MINUTES - Council - 19501204THIRTIETH l~EE'I'ING DECEMBER l:·th 1~'10 ,~_,.,,._. ,_.,.,,,~-.,,-"-•"•···,_,..,., -o~ ·-· ._., •. , •.. ., .• •• -· . .._,_.., .,_-,, -:.--<" • •· ._.,. ••• _, •• ,., .,, "'"'" ., --~ ·o•.•....--., ... ,,,,_,,_.,_ ·--~,~ •''-·-• ~rhe: re~"·u.la.i') nteeiiing of Ck.rt.:irioil t·:.':RB held :tn. i~hs Oonne~l1 Oh,B.mt;c:~-:~."G on Mor,da.y D~c. 4t;h 1950 (l.t s.oo p,,mo Ns.yo::r Bell in the Ghe.i>:>0 meml:le•:l'il present. i Reeve doo:lq Dep.Reeve Corn<J~'> Douno~.11o1'!>n Cio:c>bet·l;;; J\:mes~ l?v:l.ngle~ 'Glass; Murray. . . The minutes of the Court of Rev1e5.on~ Com3oil meeting!l of ·~he ·three previous . dates ~1ere adopted aa printedo cooK. JONES; That the :following accounts. be paid. tb.at the Hayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the eame and the Seal of the Corpn. be attached to thie resolution. Ca.rriedo i~ATER\·iORKS . oan~P..nBX'ey;,ss ao~ Lta. Bell Telephone Co. Mueller Ltd. Coppl'3:r tubing If 12 Ol~'Gtiilg Wheel €f't:;oo \48.13~ -. 6. 00--.. 2.01..,_ l?RINGLE 0 COOKa That the 'f'lAGE a(:lcounta be paid. that the Mayor :l.ssue orders on the Treasurer for the same and that the Seal of the Corpn" be attached to this resolution. Oar:r·:l.ed. PRINGJ.E. OOOK; That the follmtlng account;e be paidt that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasu!'el~ for the same eJ.'lct the Seal of the Gorr.m. be attached to this resolution. O:esrieCJ.. .. QQ~C{RA='l'~I.,.O::,N_ ' Postmaster J?etty Cl:;Sh Robert Rank Bell· Telephone Co. Aurora Greemr•ouees J?x•ovinc:lal Treasurer B.D.Gilbex>t Oanadj.an Leg~.on l1.l~.ngay 'l"re.nsport Howa!'d Air Conditioning Office Spectalty N:?g.Co. Attridge a, Scm Hilbo1•n & Co. II ff J.F.;K:l.tch:lng Judge Lovering T. New·ton dan. S.K.F. Co. County of York A1J.1.'ora li.ec, Oow.miea:l.on H. E. 'l'ea.sdale Mrs. R. Hodgkinson Trini-ty Anglican Cihw.·ch liltivel' Bros. R.l .. Boag I:r•ene Gingell O. H. R. B. G. i'lh:l. telaw Ernie Holman ll H • Aurora Bldg. Co. M. Taylor ;I Po~rt;age Em;prella, supplies etc. 0:!:'osning gue.1•d Pol;lce . Olerk 2 s office £!'i.JL'e Deut. · Prope;;,oty Dept. Flo~rers, Legge Dept. of Healtlt Grease disposal plant ~'l'reath Cartage Oil furnace at libr&~Y Desk l..iuiTiber. Btorm s et,16l'fl A/0 1950 aud.:J.t Disbursements fiigge"'• atorm se>~.era "evleion voters list BuDiling chj.mney e:t 15. bl'al'Y :Bearings disposal Hosp:i. teJJ.zat,.on Sep. & Oot. Mftt. & l~>bo pa:;:•k benches Ba.il:i f"l D~ .. Vo Cou;-?t clel~k D:lv. ~~ol.u:t (hall ren"G) ll'uel T.H. L:l.st prop. sales P~~·n~""''ll'"' :J--t:ewl"' <"{ ~ <.!<·= "''vJ:"'~olo •. ~~ •. u ..... Jl., ... u_r, .t. .... ~&.oWt.lb~o FlaeheX" AugQ . o:r.noe supplies Ge.s" Fire DeptQ 'lf.lv. Oil S:ewere Police Dep'Go Fil'e Depto 16.00- 8.26 4!