MINUTES - Council - 19501120r.r~1ENTY,:...~EIGHTH }1EE~(·J:Nf~· NOV'"' 20th 1950
The regulaX' meeting of Council tvas held in ·the Oounc:n Ci:l&Jllbe:r·s on
Monday Nov. 20th 1950 at s.oo p.m. ~·J~yor Bell in the ChairDmembers
pressnt 8 Reeve Cook; Deputy Reeve Corn0r~ Councillors, Corbett;
Davies; Glass; Jones; Murray; Pringle.
A letter from the Aurora Branch 385 of the Oanadaian
1.-egion was recei veti.e asking 'Phe Council tt s appro·.ral. of the I .. eg~.on
appointment of Mr. Leslie Steadman as ~epresentative to the
Aurora Recrel;l.tion Commi(lsioih
COOK. !UIRRA't; 'l'ha.t this appointment be approved by
this Council. Carried.
A l.ette1• soliciting the feeling of the Clerks and
Treasurers of :MunioipaU tS.efl s.a to hold5.ng zone meetings o:t' the
J:'iu."licipal Clerks & Finance Of:fioera Assn. of Ontario we.a x-eoeived.
GLASSp COR/.3i~'l'T; That. the letter be filed temporari:l.Ye
an investigaUon made as to benefits to he derived ano. a decieullon
put forth at a later date. Ca~ried.
A l.ette~ :from the To~m Solicitor regarding an ag1•ee~
ment betrleEm !'lr. J.E.'fullooh and the Town for use of t11ater at ·~he
Bill~.ngs rtlell was read. . .
CORBET'r • DAVIES; That the letter be turned over to ·the
Cha.il'man of the Water Oomm5.ttee :t'or investigation. Carried.
The Oollie Leathe~ Co. Ltd. made application to
Council fo~ a rebate of taxes paid 1n l9SO for the house that hsa
been tol'n do>m on their prope1•ty •.
DAVl~S, MURRAY: 'f.hat a rebate of the 1950 taxes on the
builcling (house) an1ounting to *~47.50 be made to the OolliG I.ea.ther
Co. Ltd, Carried.
A letter fx•om the ').'otm Soliei tor regarding the new
c1raf·t; liArea of Bu.b-~1ivision Cont:t•ol :By-law11 Nas 1•ead and di~cussoc1
by the Cov.ncil ;r1 th The Solid tor-.
DAVIES, :1-!UF.HAY; Tl:'..at the :t'irst part of the Solio!l.tcroilll\
letter be dealt w·ith unc:l.e:r th<l he?-•1ing o:f Ne'\1 Business~ '.rha.t the
copy of the Solici tol' 1 s letter a.ml the let·te:<> from lvl:;:-" A. I,. s. Na£Jh
be refel•red to the :Planning Boarcl. Cal•r:l.ed.
B.E;RQS,T§...QF.' QQJ~I:1J:'t'TEES .
The Chairman of the iiATER 00!4l4I'l'TEE aubmi'GteCl.
a. :!'epor.t of the Clomm:L'Gtee ~ (; meeting of. Nov. lJ'Gll rega:ctl.ing the
reoommendat:ton to the :Pez•£Jonnel tiorn;:ni'ctee of' changes in i;he t.'!ut:l.,;;s
;:;Jf the wte:r"Wioz>ks employees. The :r>eport also des.l t 'I'Ji th a proposed
revision in the Fire BrigaQ.e by-1e>.1•r •.
GLAss. ZiOl'lESi 'I'hat the report of the Fire ami
tlYate:r cort',mi t'tee lJe SJ.do);rfied. Carried.
The Olw.il•man oi' the PERSONNEL 00l,11>!I'l"l'EE read.
a report of t~t eo~~1tteeDs meeting of Nov.lSth w~ioh deals with
vaoationa SJ'ld segregation of employees of the ~'l'atel"l•JOrks and the
'.fo~m generally.
GlASS, r.ru:RP.AY; 'l'he;t the report of the
Personnel Committee be accepted. Carried.
seconded by Corbett
before the Counc~.l.
.... --.~;-_.-.,-
ana Murray
Oarriea .•
!iiUHRAY; 'l'bat the motion moved and
on Oo"G .16th be no~1 i•l'i thdrmm from
;~o.: .. :~~--1.:.~~1.1> ~J~fgt£Hs;~z~f ; ~.?JJ.ftt tlv;
t~rJu ra.dontnd :~nd th,~t.t rt ~~ui t~.::.'b:t.-2
!tnt0-1ntiGn~ at the C~omm1tt~ee~
of ·ths
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