GOOK,, DAVIES; 'l'ha;t a fJ1.11 o:i' m.;;;.tel'iaJ. for watel7 1Xlrke as o:~·~lel~ed by
the foreman 'be meiJ.e e.t ·chis time. Carr:i.ea..
Oou.ncillor C·lasa ~;;ubm~c tted a :l'epol"t on px•ogx•eas in connection '!ll:l. th
oomrt:ruot~.on of a hose d:<>ier fo1• the F!i.re Dept.,
l.f!JR!'l.P.Y~ <H.JlSS; That the 1•eport be tiled and taken up by the new
w.ter. commi '!;toe of the 1951. council. Oart•:l.edo
CORBETT~ J'Ol'lll:S; That the Mayor and members of the Town Council of
Aul•ora wlah to extend their ·t.:lhristmas gr>eetings and beet wishes for
the Ne-r.; Year ·to all ou1• citizens in the I>iun1eipallty of Am•oX's.&i;o ·
·the :tooa.:i. merqhanta & exeeuti.ves of Im'h1.strlr $ together w:J. th appreeL:,.t:ton
ot ·i;J:le Mvers.ge of Council business by the Presa during 1950.
'i'le t-70\lld 11:1:\te solao to than~ all. peJ:>eons who arrangeo. an•l alao
those woo pal'tici;patecl in the V11il"Y excellent Sa.nt~ Cls.us Parade on
Sa·t. Dee. 16th.. 0F.J.z>r!i.ed.
OORNER~ MURRAY; rJhei•eas ~l'ominat5.on meeti.>1g being held :ln tl'le evaning
tl•om ?.JO p.m. to 8.;30 p.m. and r,;hel:'s.s a cons~.o.era:ble time is lost
for ()W.nd~.rlates r,;ho a:.:•CJ deaizo:l.ous <;~f. contesting the e:l.ection and the
ti:r.esoma wei ting by the c~. tizenG ·~rho go to hear the platform sy;ee.ltel•s
give e.ocount of. tha:l.P. e'Gewa~dahip 9 .1:>e it; ll'l®BolveO. that t.ue By-laws
oor>'41l:l. tte<:l hl'ing in a By~ Law :!.n 19.51 tl.J.a-,'c. Nomina.t:l.ons be held bettt;een
the hou~"s of 10¢ OOA.:t-X. & 12.00 e •• n<. S.n the Clerks of:t'ice~ x'ollcn;ing
"the nominations of'. ·the candiclates a Publj.o meeting be held at 8.00 ?oMo
wher.•e the c:l. t~.zens could bear the candidates fo'l' election and o'chex• ..
problems diaeut:H:led. ·
Aft?!' some d:i (;l01Hlsion on this motS. on it tras moved tmd secondet! ... ·
"by CORNBR 0 lilT.fRRAY; Tl1a.t the motion beftn"e the Council be tabled. e.t
this time. Oar:ried.
CORNER~ DAVIES! l~'heraa ·the Muniolpa:l.:i.ty of the Tovm of Aurora J:w.a
a 3y=ls:w enacted, nominations ·to 'be em the laat Monday· in NovembeJ.•
tM<o. elections in>o w·e:aks fl:'om tlaat t1ate. be:l.ng the aeoond Monday in
Pecemher. and wher<iam to oonfol"!ll with nearly a.ll Mtm:i.oipal:vtiea :).rt
the !k1tmty of York t-rho hold their nominations on the Last b'l"iday in
November and Elect:l.ons one week from the f'oUow:l.ng Monday :l.n Deco
being a pe1•:i.od of. ten a.a.y!l between Nmnina t:l.cm. and Election day. be
:U; resolved ·~hat tJ.<e By=J...aw·fl Commi t'l;ee be hez•eby :r.mJtruoted 'co. b!'~.ng
in a By=L&w· in the ;jeal' l9Sl to confol'!l.i to 'Ghe ol:w.nge as heretofore
stated. Carried.
