MINUTES - Council - 19501002---~-~····· l ! I TWENTY*THIRD MEETING OCT. 2nd· 1950 The regular meeting of Council was held in the Council Chambers on Mon. Octo 2nd 1950 at 8.00 p.m. Mayor Bell in the Chair, Members present, Reeve Coo~;Dep.~eeve Corner; Councillors, Corbett; Davies; Glass; Jones; Murray; Pringle. The minutes of the 20th & 21st meetings were adopted as printed. CORNER, MURRAY: That the following accounts be paid, orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of attached to this resolution. Carried~ that the Mayor' issue the Corporation be STREETS . Davia Garage Repairs to truck J.E.Buchanan Gravel,& stone 3.50, 106.75 ' PRINGLE, CORBETT; That the Wage accounts be paid, orders on the Treasurer for the Same and the Seal attached to this resolu111on~ Carried~ . that the Mayor issue , of the Corporation be CORPORATION Postmaster Robert Rank Bell Telephone Co. M. Taylor Andy 1 a Sign Shop County of York . Aurora Hydro Comm. L.C.Lee Underwood Ltd~ T.K.Fice Aurora Greenhouses By-Products Co. of Can. LaFrance Fire Engine Ltd. J. Goulding R.L.Boag Ardill 1 e National Sewer Pipe Co. Stiver Bros. · C.N.R. Harry Graham Hess Drug Store F. Dunham J. Krochter Jr. Buchanan Cartage B.F.Davis & Son Stamps Crossing guard Police Clerks office Fire Dept~ Praperty Dept~ gire Dept. entennial painting HOspitalization St.Lighting Sept. Disbursements TypeWriter main~. Prop~ light supplies Wreath Wipers, disposal Recharges Fire Ext. Uae oar Jul. & Aug. List prop. sales Flags for truck 'l'ile Fuel T.H. Flasher June Cartage Fire Dept. 0/S trips postage etc. Special police duty Gravel, sidewalks etc. Sewers, tile etc. 28.00-... 38~00-... 16.25, 11.40"' 9~85"' 4.95, 9.18-..... 26.00' 91.87-... 346.34, 3.5o, 3.50- 3.50 .... 10.00-... 27.00-.. 14.25-... 12.00 ..... 1.36-... 1~44 ..... 49.61-..... 37.60-..... 22.30' 12.00..._ 3.5~ 13.90, 15.00 '\. 121.50, 21.65, PRINGLE, COOK; That the following aocounii be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried~ PLANNING BOARD Stamps etc. Finance Comm. Disbursements GLASS, DAVIES; That the following accounts be paid, that orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the attached to this resolution Carried~ BELIEF . . Medical Assn~ M.E.Huntley · Aurora General Store Town of Aurora 5 X 56!6 Kent Food Mrs.R.Pugh light & taxes COOK, PRINGLE; That the following accounts be paid, that orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of he attached to this resolution. Carried~ WATERWORKS. Bell Telephone Co. Canadian Brass Co. Ltd. Control & Metering Ltd~ # 12 Supplies Recorder ink 2~72..._ 4~55..._ the Mayor issue Corporation be 2.80 7~50, 71.25-... 9.00 the Mayor issue Corporation be 6.30- 125.47- 1.16-... ,j 1 ~ '1 Twenty-third meeting Oct. 2nd 1950 page 2 DELEGATIONS Messrs Lindsay were in attendance at Council to ask what, progress has taken place in connection with making alterations to the drainage problem on Gurnett st. Fire Chief Jones introduced Mr. Hirst of the OntarioK Fire Marshall's Office in regard to the purchase of Fire equipment~ CORRESPONDENCE Mr. E. v. Stewart made application to Council for permiss~on to be granted an additional taxi license. DAVIES, CORBETT; That the Council grant Mr. Stewart the license as requested. Carried. In dealing with this permit tor taxi, the clerk asked Council to consider the adviseability of having license pla.tes made to be used in connection with the issuance of the taxi licenses. DAVIES, CORBETT; That the Clerk's suggestion regarding the plates for taxis be lett in the hands of the Police Committee for discussion and recommendations. Carried~ The Aurora Branch of the Canadian Legion invited Council to take part in the Nov. 12th remberanoe Day celebrations, and asked Council's per- misrrl.on to hold a tag day on Sat. Nov. 11th~ MURRAY, JONES; That permission be granted the Can~ Legion, Aurora Branch to hold the tag day on Nov. 11th as requested. Carried~ A letter rec.eived from the Aurora Recreation Clommission advising of that lolilmission•s aoti_Rn in renewing the contracts of Mr. T.P.Diokson . and Mr. Wm,Mundell as ecreational Director and assistant, respectively. (These appointments were made by By-Law and stand until recinded) A letter tromthe Aurora Textiles Ltd~, advising Counoil.of the Company's intention to Construct a new factory in Town was recived. The letter asked Council to consider the 8SXtsrt extention of the present lease on a monthly basis. The matter of the ~own assuming heating equipment and lights was also asked to be considered. DAVIES, CORNER; That, pending the expiration of the lease held by the Aurora Textiles Ltd. on the Mechanics Hall, this Council goes on record as being in favour of renewing the rental of this building on a monthly balls after the ezpiration of the lease in March 1951, at the same rental as now exists~ Carriei~ · CORBETT, GLASS; That the Property Committee investigate the equipment at the Mechanics Hall and report to Council. Carried. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Ree111e Cook made a verbal report on the Committees investigations regarding the Fire Truck. DAVIES, CORNER; That the matter of the purchase of a fire truck be returned to the Fire Committee to make a definite report. ( A vote was taken on the motion, and declarei lost) PRINGLE, CORBETT; That a special meeting of Council be held on Tuesday Oct. lOth tor .. the purpose of interview with the three representa ti vee of the Company a submitting tenders. · Carried. The matter of the replacement of the fire escape at the old town hall was brought before the Council. The Property committee has experienced difficulty in getting a satisfactory solution to the location of the escape. Council asked the Property committee to oo~tinue in the efforts to see that it will be erected as soon as possible. MURRAY, CORBETT; That Beputy Reeve Corner be given power to sign the Bell Telephone application for underground service on Cousins Dr.· Carried i ) ~,~_"_,) \\ Twenty-third meeting Oct. 2nd 1950 page 3 BY-LAWS DAVIES, CORNER; That leave be given to introduce a by-law to EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE TOWN OF AURORA AND THE HIDRO ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO and that the same be now read a first time Carried. PRINGLE,, MURRAY; That the By-Law now before the Council be read a 1 second time and that the Council dissolve itself into a committee of the whole tor that purpose. Carried~ GLASS, JONES; That the By-Law now fore the Council be read a third time this day and thBat Rule 22 of By-law # 862 be suspended tor that purpose Carried. . MURRAY, JONES; That the third reading of the By-Law be taken as read, Carried. NEW BUSINESS DAVIES, COOK; That in compliance with a request from Jos. McGhee, that he be given Saturday, Oct. 7th ott work, pfnding the final settle~ent of the ho~iday question to be handled by a special personell committee. Carried. Meeting adjourned. ****~~ MAYOR