MINUTES - Council - 19500905\_,. )L TWENTIETH MEETING SEPT. 5th 1950 The regular meeting of' Council was held in the Council Chambers on Tues. Sept, 5th 1950 at 8,00 p.m. ~W.yor Bell in the Chair, Members present, Reeve Cbok; Dep,Reeve Corner, Councillors, Corbett; Glass; Jones; Murray; Pringle, fU The minutes of' the 16th;l7th;l8th & 19th meetings were adopted as printed, COOK, PRINGLE; That the f'ollmving accounts be paid, that orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of' the be attached to this resolution, Carried, DX!Uilt llbtUm: iUIIIX WATERWORKS AUrora Hydro Comm, Bell Telephone Co. Aurora Motors Power Po;..rer Power Power # 12 Oil # 1 July "# 2 July # 1 Aug, # 2 Aug, the Mayor issue Corporation ?2.67, 36.65, 80,17..._ 39.35'- 8,25"-. l. 80 '- PRINGLE, COOK: That the Wage accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the. Seal of' the Corporation be attached to this resolution. arri.ed, PRINGLE, COOK; That the following accounts be paid, that orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of' the attached to this resolution. Carried. CORPORATION Aurora Hydro Comm, Bell Telephone Co, Gr~md & Toy Ltd. J. Bak Ken. Rose :Sept. of' Health W,H,Cunningham & Hill Ltd, Banner Press Wilson Hardware County of York Ernie Holman James Krochter F. Dunham M. Taylor B.F.Davis & Son C,E,Hickey & Sons Ltd, Clerks of'f'ioe July Town Hall II Fire alarm II Disposal II Clerks office Aug, To•m hall II Fire alarm Disposal II n St, lighting II Traffic lights 1947-8-9 Police Clerks office Fire Dept, Disposal Supplies Repairs tools Ea~estroughing T.H. Supplies Rooto, cutting oil Printing & supplies Property Dept, Hospitalization Fire Dept, Special police duty 0/S trips, stamps etc, Police & Fire Depts. sew:ers & prop. Fire hose etc, the Mayor issue Corporation be 3.96, 6.59' l. 00-. 64.05, 4. 31, 3. 71'-. 1.oo, 57.49, 346.34, 48,00..._ 20.29-... 11.13, 10.98' 7.58' 15.80--.. s.zs .... 35.00'-. • 94"" 29.75" 114.78....._ 13.43'-. 94,20, 8,04' 4o.oo, 17.80, 9.6~ 7. 30-, 352.40...._ GLASS, JONES; That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of' the Corpn. be K attached to this resolution. Carried. RELIEF Medical Assn. M.E,Huntley Aurora General Store To•m of' Aurora 4 X 56¢ Rent Food Mrs.r Jlugb,light & taxes ··"•"· :·Y····· . ·--~· •.•.. -,.-.. . • -,-.• ;:;--.-:.:-;-,;:;--;·-:<';-~ .:-~-: :·~;.;::_:: ------,-,.".... '" ~--- 2.24 ?.so._ 42.60, 9.00 :·\: Twentieth meeting Sept. 5th 1950 page 2 CORNER, COOK; That the follo~;ing accounts be orders on the Treasurer for the same and the attached to this resolution. Carried. paid, that the Mayor issue Seal of the Corporation be STREETS Geo. Miller Flintkote Co. Ltd. T.Tomlinson Foundry M. Taylor B.D. Gilbert DELEGATIONS Mowing streets Patching Material Catch basin covers Gas. & oil, truck Repairs truck 13.656" 43.9 ' 60.48, 21. 53" 3. 2s..._: Mr. F.R.Unde~hill, chE.irman of the Arena Committee addressed Council in regard to the progress thus far ih accepting tenders for the atterations to the arena. Figures were made available to Council in order that consideration could be given to the action the Board taken in deciding on the sucessful tenderer. Mr. Underhill asked that Council state its views and if satisfied, it would. be necessary to arrange for additional money to complete the project. GLASS, PRINGLE; That this Council assures the Arena Board of their fintacial backing for alterations and will abide by the decisions of the Board in awarding the contract. Carried. Robert Marshall appeared before Council, asking that some clerical assistance be given him in order to complete the assessmenD roll by Sept. 30th. . GLASS, CORBETT• That the Assessor be allowed to hire clerical help up to the sum of $100.00 in order to complete the assessment roll, further that such payment to be made directly to the person involved and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried. CORRESPONDENCE A letter fromiiThe Canadian March of Dimes" asking that a Cahirman be appointed to handle any campaign in this connection. Council felt that possibly a service club would undertake this "torork aJrillv§~ moved That the letter be handed to the Lions Club, the motion was ~~~~~ byCouncillor Corbett, seconded by Dep.Reeve Corner, 'A letter from the Aurora Horticultural Society expressing regret that To~<rn workmen do not take greater interest in the undertakings of the Society, in regard to plantings of flo'l'rers and shrubs being let grow wild without care. GLASS, JONES; That the Clerk