MINUTES - Council - 19501106~t··vlE:N~f'f·{·>sEV.EN;Til f.:J~~~J:D'l(I:\·~t+ N07 o 6ii.b. 1:) ;50 ~~~s;~ l )~~~ g~lB.~> r~ ~ e t i g~~~-~;·!~:~ci~lm~C 1 !~~:fiS ;,:,~~~~;···"~~~~-~h~"·~tT~~~G}f~::~~~S,t(~·:i~~~ :: ~i ~'~~ n .. 1.\'J~'lt:~.&.,)· ).vOV~ {)t;;h 1..-.:;0 ........... ~:)00 .~''.>~~-·<-Ht. .... ,, "--o:•·· n·~E .... ~.,..J~ .&.L. Y.1.-~ .. ., ~J~"_.,_,..!..l ::· l.o.0•!·Xt" .. ,.. 8 px~e:;entr ftee·ve Cool~~; D-ep(l.Reeve Co.:K~nr.%;7; OolH1(}1~11o:fll~>:7 Cc.n:<t.1et~t ;· Jh~v:tE~B s, G-b.13s; ,T91'H:ls; i.lit~rray; Pringle., 'f''nA ·~~ ~W{CAn _,,p t'no 2''!'d' '>'<~c• O ?)•th O 2 0:'ch O ~?p ?6t:h r.>bC'b{ 1 J:l.<>' "e'"~' <•<"o'~'' .. '"' ..... "'t.,~"'"".!.~v • ..,\-:";o ...,..:. f.'ili~ ~·f..,;:, »t:'...,Jk•~t~-''>"~' .. LJ; ,._IV.t"'-;f o,, ~ ... ..,.,.. l.!.tv•:., .... ~ ~·., A>V ~,;!~ .. ~u.;.:. •• ,, .@,.fJ p:r~:lntedo ACCQJ!liL§. COOl< • ,TONES; ( viM'ERHORKS) That; i;he tollo11ing ~;weount.[-l be pe.la, that the Mayo>' 1Gaue o:rde:r;; on <f-i-jl".o lil-r•.'C.r!1('0u~o'll'l: ?..-...Z~ •t.lq~' .-"!;('!1""!0 ..... on ... ""'~ 1"'h, ... S'!P':':I~ t'"'-V" .;..'ht:!l rsi",,."'l''"''""""t-'1···· on h,-,:~ f:t{,_"tnr:-"!,..,....,r::J VJ • .,.,..,, ~ •.• ~r.;:,o .~ 'i;.;<l'. "-VoS: i:L.:'.-c•. ;::;,_;~!h'L,' d:..>..nA .•. n..ii.';.-:; "vr ..... h •. .1J. t~ .... ~ Vv.t .e•..;J. ,_·,;,. <J.!. ~ ......... ::. ~;,. ... tJ ,::;,.__:.~..:.~;;"""' ·to ·th:le rasolutione \1ar~c:iedo Postme-Jst®r Postage Aurora Hydro Comm. li'ol;relf Sep'c. BeJ.J. Telep'l:lone Da''l"i e G-arage Crmafl.i,;,n Bx·as s Goa Co. Ltd. Po'M0l' Octo l!~' 12 G-s.soHne OAn~r•"' +-u:"' """ >..:/ ... !':" .... ;.. ,J . .,,.~ ... 0.: 18.00~ 115.25""' ... ; ~,..,, ll•+e , ... ,) ........ 6.10' Jn.oo, 'I• 209oOY" OOH.NERv COOK; 'l1ta.t~ the f'ol1ow:tng F.)..caonn.t:? ba o:rdex~r..l on the Tret:unu~er :t'or the same e...nd. the be a.tta.c:heil to this resolut:1.on~ \1B~J:"l:r.~:i.E!da paid.r, the~t the. Mayo:-e i;;.~su~1 0 ~c·l of ·'he Co~·or ~·at\ Ci'' /;'IC!c;;.,_. ~ !,J.;. "' . J, .l ..},J,. . ,/"'· l .. S'l'HEb~TS B:l57Gilbe:r.t \'1 • .r. Mol•ning F'lirrtkote ilo. Ltd. Davis G-arage li';•ank SyrfiOIW (\1 l\ ... ""' ·~ ' .. :r~l.St! 04..1. e ~0 1,J?UOK ,,,,-r-~-··" r~-~~''"""Y ,,.,. "" \f '-'~"'"" V ~~~\ ~~ f;' ). ,t;;;;,\.!.,.. ... ....-.. ~ iJ 1,.1 0 ii~ G> Golss rni:?c r.,--'!I>' :; """-~ .... ~ .;.:· .. et~.ct..J).rr0 t.~ .. ~ .. ~ a Bulldozing for oul ve1•t 25. 4<:: "i" 7~( '"'"Oc, " " ''2 .• ,, ;, ... .,0.(' Ae Eo He,1•tl~ins & (Jo c Cas a 0 s Cs.x'tage Buch1'c!'U~Ul Cax•te.ge (.t.'!'7-~-~ii4 rlf't f!t: ~VH~'qC\1 L.(.")?"\Y'IP<'·Y. "Yo!.~.-..;..!,.~ ... 5 ..,.,. •I"~~ <;;>,I <.;i fl. ..... J..Ii.J·..--S"Gn le~ 5~" '72. 2~)~ 100. 00"'-. 1~66.35" 81,;. 25 ~ Fill 'l'otm wtreetH t:h~~avelt st!lteets CORBE'l".f, COOK> That the 'ilage fiOClOUntB be. pai<lr· the,t the 1\ayor issw:r: orcte1~~~ on ·the Treaeu.x~e:t• :fo:t>} the se.mr.:1 and. -~he Seal of' the CoJ:'P()r~t:ton ""' ·'t·l·~n'n~c-1' ·r.