MINUTES - Council - 19501124.. E.~:!:~~;:l~fJ~;,J;i~~li~iL~.~~:t~l f~J£.~~,_L{J1Y.~_,~;~(±~t! .. ~15Li.~L .. ~
A special meeting of Gcnmo;.L wao held in ·~;ne (louno:n Ghamberl:l Oll
Friday illov. zl.•th 1950 IJ.t '?oOO Polllo
PRINGLE 0 DAVIES; Ths/G in· the tempor.9.t•y absence of the Mf?•YO~'• Reeve
Cook to assume i;he Cl:baix>o Carl·~.edo
Attend13.nOe at the ffil)et:l.ng; Reeve Cloo:lq DepoReeve Corn;,:r~ Oounc:!.lloNo
Cox•be'Gt ~ De.vies ~ Jones; Glass; Pr9.ngleo :l>i!t:Vor Bell .<?.ssumed the
chair on arr:l. val a :l.'em minu.tea la taro
The meet:i.ng t-m.e o"J.i.ed. to a'!-rard. Et tendex' for the sale of deben·~ures
for J~-ocal Improv<:•nent wo:t>k in the eJaoun'G of 1~60. 920o5<~o
Seven tenders wern l.'eceS.ved in all~ ana. opened in open Council by
the Clerko Those submitting bids e.a foJ.lOi•ra ;·-
Bahk 1Jf l!lontreal 9 Aurora
Ander,Jon & Co. Ltd.
Deacou,F:tno.ley 9 Coyne Ltd.
Fairc:'.OUt.lh & Co. L~d.
R.A.D!.ly Co. Ltd.
Gaird~cer ,\, Co. Ltd.
.J.L.GJ•aha.m & Co. Ltd.
9'7 0 76
COOK, DAVIES; Tha1 the tender submitted from The Bank of :1-iontreal,
At Auro1•a be acoey,ted 1'c0r debentures for Local Improvement work to
·the amount of $60,920.,5it-at a tender prioe of 99.03% and that the
Seal of the Oorpo:·ation 'De attached to th:l.s resolution. Carried.
· Meeting adjourneclo
., ~