~ .• oo ... 17.65......,_ J.?. 70-......, 9.85......_ <;.1}5'-~ -10.00 '- 1.85'- :tQ ~~~o ....... 15.00-...._ 7.55-- 10'(0. 00--- 2,5.,00- 13 • .so-- 250ooo~ lo90-J6.oo J.O.OO'::::- J9.ll·:;l_ 8 •. 00 ._ 1(2.67.._ J.Oo.oo ..... zo. 00'- 20~00'- 50.00- l(ll.li-5 ..... z.os, 31.08....._ 28.49" '?o )8, 2.28, 15~50-.. 5r-:, I! ~ ,;so 0!1- o)O- 6. 75..._ ........... __ ,_..-:-, .~ }iutd.uJ..,p;:Ll ho1··J.tt Lt;~:l ... rn 1( !i'~·~ ;., ~"-" J.., .... o.:,;._,..,. .... 'dilson Harch1are Aurora Hydro Oomm. Banner• Press J • C-oulding Aurora High School F. Dunham '" ' ,': ~·, r~ ~ ': •.· ... ,~ C;f:E2 .. nE; fJ'tfl:t.~:t5.a.f; l?o1.j.ce & b"~:t:r•e lJepto \-'Yo "t-1~~ $ Hevr~n~~ ~ Propo s·t. lighting Nov. 1950 ~taionery; printing etc. Use oa.~p Oot.& Nov. Use hall Nov. 27th 0/8 trips, ~ortamps etc. >:t ~-~~-;~, ..., .!'..o L:J"' .:>9.58'- )14·6.34 ' 87.18.::::-.. 12.00- 10.00 ._ 18.55, CORNER. OOOK> That 'Ghe fo1J.ot11ng accounts. be paid• iss11.e orde;.ns on the Trell.!'!Ul'er f.or the se.me and ·the tha'G the l•ls.yoz• Seal of the Co:epl'lo be attached to this l"esolution. ClG.rr•ie::'l. STREETS (;i-!!:<'13 0 ~ ":! ¢'.;/.~ c 'S'rie:r!e0-& Ce;neron DeLaHaye Garage Daniela Motors kt·"' ~' .~ .. r.. "' 0 .t"' ~ ... .c<....,..~i: ~.<.:r~ ;.;~ ~oy;:-<''i fl'<: nD• 1-~111"!)-v v...--"'~'~' hJ ~ ;o,.,.,~~ \j ~~ ~.),1,. t::l u.~. . .. ,:'}, !I " !o"lintkote Co. l;tcl. (·:.a .r..-'?1':1-~nl"' \ Sp u.._ Uvs"o. ~lnow removal Oo11'Hl 'li ~ .Po:r wyi·r•}"' ,,, , -·~. .~., .1-, ... .'<:"c"' ~J ..., ... J..z..;._r::_, GI.<ASSii ,JONES; That -'Ghe foll,~H·rSstg account~ bE:) }')[·d.clg, issue orders on the TreaSurer fo:.t? ·(;he eame and the be attaoheil. to this :resolution" <Jm':r·ied. RSLIEll' Medical Assn. Clara Beckett E.F..Davis & Son Aurora Gen. Store DEL.EGATIONS 5 .,. 560 Pay;;; en',· ( ce.sh) Fv.el l•'ood that Sea.l 26o(;l.!;~ ~7 ')<"< ? •'-'" ,,, il-.1.~'-- 80.0 ""l'J -;r-; ·' r'-.. 6 -·· ~ \ "~;he l(s~yo:." of the Crn:·pn. 2.80 ll·:t. 55, }o.oo,, :n.so "\, Fix-e Chief. Harry Jones presented a report oi' the Brigadeos ope:t>ations fo:J? the yea;;;;. COOK 8 CORBETT; 'I'hs.t i;he Cb.1ef 6 s. :;:•epo:r.•'G l)e accepted ana 'Gb.a'c the Clerk for;.re.rd a J..ett.el:' to the Briga.c'l.e in appreciation of ita tine ;,;ork during the year. . Car·l'ie(J .• An account 'f:(n' the Bzoig.?.de G !l services fot• the yee;;; was tabled at this time. JON!~s. !4Uf..RAY; The.t ',;he ~:u:mount rmbm:l:t'GeKt by 'Ghe Br~~.gs.de be paid a,nd that the Seal of t11e Oorpn. be at·i;ached to this re8c:.lution. Carried. Total remu\nel'aticm, $2v,562.50,"' . . CORRESPONDENCE · -~=~~--An e.ppl:toati.on fl:'om EnglJ.fliA & Hon1tl Ltcl. for· a Plumbing td.cene~eo 1the license had been S.ast~ecl on the recommendation of the Inspector~1. due .. ~Q the ur-gency of work on th<:3 rH:?lt h:lgh sohoo1.e: TON'E"' >·<il'"''""v" "'"'<>'"''he ow~-·~~ •" ·•·1"" ''~e,·•1'" ·'n ·1~s"'~'''" ·'h'·<• 1'~~11 ~, t,l ! '-'$ J:'.!.VKUI.J;'l.