MINUTES - Council - 19500808·--~ -~ '-·:> 0 SIX~EEN~H MEE~ING AUGUS~ 8th 1950 The regular meeting of Council ~~s held in the Council Chambers on Tuesday Aug. 8th 1950 at 8,00 p.m. Mayor Bell in the Chair, Members present, Reeve .Cook; Dep. Reeve Corner, Councillors, Corbett; Davies; Glass; Murray; Pringle. · The minutes of the fourteenth and fifteenth meetings were adopted as printed. · GLASS, DAVIES; That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried. · RELIEF Medical Association M. E. Huntley Aurora General Store Town of Aurora 4 X 56¢ Rent Food Mrs. R.Pugh Light & taxes 2,24 ?.so-... 42.60' 9.00 COOK, PRINGLE; That issue orders on the be attached to this WATERWORKS the following accounts_be paid, that the Mayor Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corpn. resolution. Carried, Aurora Hydro Comm Bell Telephone Co, Spence & Cameron B. C. Osborne Davis Garage Can. Brass Co. Ltd. Power # 12 Gasoline Rubber boots Gasoline Supplies 107.04, 4.10-... 40~,50 ...... 6. 85 ..... 41,00 ...... 3.35\.... PRINGLE, MURRAY; That the Wage accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corpn. be attached to this resolution. Carried. PRINGLE, COOK; That the following accounts be paid, that orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the attached to this resolution. Carried, CORPORATION Aurora Hydro Comm. Petty cash Bell Telephone Co, B.F.Davis & Son Frankcoms garage R.L.Boag Burroughs Adding machine Corner Ins. Agency Attt'idge & Son Wilson Hardw'are W.H.Spragg Melvin Hilborn R.C.Osborne Ontario Hospital Ken. Hack C.N.R. Aurora Greenhouses Spence & Cameron Cases Cartage Ernie Holman Aurora Hydro Comm. Co, Clerks office Town Hall Fire alarm June II n Disposal plant 11 w.w., Fire,Ins Stps. Police Clerks office Property Dept. Fire Dept. Setter tile Fire Dept. List property sales Contract Prem. Sisson barn Lumber Supplies ·. Disp, W. W,l A/C 19 50 audit 2 police uniforms Hospitalization Installing tank Flasher Apl. & May Wreaths, flower boxes Fire Dept. Fill, for park Fire Dept. St.lighting July the Mayor issue Corpn. be 1.75 ..... 8.17, l.Oo-...:._ 54.93, 4.28" 10,2,5, 7.3.5' 2.8.5'- 7.60-... 3.8;;-... 8.73-.... 4.24-.... 13..50-... s.oo- 131.06--.. .51.71 ..... 17,00" 1.5o.oo, 140,00'\ 46. 00'\ 1,5.0\ 37.42.' 63.0~ l.6o, 20.oo, 3.4.5, 346.3~ ""1l11 ' i ·-.... .. ,, Sixteenth meeting Aug. 8th 1950 page 2 Aurora Bldg. Co. James Krochter F. Dunham J.E.Buchanan Sewers, Prop• Su_pply police duty 0/S trips, postage etc. Gravel 16.00 2o.oo\: 49.6~ 206.on_; CORNER, COOK; That the following accounts be orders on the Treasurer tor the same and the attached to this resolution. Carried. paid, that the Mayor issue Seal of the Corpn. be STREETS Geo. Miller B.D. Gilbert Frankcoms Garage Davis Garage DELEGATIONS ~evelling St. .n.epairs truck Gas, oil truck Reppirs & gas & oil 21.45\ 1.40\ ')7.27, 43.00 '\ '\ Mr. Jas. Lindsay, Gurnett St. appeared before Council, with regard to levels of catch basins on Gurnett st. not allowing proper drainage. _ COOK, PRINGLE; That the Town have the Engineer check catch basin levels on this street ~nd on Cousins Dr. EX the first time the Engineer is in Aurora. Carried. Mr. H.G.Hottman spoke to Council on'the following up of the solution to the Collis Leather odour problem, stressing the importance of seeing that this work be undertaken without turther delay. DAVIES, GLASS; That a further report from Proctor, Redfern & Laughlin on this matter be asked tor. Carried. Mr. Nobre Wright presented a petition to Council tor the extension of Lwpper St. and for sewers, water etc •. GLASS, CORBETT: That we ask the Town Engineer to make an investigation of this area and submit a report on the cost of the work in connection with sewers, water and street grading. Carried. Mr. Geo. Ward also asked Council the possibility of constructing a sidewalk in this area to serve the new houses, since there is a low spot that is constantly wet, in which residents have to cross to get to the present sidewalk. MURRAY, CORBETT; ~1at the Corporation of the Town ot Aurora extend the sidewalk on Lepper St. to westerly limit of existing dwellings with.a temporary grade and covered with either cinders or crushed rock and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried. CORRESPONDENCE A letter from the Secretary of the Aurora Womems Institute asking permission to hold a tag day in aid for the Navy League on Sept. 16th or 2'Jrd was received. DAVIES, CORBETT; That permission be granted the Aurora Womens Institute to hold a tag day on Sept. 2'Jrd. Carried. A letter from two residents of Harrison Ave., Mrs. T. cJler