A special (closed) meeting of Council was held in the Council Chambers
on Monday Aug. 28th 1950 at 8.00 p.m. Mayor Bell in the Chair,
Members present; Reeve Cook, Councillors Corbett; Davies; Glass;
Jones; Murray; Pringle. · ·
Town Solicitor, L.C.Lee was in attendance to supply information as it
effected him on behalf of the Town, in connection with the recently
passed Plan of Sub-Division Control By-Law.
A letter from the D epartment of Planning & Development was read
concerning the above mentioned by-law. The Dept. acknowledged receipt
of two certified copies or the by-law for their files, and advis~d
certain procedure in connection with the registering of the by-law
with the Registery Office.
Mr. Lee was asked to speak at this time, after considerable discussion
members asked Mr. Lee questions and for his recommemdations on how
the By-law should be drawn up to include the Plans he felt that should
be covered by this By-law.
Council thanked Mr. Lee for his advice on behalf of the Town, at which
time Mr. Lee adjourned. ·
meeting adjourned
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