MINUTES - Council - 19500605·-·· .. _/ / TWELVTH MEETING JUNE 5th 1950 The Hegular meeting. of Coun~il was held in the Council Chambers on Monday June 5th 1950 at 8.00 p.m. Mayor Bell in the Chair, Members present; Reeve Cook; Dep.Reeve Corner; Councillors Corbett; Davies; Glass; Jones; Murray; Pringle; · The minutes of the loth & 11th meeting were adopted as printed. PRINGLE, CORBETT: That the wage accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried. 1• " ~' ~ •. ~ I, J ,' PRINGLE, DAVIE'; That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the reasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be ~ttached to this resolution. Carried~ CORPORATION Aurora' Hydro Comm Robert Rank Petty cash Postmaster Petty cash Bell Telephone Co. Hamilton Uniform Cap.Co. Corner Insurance Agency C.E.Hickey & Sons Ltd. W.S.Gibson & Sons Treasurer of Ontario Standard Sanitary & Dom~ Radiator Ltd. R.L.Boag F. Dunham Attridge & Son . Jas. A.Cook & Son. Ltd. Ernie Holman L.C.Lee Wilson Hardware J.C.Bodtish Hess Drug Store Aurora Building Co. B.F.Davis & Son A.W.Heard C.N.Ro B.D. Gilbert Stiver Bros. Municipal World Ltd. W.H.Spragg J. E.BucJolnmn . Banner Press Aurora Hydro Comm. a~o. Apl. ToHo Apl. Fire Apl. Disposal Apl. St. crossing guard Express etc. Postage . Express etc. Police Fire c.o. Disposal Police caps & badges Guarantee bond, clerk Fire Dept. equipment Surveying (Sisson) Dept. of Health Furnace grates T.H. List. prop. sales 0/S trips, postage etc. Lumber, Park Bd. Health Fire Dept. gas & oil Disbursements Geo. St. Supplies Library wiring contract Bd.Health Disposal plant Sewer tile ~ibrary decorating contract Flasher Feb. 1950 Grease D&sposal plant Fuel T.H. Office supplies Machine work Sand disposal plant Printing, supplies etc • St.lighting May Disposal plant c.o. To H. Fire alarm 1~97, 8.95, 1.oo, 45.5o, 30.00, 4.63~ 8.25, 7.2~ 12.8?\_ 7.6o, 8.15, 3.60.. 9.5o, 4o.o~ 189.31, 195.00, 2,86, 9.0~ 3.3;;. 24.5~ 119.54;,. 6.81\ 9.68...._ 6.5o, 93.2~ 292.00, 2.78.;., 1,8~ 51.90, 8s.oq.., 22,36, s.o~ 44.4~ 22.0~ 12.00..., 35.09-.: 155.1~ 346.34, 58.85....._ 1.85, 10.44, 1.oo, '--··· ... , ("', '---./ 12th meeting June 5th 19 50 page 2 . JONES, GLASS; That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attachedto this resolution. Carried. WATERWORKS .. Aurora Hydro Comm. Township of King Petty cash ~ell Telephone Co. Banner Press C.N.R. M.L.Baxter Ltd. Drummond McCall & Co. Ltd. Canadian Brass co. Ltd. Power Apl. Taxes Express # 12 Water bills Rent water main gee compressor ate valve & box Supplies GLASS, DAVIES; That the following accounts be paid, that orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the attached to .this resolution. Carried~ RELIEF Medical Assn. M.E.Huntley Aurora General Store Town of Aurora 4 X 56$6 Rent Food Mrs.R.Pugh, Light & taxes 100.8.3, 21.7§\ 7.72' 4.20 ?6.4~ 1.oo .30.00~ .37.7~ 612.72 ' the Mayor issue Corporation be 2.24 ?.so.,. 42.6o, 9.00 CORNER, DAVIES,;. That the following accounts bepaid, orders on the ~reasurer for the same and the Seal of attached to this resolution. Carried~ that the Mayor issue the Corporation be STREETS Snow Welding Work$ R. Pictering Cases artage Ross Avis Flintkote Co. Ltd. W.J.Mount DeLaHaye Garage Ernie Holman Repairs grader Gas & Oil G.rader 8 hrs. @ .3.00 888 ydsgravel 5 ton patching material Supervising grader Servicing truck Gas, Oil etc~ 4.0~ ?4.96, 24.oo, 1416.0~ 4.3. oa. 87.50._ 2.3.80, 25.65, PRINGLE, GLASS; That the account of Mr.P~Alan Deacon dated May 8/50 in t.he amount ()f $180. oo, for .consultant's time and Technical time be paid and the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried • . CORRESPONDENCE *K&ettersfrom George Duffield and W.W.Duckenfield, complaning of a nuisance and possibly an unhealthy situation exists on Temperance Stp and vicinity were read. Council gave this matter consideration. CORNER, DAVIES; That the matter of this nuisance be referred to the local board of Health for action. aerried. A reminder letter from the Dept. of Planning ~ Development