A 1e·cter signed by Dep. Reeve Corner and· OounoilJ.t.n• Gle.ss wao read
t;o Council~ the oon·roe!lta i>70l'o) as tollo<-rs.
nivhel'ea$! :lt ha.s been our privilege to s~;:r•v0 the To·lim of Atu•ora fo:;:•
3 yea.1<'e and 2 year:a j~espeGtively and we desi;re to oonvey to other
membel'B of. Ccmno:'\.1. our a:uM.:~e~·e ·than!;:s tor· the (kl•?opel"at;:i.on and
pleasant asgo~ia t1.on ms h.!'!.ve had (hn.~~.ng tht~ t period. W'e hope our.
'""''"~·no·~ "'"'~".''" th~'· ·1·'1~'1" h~"'"' ·l•• ru<'l"'l"' MJ'•1"f , .. ~v ''"'"'"' ~1' ~"''"-· ,.,., ot;,,-.\.,..ti,;~J,_,),; ""\v: •• o. ~;,l~·t:::. Jf_,c..,.o' ~"''"J..l.~~ .~.:.o .. o;o;;.. ,.<,.;,,;. ~~.,_.!J,<.~ n~t~l:.~ ..... Jt•c:~.u IV . .;.·C~"" !.,,t.,. '"''~""~.,u;.e~ Y ....
t t-"l,o r.?,-.,., .. 7!'' ""-1'" 1''~-'"'.~t""-·~ ~~,~<~ •),hfi,~ ~·~~.,.~,nr;>;·"""" 7''[' 1il":1 "·"~':l.·1;')·l ,.:~ ...... ,1""! ~"'~r.:>'""Y-"(.-"6'\'-i·""t:! .o.r:.:..-.,.1 •.!..~v ~.l:,;f'.~._-f. ~.1-'• ~:.hv.! .,J,!.~·.~o ~~'-~~\.-!.. ~"'V S ~-"·~~~-~~~.r,,.:;Lt.:.::o .,._, 1 .,~r;;: 1·"!.1 J .•• ~v•.:J.1,_,_, .-.. .t.~;-~·-:..v -'."o .1.:,,;,,.,..,~
t~ "'-~ t:h·~ ~ _.,.'ill~~ ~"'-~·iir~ --· .~;... . -~~"'"'•';l;-4...,. ,,, '1')1~, ••• .,. (:)"'"r1 ,. 1 l"tl.''-'1;.-·.•;:~.,_.., 'Cl~ 1·""1~. r"""~1"¢ r:-.•.:~ <)~~-~-~·"·· .:.iJ..~, ~n<. .. f...o ;; •. ~ "''·~'/! ~.,VJ..:; ..... ff~ '"0 _pr~~-~t::l::.:J .. ,.d&1 ~ .. ,,.~.:::1.!.-D. :-k.i.c, t-t.f1( v-tu.lt .. Jt' ..;.. ~Al<-1.,\.,_,_.{3 ,-~..v •. ,,.~vn .. <l~<=~-.u
"isrn could noti of:t"G~~~ ov.1"'~ seJ.'Zv~t.c.(~€3 fo-:r t~h() ;vea'J} 19.51 t,1.n,t\ av.ce:~f~Hft1.1l:v do
ou~ CltttJrc !i; ~.0 0141? sin,OHA?!~ 1rJ"l£~h. t\J ;rnlf. ~ b1aycn:~-Bt:~l1 ancl other~
member-r.1 t:~>f Ck.riltlC~i.l t;hat :V'Otli. t'f~.J...l :ha.v~:.: a :PJ.'~~C~spez~ous ye&:r.~~:.-
'"-.1 >.?";n Yi}•.i'r.·'{"·i 'IH/' De..,, ·;; P·;-h l 0 l;::(l. "'"~'l (""·--':· /1. "'''e!,.,;~:.>;.~~; ... ..J;;~;~~:;~~.".::,;'..Z."";;.'.~~~ .. ~=~;.;.;%,!.',..,~.·~~:·;~;:,,,.,;_,.,"':;"/""';.,,...,=.:.b:,;..:;;;!~.~; _ _;,'..._
CH.J\.SS, MUHR.I.\.Y; That the etipeno. :/.'Ol" tl:w off':i.<.H'J of. lil.s.yor be reviewed.
