MINUTES - Council - 19501027TVlEN'.l'Y'"SIXTH J.JEETING (Special) Octo 27th 1950 ~=~.,...-=--..,..,---"'~""""'""'-·-=~-,...,..,.,.....,_,.,·~~=~·==...,.-.,.,.. A spec:l.al meeting of the Council ims halO. in ·the GouMil Ohambe:!"s on Friday Oct. 27th 19!)0 at l.!tO p.m. .Mayor Bell in 'Ghe Ohair~ Meml?e:l:'s pre"ent, R&eve Cook; Deputy Reeve R.H.Oorner; Oouncillors,Corbett; Glass: Murray •. The purpose of the meet3.ng ;.;a.s called to pass certain By~lawa due to their urgencyo MURRAY, CORBETT; That leave be given to introduce a By-Law to a.uthori~e borrowings under the Local Improvement Act and that the same be no-.r read a first time. Carried. · COoK. CORNER; That the By-Law now before the Council be read a second time and that the Council dissolve itself into a. committee of the whole for that pll:rpose. Oa:rried. CORNER. cooK; That the By-Law now before the Council be read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of By-Law # 862 be suspended for that purpose. Carried. COOK 9 G~~ss; That the third reading of this by-law be taken as read. Carried. MlJBRAY 9 GLASS• That leave be given to introduce a By-LaN· to a.mmend By-Law # 9,5!!-l time tor holding polls tor election) and that the same be no111 read a first time. Carried. ·COOK, CORNER; That the Ey-La'l-1 nm·r before the Oounoil be :r.>ead a second time a.nd that the Oouno11 d.iesolve itself into a commit·tee of the r>T:b.ole tor that purpose. Carried. · The By-La.·w t-ras returned. to Co\moil wi tl't the· hour!') for holding polls at an election altered from 9.00 a.m. to 10.00 a.m. in the forenoon and from. 6, 00 p.m. to 'l. 00 p.m. in the a.fte:r-noi:m. CORNER~ COOK; Tha!; the By-l.a.w bow before the Council be read a. 'Gh1rd time this day and that Rule 22 of :ey-Law # 862 b.e suspended for '~hat purpose. Carried. CORNER, G~~ss; That the third reading of this By-Law be taken as read. Carried. CORBETT 9 Gl-ASS; That the temporary borz•oll'inget '!<lending the sale of the High Schllo1 debentnres be made through the Imperial Bank of Oa.nada 8 'because of the fact that the High Schh.ol account is with that bank~ Oe.rried. Meeting adjourned. fiuv **~~~***** MAYOR