and Mr. Jas. Shave was read, asking that a section of the sidewalk on front of the respective.properties be z~~ repaired and raised. COOK, PRINGLE; That the matter to left with the streets Committee for investigation. Carried, An application for the position of Building Inspector was received from -· Mr. Geo. Cluff, Mark St. GLASS, PRINGLE; That the application be held over to be discussed at a special meeting of Council to deal with this matter. Carried. •'"''' '•-r Sixteenth meeting Aug. 8th 1950 page 3 A further letter of clerification in connection ~dth waste being run into the creek by two industries in Town '1\ras received, advising who the second party was, that w·as mentioned in the first letter from the Department of Health. DAVIES, MURRAY; That the matter be referred back to that Department, . asking advice on how to handle the effluent from one Industry. Carried. At. this time the order of business .was altered in order to hear a representative of the Four Wheel Drive Co. in connection with specif- ications for a new fire truck. A letter from the Ontario Provincial Police in connection with the caretaking services in that section of the building was received. PRINGLE, MURRAY; That a reply be made to the Police in this matter, thanking them for drawing Council 1 s attention to the existing condition and advising them that the condition. "!-Till be corrected, Carried. · GlASS, CORNER;-That the caretaker be advised to keep these offices in a proper condition. Carried, COMMITTEE REPORTS A report of the Planning Committee was read by Councillor Murray in connection with a By-Law to designate an area of Sub-division control. . CORNER", PRINGLE; That the report of the Planning Committee be accepted, Carried. Since members of the Planning Board were present at this time to give any particulars on the matter it was moved by councillor PRINGLE and seconed by By councillor MURRAY that the By-law in question be dealt with at this time, while the members of the Planning Board were in attendance. Carried. BY-LAWS · DAVIES, CORNER; That leave be given to introduce a By-law to "DESIGNATE AN AREA OF SUB-DIVISION CONTROL" and that the same be now read a first time, Carried, MURRAY, PRINGLE; That the By-law now before the Council be read a second time and the Council dissolve itself into a committee of the whole for that purpose. Carried, GLASS, CORBETT; That the By-law now before the Council'be read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of By-law # 862 be suspended for that purpose. Carried. GLASS, MURRAY; That the third reading be taken as read. Carried. DAVIES, CORNER; That leave be given to introduce a By-law to II APPOINT A MEMBER TO THE BOARD OF THE YORK COUNTY HEALTH UNIT" and that the same be now read a first time. Carried. GLASS, MURRAY; That the By-law now before the Council be read a second time and that the Council dissolve itself into a committe~ of the ~~ole for that purpose. Carried. . The By-law was returned to Council with the blanks filled in with the name of A.A.Coo:k inserted therein. MURRAY, CORBETT;That the By-law now before the Council be read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of By-law # 862 be suspended for that purpose. ··Carried. DAVIES, MURRAY; That the third reading be taken as read. Carried. COMMITTEE REPORTS, Cont. Councillor Corbett tabled a report of the Sports committee recommending the construction of five picnic benches, at an estimated cost of $100,00·r rt · CORBETT, GLASS; That the mwi¥iK of the Sports committee be accepted, and the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried. •. Sixteenth meeting Aug. 8th 1250 page 4 / Councillor Davies made a verbal report of. the Property committee's action, regarding the renewing of the easvestroughing on the north side of the Old Town Hall. Since a complaint was lodged that water was interferring with new construction there, the Committee engaged the services of Mr. Ken. Ros~.to repair the troughing at once. Mayor Bell submitted a report of the Police Committee, recommending the use of James Krochter 1 s services as a constable if and when needed, and when directed by the Police Chief. Remuneration to be $1.00 per hr. UNFINISHED BUSINESS PRINGLE, COOK; That during the period ~rhen A. Higgins is on holidays, namely from Aug. 12th to 28th, the Town janitor duties be assi.gned to James Peters, also the water"tororks duties be assigned to Jos. McGhee. Carried • . DAVIES, PRINGLE; That a suitable basket of flowers be ordered for delivery to residence of the Late Mrs. C.E.Sparks. Carried. Meeting adjourned ******~*~ MAYOR