·o '"h·'s ·•<>~Al'''''A!'l r•,wo•1<>·1 ·-¥'V ;."1'.., ..,,,~:Jot..,•.~o.-.w,. t II .1.. J. wov v.;.tiJ.•o<~ a~ v~ .. J. .1,. ~,.c;,, ,., 00RBE~r'.rp COOK; ~eh~~·t the :folltrHlng accounts 'be paid.~t~h~.t; issv.r::1 orders on ·t;he T:r~:a~sUl'"~En~ toJ:• the Sam>::: and. ·t;he Se~~l Cr.>l~no.tlation be a.tte..ched, to thls l~esolut;lon-o Ca:r-:P:1.ec1o COJ:lkOJ1iJ,U.Qll . Petty M.sh Ro be;rt fv.;~nk l~urora Hydr"o Commo Bell 'J'elephom1 Q,,. Errde Holman .P~uJ:··o:e,~it Bu::tJ.d.:J.ng Coo ~-i£11~\J! n'-"'11lt)'" o:'·"""T;.I."! ~ ....... ~~:.~ l.•J, ··~-, f..;>{.<~JI~ 'V I~xprese e .. GeG (·j 'l!')o s .... ·~ n ...... ""'.,1 ~ "'"~ ,;~... ~:. .-~. ·¢ 2:~!Jl.t.·~ol, ·~ D3~spof.u:~]. plant Be:p~ 'l1Cln1 Hall ~1Bpc. r.Jlet?kB off'ice Sepo ti'Jwre ala1'1m SenG Clel"'k£;J offic~-: ... Octf;. 1J.lown h&\ll Octo Plre .9.1m'm Oct. Diopoeal plt:nttJ Oo:·c Q Si; c LS...ght;:tng Oct~ :?oliee Olal~ke offtce Disnc.1sa.l J?i:t~6 Dept\!> li'ire Dept. Fuel cf/o He~,~;er t:tle v··~ D ' J/J..J? e A e:fi'iJ ,., the £·layo:t~ o :t 'Ghe 1.!·~:, o:3 42,. oo, 61 , S· n .., .. (.> ~ .~ '- <> "" "' ..... \,.,\,.!..!·......, . / L,c,, l{.·Q' 1 (.oo, !1w53, 9G920._ 1.00' 'l' 57:>b~·l'' "''•;:: '·l.h .)(...1'-...Jf>...... ' ,q ')t::' .r. .. f;, ~· ..,/ 1_5,.20' 6o 10" 9.85:\ 4o8~'\ 1 li.I.J. ,. 0 ,J. ~, n' 10 0 (;,,"' :t..oo, Andy 0 s Sign Shop Walter Dunning 1~. Robin son F.R.Underhill Helen Barcroft Norman Hope Ontario Hospital F. Dunham Banner Press Harry Jones J.H.Chapman O.N.R. Wilson Hardware Grand & Toy Ltd. R.L.Boag Stiver Bros. B.F'.Davis & Son Oak Ridges r~rage W.H.Sp.ra.gg Ditto Co. of' Can. l.tdo Sno!tt Welding i<Torks 27th meet1.ng No"if(, 6th 1950 Banners for f:i.:re truok Revairs at band shell Clthes (st.oleaning) Insurance Asst. assessment roll l·1owing streets page 2. Hospi taliza:tion 0/S trips, postage ate. Printing. eupplias,ada etc. Expenses re convention Cutting bearings etc. Flasher .Tuly S1Apiblies Office supplies ltiat prop. sales Fu.el TeHI;l B1•1 ck ( J.i brary ) Set1er tile Fire Dept. Disposal plant Wa.ter;-rorka V~ohine & supplies i'ielding 15.00" 32.45"""' 11.00"' 3,5.00 ' 100.00~ 21. 2.5 """' 46.00 48.:3.5~ .338.89"' J?.OO"-. '-. s.so"" 57.:38'\ 44. 29""'- ?.60"\ 2.48"\ 49.2.5" -12 • .5~ 11.20"" 4.00 1?.50'- 6.00" 2.37. 57 """' 14.25~ GLASSt CORNER; That the following accounts be paid. !;hs.t ·,;he l.fayoX' issue ordera on the Treasure1• for the same e.na. the Seal ol' the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried. ~§it Assn. Medical S x 56¢ ( - !<1. E. Huntley Stiver Bros. B.F.Davia & Son Aurora General Store Rent Fuel Fuel Food 2.80 '7. 5fh..._ 1o.oo, 36. 2.!k.. 74·.1.?-........ GLASS, COOK; That the account of the National Iron Oorpn. f~r $3llt4.53 fol' i:c•on pipe deUvered for use in the Royal Rd.; ,,a.meron Ave.; and Dunning Ave. subdivision be paid.according to the recomnendation of our Engineer. ~~r. Redfern and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried. OORBETT~ DAViES; That an aeootmt from J!'