MINUTES - Council - 19500925,._.. ·-·-·/ ·-··--· ' \) TWENTY*SEOOND MEETING (SPECIAL) SDTo ?5th 1950 A special meeting ot Oouncii was held in the Oounoil Chambers on Monday Sept. ?,5th 19.50 at 7.:30 p.m. Mayor Bell in the Ohair; Members present; Reeve Cook; Dep.Reeve Corner; Oounoi,llors Corbett, Glass; Jones; Murray; Pringle. The meeting was called to award a tender tor the construction work on Dunning Ave~; Royal Rd~; & Cameron Ave~ tor water; sewers; and street grading. 188 A number ot other matters were dealt with at the same time. ~OOK: CORNER: That the Council ot the Town ot Aurora authorize the Town Clerk to make appl1()ation to the .uepartment of Highways ot Ontario tor approval ot the additional expenditures ot $7000.00 as listed in Town ot Aurora By-Law # 1040 tor road and streets expenses ot the Town~ Carried~ .·The matter o~ purchasing a duplicating machine was brought before Ooubcil · by the Clerk. The machine being usetul in having numerous office records prepared• . . GLASS, CORBETT; That the Reeve, Councilosr Pringle and the Clerk be a committee to investigate several ~es ot this type ot equipment with power to make a suitable purchase. Carried. COOK, PRINGLE; That we have the waterworks foreman~ Joseph McGhee; work with the Engineer, the clerk and.the oontrt;~.ctor to check all sewers, watermains and streets gravelledr checking the lineal teetlaid, .and the no ot loads of gravel put on the streets, making a daily report. Carried. CORNER, PRINGLE; That·. the MARINO. CONSTRUCTION COo tender be accepted tQ the amount ot $14,744.7.5 per specifications i,n the contract !or sewers, watermains, grading and graveling of streets, and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried. Meeting adjourned~ ****~*~ MAYOR