~\·:, .~./,f,,.;.t• ,,, ¢ 1-:·,.vl•J~v1..1 ();~. :,..._..~. .......... ~,}: .. .t-.,<.. l. ~,.,c,. ~ ... .1-:;b \.1,~-.!.,:J J,.~,_.l;<v· :o,;::• be confirmeilo Cex·!~:led .• ~4 ... letter from the Au:r·or::1. Planning BoP .. rcl regarCttng the p~·epa.z'ing of n. By.-!,avr for ll.:r.ea of Bub=D:l.v:u;ion Oc:m1;ro1 >'JH.S r•eoei ved. OOHNERv l~TI.JRRAY; ':r:I'1.a:li the ~ro~n1 Solic~i t~or be inetruo·terl "a:.o p:r.•epare the By--)~at·l for. this purposeo Oarx--~.eclo A further letter :l?rom The Aurora Pl&J'ln:lng Board. t·ras read regardirtg pel.<:m:1.Ssion to allo'H the Me.:roh M:l6.178 .. y Sllt•f{ts ·i;o purchase property from 7.~!:'" Ha.;'tsman, Wellington St.v!. for uto:rgge of Equipment. PRINRJ.£0 1-iURBAY.; That the Council he:ving no object:tm.1 'Go the use oi' th:te property -·-·,-:·:··,:··· go on r·eoo:r.d as ·"'"= 6 ...... .,..,..""' 0'" J,.,,,,;_. d l-v ... ell'::"<v ' ~ ··:'<>':•:--·· 1\il.dway aquipmerrt;" Cari~ied11' CO~l!TTEE REPORTS -......:..-==< ---~~~ Nayor Bell re!)td the repol:'t of the PolJ.ce Committee meeting of Nov. 25th dealing wlth matters contained in the Police Ch:t.e:r 1 s recent report. The :!>!e.yoris repo:r.>t recommended that the Chiefis report be he.nded to the 19.51 Council tor its oonsideraticm. JONESp COPLJ'JER; That the Report; of the Police Committee be accepted, Carried. l1ayor Bell prem:mted a further Police repoP·t~ based on :;;eoommendations fos.' :~egislt?.tion to :'i.ntorce s.ct:l.on by the Police~ certain ne'il fdgns,par1;:2.ng l'eg"'ulationt' etc. CORNER, JONES; 'l'ha'r. the Report of the Pol~.ce Comm2" t~c0e be adoptecl -.ri th a change :ln Ol!'mse 3 s.mena.ed 0 That a B;tt=La;;~ be p:r·epa.retl a.s soon as app>?oved ·by tl1e Department of' l:H.gh<,rays. Ca<•:r:i.ed. ~ PHINGJ.-E~ COOK; The/G lee"'ye be given to ~ .. ntrJorlv~oe a, by=J.a.toJ ·~o l'ROVJ.DE iJACATIOl'JS WITH PAY E'OR TOWN E:i:li:PLOYEf~S and. that the same be .. . now read a :fiz•st time. Cal~ried. · ...... . MURR'I.Y, CORBJl:'l'T; That. the B:r··le:tr ncn·,r before the Council be. ,,. read a aeoonc1 time tu'ld that thH Ocn.nt~il dissolve 1. tself :ln .. Go a corm::l'o of tl1e tfhole for ·t;ue.t pm•pose. Oarx•:l.ed. CORNER. JONE:S: Tha'i: the By-law now b0lfore the Councdl be :reacl a th.:i.rd ·time th.:i.s day and. tb.at P.uJ.e 22 of By-Lm·r 7f 862 be ouepeu= ed fo~ that pv.rposeo Carried. M.URt"1l.~Yv Gl.JtSS; That the third. rea.d5 .. ng. at' the By:pla-v.r be taken as read. Car;?ied. 'i'h¢ ~,~~"Y)i'.l." 'l.:'l-~!:1(1,:, -.J.~.I·~~81'l ~lt'?rr.ffi t'ht~ !TIQ1·'~ C{~j.I);A<\i'f"l""t!'l!') 1"')~(7)7/"l·">,;;."'