.I'T.'l'esadale before tbe Council be handed to the To~~ Solicitor tor advice. Carried. MURRAY, PftiNGLE: That the following accounts be paid1 and tl:ut the Mayor issue orders on the Treasvrer for the same and that th~ Seal of the Corporation be attached to th:l.s resolution. C!?.rried. PLANNHiG BOARD~ vouchers attached. l,L;O. 55 CORRESPONDENCE Alette1• from-the Recrea.t:l.on Commission. asking for the first; chance for t:he use of the Mechanlos Hall a.i'ter vacation of the present tenant ;ras 1•ecei ved. DAVIES, JONES; That the letter be filed for the present" Oe.rriecl.. PRINGLE. GLASS; 'l"nat the letter from the Dept. of l>iunic:i.pnl Atf'aix>s regar<.'U.ng the manual o1' Ansessment be f:i.J.ed for considerat:i.on of 'che 19.51 Council. Ca:rr:teo .• COR.t'IERp loiUFU\AY; That the let:.ter i'l'OID ,J .E. Shillingl!?.W regarding fill "'',"'''"''"'" ·:-~;:• ·:>:··. ~~?th me>:t:lng r,:o7 .. , St.l: 2.9 ;..~o ""'~-' c::•o ~ 1:''-""t::l"" .,; and gl?ading Cousins Drive, be rei'er:r·ed 'oo 1hq. Goulding !;IJ'ld ·l;h.at a reply be raade to Hr. Shillingla~1. Carried. Advioe wae received that the new 1950 Sta'Gutes t<Till be ready ~.n the near future» solicitS.ng ~Ghe order 'i.'or same at an early date. PRINGLEt COOK; That the Clerk be authorized to place an oder for the 1950 Statutes. Carried. A letter from the Cities Serv:l.oe 0:1.1 Co. Ltd. l'e publicity for the Town of Aurora in 1951 broad.ce.ste '<!ae brought before the Oouno:l.l 0 and asking that oertain information be eupplied by the Clerk. This action was confirmed by Council. Two :;:•eports f:l?om the York County Health un:J.t i·Iere received outlining work done by the Unit up to Sept. 30th. OOO:K, DAVIES; That the repol'ta he handetl to the Social & San:!. t&.'Glon Oomm:l.tteei'or study. Oa:rried. ~E.EQRTS Q~_QQ~~~EES_ . Reeve Coolt pz-eaEmte6. a report of the Fire & J:.'atel' committee meeting · of Oot. 18th regarding Fire eqli!i.pment. GLAss. JONES; That the repol•t of the l>'i:re & t-ie.ter Comm:l'Gtee :re Fire :tlruck be adopteo. s.nd that the Ha.yor be e:uthol'izecl to al.gn the or·del' i'or aame. and that 'Ghe Seal of the Ool':por-at:l.on be attachetl. to t115.s resolution. Carried. Oounalllor J?:;;o:J.ngle report ell on the comrni ttee G a meeting of tn.e J;~:i.rw.nce eomrn:i. ttee of 0Gt. JOth r•egl?.cd.ing grant to the Canadian Legion" P;P..INGLE, \IORBETT; 'I'ha'G the report of the Finance Committee be reoe:l vet't lind. a cheqv.e &n the amount of $150.00 be sent to the Aurora Bre.;:loh, Canadian Legion, as e. contribution to tb.e:l.r l?oppy Day Funcl ~1ml ~;hat the Seal ot.' the Corpn. be ati;ache(l to this resolv.t:l.on, Oa.rr•:l.ed. Councillor i>lurx>e.y table(il. a. report o:f the J?l:wning Gommittee r•eg£D:>d~.ng a Town Pal~king lot~ no further a.otion could be taken at ·~he momant. Councillor Oo:r.'bett mad0 e. vePbe.l z•sport of the Spo:rt e Committee meeting of Nov. 3rd. :rsgl'!.:rding spc~"'·tn eqnipment fcr.r;• tlw Al:>ens.. Councillor G·la.ss &mbm:i. tted a l'CPOJ't of' ~;he Sal'1i ta tion Corruu:J. t'Geo' e meeting with i'il'. BucllarHl.n of Oct. 2:3rd. 