MINUTES - Council - 19501016'it. ·~' lli ;,'!1 ~ (;ifl llli .\ I::o. ,, l;,. ~ ·~~ ~1 ~'~ ' ~ ,_.-! ~~ :1 <.! !1 M· r·~~ .. · .. ''. I • ~r ... ll·i·J·,· v~ 'I 1~,. ':~t ltl .:F (\¥; ~t ,,;TJ;lJIJ~l.2~:;f~~1i:l~il:S:lt,;tr§~~~~~1;~~SL".,\!,ti:t~~~J~~;i:i::~J!,_.A<;!~2 .. ~~p ... 'J.'he l"lem:J..~mon'Gl1ly meetinr; of Counc:ti was held 5.n. the Coun.o:n Cha.mbE.'l's on l•1onday Ooto 16th 195() at 8,00 :p.m"'· l'iayor Bell :ln the Ghai:r., mem'bex•s p1•esent 0 neeve (\ook; Depu1;y Reeve Corner~ Goune:l.llors, Corbett; Davies; Jones;Murray; l?ld.ngle. ~OBRE~PONp~~ ! A letter ~;:as receive,a.. signed by six residents on Yonge st. complaining about a '.catch basi.n not being kept olean on Yonge st. between Ca ther5.n\'l and Centr','l Sts. · DA VIES, CORNER; That tl::\e e.bove ma.·t;ter be dra<m to the attention of the the To;m Foreman. Carr,ied. ·'I A recommendation from tn.1i1 .\l.urora Ar','lna Committee was received 9 asking the Council to ms.ke v;:p.s.tir:Jver deeis.ton they felt best in regard to applying f'or the Agri~mltural D ept, gr~.nt in the amount of $5000.00 for ~@~·~eivt1on centree JONES,, CO~BETT; That ill.";;e 0ounoi1 of the To>m of Aurora. make applicatior: to the proper autho:d ties :f'o:t' the grant as X'eoommended by the Arena. Committee. Carried~ A further let tel' tram the Arena Oommi ttee ~.Yas read. recommending tha'f. ;.1r. ']:'.,Dickson & ~Tm.1-iundell be rehir(ld for the coming season. ~Aa this appoS.ntment 1va.s made by By,.J_a;.; ;.r1th no specified time 9 it is not necessary to tak:e fUl'thev a.ctior _in this regard.) tlommun1oatiol;l :rrom the Department o:t' J?lanning & Development was read. three oopiew. of the Basic Land Use-Plan were enclosed for '.'egistration. ;_.;r;:]j~GLE,, DAVIES; 'rhnt :~egistration ·b~ made of the pla.ns at the .negistery Office 'i.n Hewmarkeh and t!te date and instrument number be oommunioa.ted to the Department of Planning and Development as ;~equested by them. Carried. A letter f':rom the Office of the F'ire Na.r ll.v.J. advising of the. dates of a Course of T.l•aining f<;lr F:tre Chi1 fs 1-.ras received and read .• COO!L CORBETT; 'l'hat Council autb.orize the Fir? Chief to. attend the •.rrain:i.ng Course ~~ on Oct. 26th & 27t1 and present an account for his expenses at tl).e termina;tion of the .Course. Carr·ied. COMlH'rTEE REPORTS Jones ""'"'-'"......,._,-~---.-...-..~-Counoillo;;.•tpresen·~ed ·a. price submitted. from the Aurora Textiles Ltd. for Council. to condider for the heat:l.n,; equipment in the Mechanics 'tlall,,should Council >'l'ish to pu:cohase mme at the vaca;Gion of the Textiles Co,, DAVIES, JONES; That the Corporation of the T'nm of Aurora undertakes to purchase from the A~rora Textllea Ltl •. on thelr vacat:l.ng the p1•emiaes known. aa the Mechanics HallA tl e heating plant at present in use in the building at a cost of ~r:J..SS';'.OO Carried. Ms.yor HellD as Chairman of the Police Comui ttee presented a report reg&.:i.•(ling metal licenses :!:'or 'I'a:xi o~:tbs. C'OR.NER, JONES; That the !'\Sport of tl:te :t'oJ..:ce Committee be accepted re Taxi cabs and te.gs and 'Ghe Seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried. . A further l..,eport of the· Police Coromi;Gtee Hl equipment broken w:&.:tle on Police duty was tabledo ClOR.NER, JONES; That the :report of the Po{,i< e Committee be adopted :re repairs to Constable La.ngma.::1' e >:m.toh. ea:r~ied~ ~-~'~' < \-'~•·)~;'"'"~"-,., .• -,.,,,".""" ·-··· -~--·"•H~'"'t''-'"' ~"·"'"u,:.;:,.:,:~'·'"'-'•·''7''-'N•->'>' '-'~'·'->:<n;.r,,,-,,,-,,h'.'>'•'• o< ,--,~, '·'·'-'~"" ~'~~ ·~--''"O"c'--·-··· . -----~·· " . -~~-· '-"'·~"-~'-"~'"" ... -""~·-·--,-,_-,,.·e<-~-'"~"·'-·~~-·~-~~--'"---- '1 1 i"'"·'0"'1t"rc-~"('-.: t"·th ~vlee·(;:" ~:-er.? 0(';\t 't 0_·t'J1-~l C.) it() ---.":l~"e 2 ........ ::,..~ ... J;..,,.,,:.........,,._~.h..J-...~;-::.,.;... .......... :!-:.;;.m;,~-~~~----·f:t,,_.,-;;.:~,-.f..:: .. .,..;'.::.;;,.J........,~ .... -·~¢;~-,_.,. ..... UNFINISHED BUSINESS ---~·~~~-----~---·--·CORNER, DAVIES; That a By=la'V; to 8.ll!ll1ertd the hours of the Polling places to remain open for elections be prepaz•e'1 s.nd e. (3peoial meer?;~.ng of tl1e Council be oalled. befox·e Oct. 23ril to pass s~me~ and that remuneration to the Cov.ncil for this meeting be ·waived~ Ca.:n•i ed. .. · Councillor Corbett presented a motion dealing with certain duties of the Water•works Foj-:>eman. . After considera't.ion of this mo'Gion 3 the mover and seconder e.greed to ;.ri thd:r•e.i'l' it for the time being. . . CORNEl1.,. CORBETT' That the motion before the Oouno:tl be held over unt:1.1 the next regular meet:lng of the Caunoilo Carried. NE\v BUSINESS ~---·-~-PRINC'lE, MURRA'>:'; 'l'hat the Streets Commit'Gee be a:uthorlzed to ptu•chase sui table tile to extend. the present oul·trert on the wes'j; end of t:Q.e Arena propert¥ to the south~ by approximately J0-35feet a.nd the Seal of' the Clorpo:t>ation be attached to tl1..ie res·- olution. Carried. DAVIES, COfu'\fER; That t;he Cou1•t of Revision de?.ling with I,J,ppeals a.ga.lnst Assessment he held,,at s.oo p.m. Nov. 2nd 19.50 and that the 1,rhole Council membersh:l.p oonsti tute the Court. Carried. ivteeting adjourned lHt·l>~f~*~ NAYOH