reply to the Society that the Council regrets the lack &f interest taken in the Society's work and that Council will ask the co-operation of the employees in future. Carried. .. An application from Mr. H. Tunney for licence to operate 6 poml tables in his new;proposed building, was received. PRINGLE, C~RNER; That Council grant permission to licence the afore- mentioned person to operate 6 ool tables. Carried. . The Town Solicitor made application on behalf of Mr. C.Evan Murrell to be granted 4 taxi licences and for the cancellation of the 4 licences now held in the name of J. O'Brien. Mr. Murrell having bought out the O'Brien taxi business. CORNER, MURRAY; That Council approve the application of Mr. Murrell and that 4 taxi cab licenses be issued to him. Carried. COOK, GLASS; That information be obtained in regard to clerifying the amount of Provincial grants to be received in connection ~..ri th the new proposed high school building. Carried. REPORSS OF COMMITTEES Councillor Murray presented a repo~t of the meeting of the Planning Board on Aug. 28th in regard to the Plan for Sub-division Control. MURRAY, PRINGLE; That the report of the Planning Board as presented by committee report be accepted. Carried. Councillor Jones made a verbal report on investigations he had made regarding the heating problem for the Library building. PRINGLE, GLASS; That the Property committee mru•e a full investigation ·:: .. ::·; -·-:·'"""" Twentieth meeting .sept. 5th 1950 page 3 OF THE MATTER and bring in a report and definite recommendations to Council. Carried. MURRAY, CORBETT; That Councillor Glass be added to the special committee to deal with personel problems. Carried. Councillor Glass reported verbally that his attention had been drawn to a condition of stagnant water along the creek, north of Kennedy St. w. The matter to be taken care of by notifying the Health Unit. The Mayor advised Council of the Whitchurch Township centennial being held Sept. 16th and asked that Aurora be publicized in the parade. CORNER, PRINGLE; That the Mayor and Reeve Cook have full authority to advertise the Town in the Whitchurch Centennial parade. Carried. CORNER, JONES; Whereas it is nine years since a pamphlet or brochure was printed, giving the history of Aurora, shm~ing its industries4 homes, churches, schools recreation centres and other activities. The 19 1 pop~lation was 2762 and assessed valuation was $1,612,248.00 com~ared with to-day' s population of 3800 or more and an assessment of :jp2,055,248. And whereas it is good business and important, if the To~m is to make progress to advertise the facilities the Town has to offer in home building, business places, schools, industries and recreation. Be it resolved that the SPORTS COMMITTEE bexauthorized to procure the necessary information with regards to costs and a general set up. Carried. BY-LAWS PRINGLE, COOK; That leave be given to introduce a By-law· to APPOINT A BUILDING INSPECTOR FOR THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TO~rn OF AURORA and that the same be now ree.d a first time. Carried. MURRAY, JONES; That the By-law nol\T before the Council be read a second time and that the Council dissolve itself into a committee of the whole ~or that purpose. Carried. . The ~ committee of the whole resimed as a council with the name of MR. GEORGE ELWOOD CLUFF filled in the By-law. JONES, GLAss; That the By-law now before the Council be read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of By-la'lor # 862 be suspended for that purpose, · Carried. MURRAY, GLASS, That the third readin of the by-law be taken as read,Carried. PRINGLE, MURRAY; That leave be given to introduce a By-law to PROVIDE PENSIONS FOR EMPLOYEES OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF THE T01'ffl OF AURORA and that the same be now read a first time. Carried. COOK, CORNER; That the By-law now before the Council be read a second time and that the Council·dissolve itself into a committee of the whole for that purpose~ Carried. CORBETT, GLASS; That the By-law now before the Council be read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of By-law # 862 be suspended for that purpose, Carried. MURRAY, CORNER; That the third reading of the by-law be taken as read, Carried. NEW BUSINESS PRINGLE, CORBETT; That the matter of replacing the fire escape at the Old To'lom Hall, removed to allow construction of the Simpson building, be left in the hands of the Property committee. Carried. Meeting adjourned. *~*~ MAYOR I ~ :