MINUTES - Council - 19500918·--~, . ,, .. · "-"-· ---.--.-''----· TIIENTY-FIRST MEETING SEPT • . 18th . 19 50 The regular semi-monthly meeting of Council was held in the Council · Chambers on Monday Sept. 18th 19)0 at 8.00 p.m. Mayor Bell in the Ohair, Members present, Reeve Cook; Dep.Reev~ Corner; Councillors Corbett; Davies; Glass; Jones; Murray; Pringle. CORRESPONDENCE. A communication from the Provincial Government on the preliminary action tor Home defence was received~ Discussio.n on the matter took place and a motion by MURRAY~ COOK That the matter of making preparations tor Home Defence be left with Councillor Glass to work in c~nJunc~ion with the local branch of the Oanadaian Legion, was passed. Mr. James 0. Thomson, of the Spruce Villa, south Yonge made application for Oounoill 1 s approval of the construction ota~ Motel and swimming pool on his property, consisting of at least ten units. JONES, CORBE~T; That Council give it 1 s permission to construct the Motel mentioned an~ swimming pool, provided that all regulations of the Town are observed. Carried. A letter from the Secretary of the York County Health Unit was received, asking that further payments of the Town's assessment for this purpose be made at this time in order to provide funds for the Unit. PRINGLE, CORNER; That the balance of #577~90 owing to the York County Health Unit of the 1950 assessment be paid and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried~ Mr. J. E. Buchanan communicated with CoUncil for a revision 1Bz of remuneration for the garbage collection~ . JONES, DAVIES; That the Social and Sanitation Committee give this matter consideration and make a report to Council. Carried. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES The Chairman of the Property Committee submitted a report of the committees meeting of Sept. 14th regarding the heating system at the public library. · DAVIES, JONES; That the report of the Property Committee re the library be adopted. Carried. . GLASS, PRINGLE; That the Property Committee act on the motion of . Council and proceed to get the heating system under way. Carried. ' JONES, CORNER; That the Fire and water committee be asked to bring in its final r.eport and r.ecommendations regarding the purchase of a new fire truck. Carried. Deputy Reeve Corner submitted a report of work to be done on the Town streets. · The Report was adopted; on Motion of CORNER and MURRAY~ UNFINISHED BUSINESS CORNER, DAVIES; That the Town of Aurora continue to observe Daylight Saving Time until Nov~ 26th 1950 in keeping with action taken by the City of Torohto in order to conserve electric power Carried • MURRAY PRINGLE; That the Town Solicitor be authorized to make any ammendments to the Construction By-Law l060A covering Local Improvements on Dunning Ave~; Royal Rd.; & Cameron Ave~ if suchammendments are deemed necessary to facilitate work on Dunning Ave. to serve the new High School District proJect~ Carried~ ----------_,_·--;;~--;-:.-.·-... ·.' . -~---~"':. ":''>"·"'-- ... '· '" .. ---· ···.:·:--" c~-"'~-·~·~.~~-'...c..~~-~'-, Twenty_-tir_et_ meeUng SeD.t_.~~Bt1:l_1.2.5._Q.. page 2 BY-LAWS DAVIES, CORNER; That leave be given to introduce a By-law to AUTHORIZE BORROWING $600,000.0o· BY DEBENTURE FOR BUILDING.A HIGH SCHOOL FOR THE AURORA DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL AREA and that the same ae now read a first time~ Carried~ MURRAY, CORBETT; That .the By-law now before the Council be read a second time and that the Council dissolve itself into a committee of the whole for that purpose~ Carried~ NEW BUSINESS DAVIES, JONES: That Mr. ltobert Bank be paid $2.00 per day for Pollee Duties controlling soho(i)\!;·~~~sj,ngs and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this resC>lutiotf• Carried. MEETING ADJOURNED ****~*~ mayor :~