re eonservation meeting was read to Couneil, asking for a feeling as to whether we should proeeed with calling a further meeting •. COOK, GLASS; That a reply to this letter be made asking the Dept. to proceed with another meeting. Carried. The Aurora Branch of the Legion asked that two walnut trees in front of the hall be removed. ' GLASS, JONE.S; That this matter be left with the streets commUtes for their action~ .possibly to be removed at the time that trees on Royal Rd. are out down. Carried. A letter from the ~.E.P.C. through the loeal Commission was reeeived advising the cost to the Municipality for removing poles on Yonge St. amounting to $?965.00. DA VIES, JONES; That the matter be deferred and the Commission be notified that the Town is not prepared to proeeed this year under the present terms. Carried. . ; . ~ .-· 12th meeting June5th 1950 -page 3 James Willis made application for a license to install a patented Cul-Flow valve for water softeners, in conjunction with Mr. P.R.Fobert. DAVEES, COOK; That a license be granted James Willis for the installation of connection for the Cul~igan Water Softening Serv.bce~ Carried. A letter from Mr. W.B.Redfern to the efrect that he would keep the Municipality informed on the progress being made in connection with the odour propblem of the.Collis Leather Co. GLASS, DAVIES; That the letter from Mr. Redfern be filed for future referrence. Carried. Notice from Miss Mary Caruso that she requires the use of the lot now being used as a public parking area, for her own use, and wishes to have the Town sign removed in connection with· the lots use. The contents of the letter was noted and the~ sign to be removed, the letter being ordered filed • A letter from. the Town's Engineer, enc~osing accounts for payment on behalf of the Marino Construction Co. was read. COOK, PRINGLE; That the account of Marino Construction Co.-for 5% holdback for 1948 & 1949 for sewers and watermains as per statement recommended for payment by Proctor1Redfern & Laughlin be paid. Carried. Estimate # 3 t3990.37 . Estimate # 4 527~55 Estimate # 4 201.96, T~tal 4719.88 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Councillor Corbett submitted the report of the Sport committee regarding the schedule of activities for the Town park during the season. CORBETT, GLASS; That the report of the Sports committee be aocepted,carried. Counoillor Jones made a verbal report on progress at the band shell and that a contract for installation of plumbing hada been let. to Jas. Wall according to authority invested by Council, on motion of DAVIES, JONES; the contract was ordered .signed by the Mayor. b1mr Reeve Cook tabled a report of the water meeting for checking flow of wells and an informative report on the trip to Woodstock to inspect fire fighting equipment. UNFINISHED BUSINESS GLASS, CORBETT; That the Property committee be authorized to.proceed with installing partitions in the basement of the band shell at an estimated cost of. $250.00 and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried~ DAVIES, PRINGLE; That the Clerk be authorized to engage office assistance for the period during which holidays are being taken within the office. carried. · PRINGLE, GLASS; That permission be given to the Aurora Lions Club to hold their annual Carnival and Streetdance on Yonge St. betw!!Jen Mosley and Wellington Sts. on July 26th 1950, subject to the approval of the Department of Highways. Carried. The Clerk advised Council that the recent action taken on the Beautify Aurora Contest had met with little response and that sufficien~ entries had not been submitted to be able to carry on with the contest. DAVIES, MURRAY; That. each contestant be notified that the contest will · have to be withdrawn due to interest taken~ Carried. CORNER, DAVIES; That a quantity of cmld mix be ordered to construct an area 116ft long, 4t or 5 1 wide, standard depth from sidewalk to street line of gravel surface from Wellington St. south on Larmont, east side to be applied by our town foreman and men and paid for by Dan. Williamson. Carried. ---1 ·-·-' '"~''"" ,-.