by the nat" Clounoi:!.~ due to ·the extra meet:i.:nga and committee meetings
being 11elcl ai; present. Carriedo
·-· • DAVIESa CORNER~ 'J:'):l.at leave. 'be given to introduce a by-law to
A]~END BX-LA't'J # 939 ~t'O P.EGU!.ATE TRAFFIC ON HIGHVlAYB and that the same
be now· x•ead s, f.'ll•st time. Oe.rriedo
PR!NCl-LEe I•flll''. ... '1AY; T"nat the By-lat4' now before the CJourwil be
rea.o. e. eecond time and that the Council cliesolve llltselt intt~ a oornm,. tt~
®® of the whole for that p1x1•pose. Carried..
· ClOHBETT 0 • Cil.ASS; 'l11(l.t the !:lir~·laH ncm before the Councll be J:>es.d
a t>hil'd. tlme thle d .. ?.;y 11nrl ·th!lt Rule 22 o:t' By-Law ~· 862 be em·p\mded
for that PUl"1.1ose. Clar:r•i ed.
GLAS"i''l, .TONES; ?nat; the t11.i:t'd l'ead.ing be 1:a..1:r.en as reeii., Ca:t•r-ied.
DAVIES~ 00RNERi That le1;1.ve be given to introduce a by-.J..a:t-r to
At~END BX=l.Aiff ff 938 '.l'O Dli.:S:.HHiiATE ~:HilOUGH FJ.IG:!fliAYS and that the se.me be
now reacl a f'i.rs1; time. Osu•riecl..
Mill'll'U\Y. :PHJ:NG-I.E,; That 'Ghe B;r-law no;.; befQNl the Councll be
l:'€l1Ml a eecond -~~.me t'.!'l•i ths,t th.e Oo:nmcil dissolve S. tseJ.f :l.rrl;o n
oomm'-ttee of the ~;hole 'IDoE' t11!it purposi)!. (Ja.rl':l.ed.
,:rmm.:s~ iYiURRAY; ~'hat. the By-law no•: befo:<•e the Oouno:u be r.eBf!.
a t.h.1.1'd 1;ime this day and that RuJ.e 22 of Dy-La.·u # 862 be t:mspe'tded.
f.o:lf' that purptHle. Oar1•ied .•
MURR.il-.'t', DAV'l:E:s; 'l'b.at ·~he 'Gh1rd ~·eacUng be taken as :o:>ead, Carr:l.erl
DAVIEs. CORli!E.R; That leave be given. to intX>oduce a By-.l!;'"T to
the aame be !'!.o-.1 reacl a fix•st t:l.me. Cla.l'ried.
~llif!RAYv PRJ:NGI,E; 'J.'ha.t tl1e By-la·w now befo:re the Oouuon ;.e
read e" seccmd i;hae an.d that ·the CouncD. <'l.~ .. ssoJ.ve itself :l.n'Go a
oomm:J.t;';;ee of '(;J:w whole i'o:r that purpose. <lax•ried .•
G!<ASI?.i, COHEE'l"l': 'l'.hat. the By-lat1 now before ·the Council 1;;:. a•eac1
a th~.rd time this day and that Rule 22 of. Ey=l<!:-·;r # 862 be suspended .
for the.:c purp(HJe,, Oarr':l.ed..
COOK. DA\f!EB; 'l'he.t the thil'(l r>e~tding be ·t;rJ..ken !!'.B !'eao .• Ce.rl'\ect.
I<~ee·til<g e.d;journed.