'l:he oomrnl 'Gtee go:i.ng on P.ecord that the matte:<' be tl.iscnAeed at the i':l..t•st meet:'mg of thE' new yee.:..'"' 'by the Council holcUng o:f':t'ice ·at that time. !lli.lrfJl!SHED BUS£JE:ss The Motion introcluced by Couno:Lllo.r Corb,>tt e.t; the Oct;. 16th meeting was agmfundisoussed. ?BING-LE» DKviES; 'l.'ha'G thin mot:l.on be he:U!. over :f.'Ul'ther, pending G, meeting of· the special personnel corrtm:tt"'Gee 1, e .. n,l br~ou.gh'G up fo:r· action s;!; the l!lov. 20th meeting of Ocnmcll. Cl!,J.rr:l.etl. The meet~mg of the special personnel committee ~"!.as a:;;•ranged.' for Wednesc1ay Nov.J.;ith e.t 7.30 p.m. '":·-;·--·. ·.·:···;;·~, ?rl·j-:h t/jor.r<r~ """ ~w, ... ~·r r-:.."l~f" 'I e'?o 1.~0. •"' ~ ·'"'" <··0"' '·' .~ .... ~'-t:; l~~J' J f> ·~· ,;_, __ ,;_,.>· ..J'J pag'2; ;, BY~LA WS DAVIESv CORNE.'R.; That the $6oo.ooo.oo by-la;q for High Bchool buHcUng pu..'t"poaea no;,; before the Council be reM. a· th1.z•d t,.me. The 'by=le.w We> a given 1 ts third :read:l.ng by open rJc:mnc:l.J., Garr'ied. DAVies~ CORNER; That leave be. given to in·troduoe a. By=l~.;~ to au.tho,7J.r~e a gl•ant of $1,5, OOOo 00 ·to the Aurora Memoi>ial Arena Boa.t>!l and th&'G the same be now read a fi1•st time. Carr:ied. ~!URRA.Y~ CORBETT; That the I'Jy-la.w. no;'l' before the Couno:J.;J. he read r>. sccm·Mi time and. that the Council cU.ssolve itself into a comm;.tt!le of ·(;he whole for that purpose. Carried. :\-'R!NGLE 9 COOK; Th?t the By-lat1 no1r 'befoNJ the GouncH be X'ee.a. a 'Ghi:<>d time ·this day and that Rule 22 of By-la:vr if 862 be euspen•lc'ld for.· that purpose. Carried. JONEs. COOK; That the third reading be talcen a.a z·ea<J.. 0: .~~:;,·~.eo.. DAiliES. CORNER; That leave be given to Hepe&i By~·Li?-~1 ~; 1\62 and. t,ha·i; the same be ncM 1•ee.O. e. first t:tme. O&l'I'i ed. GLAss. JONES; That the By-la.~> no~r befox's the Council be :·oad. a second. tlme and that the Council dissolve i t;ael:f into a. oomm:l. tt ,;~ of 'ohe whole for that purpose. Carried. PR:tNGLEp MURR..I.\Y; That the By-law no"' before the .Gouno:ll !v z•ead e. third t:J.me th:i.e day and that Rule 22 of' By~law fi" 862 be ,·r.spend.efi. to:t' !;hat purpose. · Oar:;:>ied. GLAss. COHBETT; 'J.'ha.t the thix'd j~eaO.:i.ng of the by-law be .:,~;.ken i?.s ::oeail.~ illerr:ted. •, .. NE\'l BUSINESS ~~~ ~~~ JONEB, PRINGLE; That this Council do0s oonfJ. 'l's1 the nc:1;:1.on of the Mayor in orde;ring a tH.'>t,· motor· :?OJ.' 'vhe Fire Tl'tWl~" t.h~.oh failed to operate and complete the tire a.~; Stnndon 3 s gaJ:>q,~, Oa.l:. l:'llige11 this ua:te. Carr:}.ed. Meeting a.djourneo .• "• ~-< ~ /) / ·~}~'·\}~~~-.~*tl~ mn~.)J~