-, '('''•~·:·•,-o-.c,:<;c:-; :·:-,-;;-·;-;' ;·~<\·::"~,;;::--;;:y,--:,;;s:;::;:::;.';::;;.o;~;:;:o; -;c;-·;,~>-;~;;::;:;;-:;;)"::.;·; ;·;cz•:=:·, ,o:c.·.·'"----;~•;'p-~~-______,.--~·--·--""~---~~-,--.,--;-,--_-.-.c---.7-_=~"~o-., ... ~<·~·-~-~-----· --.. / 12th meet1ru:_..Iun~e_5tlL19_5Q _page 4 GLASS, JONES; That the ~~terwprks foreman be instructed to proceed with harnessing the overflow of the Tulloch well, the cost of the pipe to be approximately $200.00 and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. We further recommend that an easement agreement be arranged with Mr. Tulloch~ Carried~ BY-LA WS DAVIES, CORNER; That leave be given to introduce a By-law to ESTABLISH A HEALTH UNIT and that the same be now·read first time. Carried. PRINGLE, MURRAY; That theBy-Law now before the Council be read a second time and that the Council dissolve itself into a committee of the whole for that purpose. Carried~ JONES, GLASS; That the By-law now before the Council be read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of By-law # 862 be suspended for that purpose~ ce.rried. DAVIES, GLASS; That the third reading be taken as read. Carried~ DAVIES, CORNER; That leave be given to introduce a By-law to AUTHORIZE THE SALE TO THE AURORA HYDRO COMMISSION of Part Lot 9 east side of Yonge St. and that the same be now read a first time • Carried. MURRAY, PRINGLE; That the By-law now before the Council be read a second time and that the Council dissolve itself into a committee of the whole for that purpose. Carried. GLASS, CORBETT; That the By•law now before the Council be read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of By-law # 862 be suspended for that purpose. Carried. GLASS, CORBETT; That the third reading be taken as read. Carried. DAVIES, CORNER; That. leave be given to introduce a By-law to AUTHORIZE THE CONVEYANCE TO THE TRUSTEES OF THE BOARD OF TRADE, a right of way between the old Town Hall and property conveyed to the Aurora Hydro Commission, and that the same be now read a first time. Carried. PRINGLE, CORBETT; That the By-law now before the Council be read a second time and that the Council dissolve itself into a committee of the whole for that purpose. Carried~ JONES, GLASS; That the By-law now before the Council be read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of By-law # 862 be suspended for that purpose. Carried. PRINGLE, CORNER; The.t the third reading be taken as read. Carried. DAVIES, CORNER; That leave be given to introduce a By-law to CONVEY TO MARY A BASTEDO A RIGHT OF WAYover south 12ft of lot ~ west aide of Gurnett · St. and that the same be now read a first time. Carried~ MURRAY, CORBETT; That the By-law now before the Council be read a second time and that the Council dissolve itself into a committee of the whole for that pur.pose. Carried. GLASS, CORBETT; That the By-law now before the Council be read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of By-law # 862 be suspended for that purpose. Carried. CORNER, GLASS; That the third reading be taken as read. Carried. DAVIES, CORNER; That leave be given to introduce a By-law to AUTHORIZE CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWERS & STORM SEWERS ON CAMERONAVE., DUNNING AVE., AND ROYAL ROAD, and that the same be now read a first time~ Carried~ CORBETT, MURRAY; That the By-law now before the Council be read a second time and that the Council dissolve itself into a committee of the whole for that purpose~ aorried. · . . DAVIES, GLASS; That this By-law be given 2 readings only and given to the Solicitor for transmission to the Ontario Municipal Board. Carried. .NEW BUSINESS A letter from the Solicitor regarding'.conflicting information in the. new proposed Building By-law was read, asking for some clarification. GLASS, JONES; Due to holidays of office staff, the 2nd meeting of Council for month of July be held on July 24th instead of the 17th. Carried. Meeting adjourned. **~~d MAYOR