~'lQ" -.. v v ..... .v ... x ... .., ;;-.o.. c" v 1.: v "'~ ~.~~ v ~ "'"'_,.& ,:, •.f;;:. ...... ,. ....... .~..~·~t. <Jo...".a. .,. ...._.~<jCi..t.l..~~,.;.4~ an Area. of Bub-d~.vieion Cont:2?01 B;)7 ·,.,·ls~~'-l";;, The oorr!;en ... Ga of 1~h0 J..ette:.t""' left rloubt :jsl ~t;he mind of"' Counvil~ ~1ha.t act:lon 9houJ.d be ·t;altene t"'l.·r ,;c..~9-l. r'-1:·-roBE'Iun~ rr ... nrA. ,.. jo4..,...·j~ r-1 ,8 ~.r.n...,, ~,...e ,'1t'::."t 1·, 8 1"!:.,-'>..,]'1::1' .!:l~ ..,;.-;t,.,.•.~.· .• l>.h..-v v....,.;;;l. ~ J.. ~ · J.i.:.l':~. b c:'~ t .'hili·' 11.:., _.. l>~!..L.f6 ~-,.,o .!,_.,_,..!. J!.. c!...<. ~ .. * .:~o~~ t ., '3 'A"·, v ".no ~,.. .... ~ -'~"'l "1 (J ,.,.,.,. ·"'1; n,.,,, ~ . ..,.. ... l '"'ll"'1""<"'" ~o......_;P'c-:!r~ ""ni1 .... h~ n~. r .. ,...,"~ t.~ 88.-t, COn.(pl"'.LfL .. ~ g ~~~le .tOtt.uC.!.. ..... tJ 1.:..1£1 ~<:: ,tt~.rh .. _.t.t6 w ... l ..... ;. v~ C!.l ,_,_ lJ ..... ~;; Town Solicitor j,n erdel~ tCJ fu!.•'th.er-ClitH~UEB the .& .. :J?$8.. o:f' Sv,1:_t ..... Q.J .. :v~.s:l.on Cont:r-ol By=Law~ ar;~:terl • .ml;.)Llll]S!NESB= rlAU'1n'' J ·; "" ~-1" "" -•o-rr'l "''.''""' '' ~~-··nJ' ,.,.,,. ''" <:'n~ H"ll" "'"''' vv s "<wl.l.. __ ..;.......,-..-. ..,;,·.....,e;;.L ;,::.~ 4 v 1" ~'· o •· , .. ._~;.. c.~ ,.,,."' .. !~.<..!:" .,:! ............ c.: I.Jfii 1.,; v ... e~ .. c,.cJ ~ .. .l:: o:r tl1e Bank of ~1ont~.,eal foP the Goun.o:ll. ~ s action in making i;e!;lpore..ry bo:!?:i:~cnvin~ from ~ihe .. !mptn?~!.al ~ank of GR~a.da. for.~ H:tgh ~ .. Scnoo1 purporse~~ (;o11s:l.Cl.erEb.Le r..1:lsoussJ..on tool: p.Lr-.:.KH~e as a .resn.&.·c; the fol1oHlng rnot:ton was ure2ented .. o ('·l· 'S"' "•"'RB"'''""'" T'b"'c tl .. , •. ,~,.,.,w. a·r '"'1e ·•em·~o""'"" l .J.,.~: ~~ ~,;v..-. ~1~.< • .J,: •. -..:o.t::Jv l.'V ~ll-<h~!Vo:',.il. ... tn I.J $<-!J:f •'I.C:•"'·r)' l:u .. n:-rot·lings be left vJ1. i:;h the 1Y5.na.nce: 0-G•rGmi ttee to gegot:i.a te with bo·th Bank ~1RnagersQ Ce .. rrie0~o PRING-I._:EiJ JON}I;Si The.t ·f,;he Oo~».noil wai·v-e .. !Jb.e ~.lo'V'J11 ° a portion ~f the Bn:llding Permi ·t; £(89 :tn ~onne{rt:lon t-ri tb. new· H~.gh School" and i;J:1at~ a Inapeot~o:t~ n s 1.~(~e of ~)25o 00 onl;f be \'olleo'tede Carr~. ea.. ··;··--, ... ~ .. ·:·- e.r~~v>·-:.·•q "'r'j1".:.::~~-!)""\,!·'., ~~ (~1\l~!_,~,~ i] !\J_.~ J..l,,, ,,;,·;...!\. ,"! GI'!:?l~J. ~1 ~;rn8.K3 :fowl Tl1.a t i;luE: fo:r 'l'awn 01e:rt ·be lnEJ1;rnt~tefl to ·9TI~p1n;J'{~E18o Ga.rr-ledc ··: t'"\ :p:i,af,3B an o:t~t1ex-:. f:'o;c- uORNER 0 ,JONES> That Deoerubel:' 26'th be ~1el•eby clecla%''0d a C~.vic Holiday for th,_, Tot,·n of' Atu•;.:me. <md that the l'layor be authoZ'ized trJ P:r•oolaim this hol~.day as "Boxing Day 1~. Ca;•riedo 'Meeting adjourned" --~~~.~'?{'~ Vul.:'fOH.