MINUTES - Council - 19500821, _________ ,_.--•-
The semi-monthly meeting of Council was held in the Council Chambers on
Monday Aug. 21st 1950 at 8.00 p.m. Mayor Bell in the Chair, members
present, Reeve Cook; Dep,Reeve Corner; Councillors, Corbett; Davies;
Glass; Jones; Murray; Pringle~
A letter from the Secretary of the Aurora Womems Institute
asking for a change of date for a tag day t-ras received. and that an
additional day on Sept. 23rd be permitted in aid of a project to
supply wash room facilities in the Town. ·· .
JONES, MURRAY; ~1at the request of the Womens Institute to alter the
date of their tag day be granted for Sept. 9th in aid of the Navy League,
also that permission be granted to hold a tag day or mile of pennies
in .aid of wash room facilities contemplated, on Sept. 23rd. Carried.
~letter from Mrs. ·J.P. Crysdale regarding stagnamt water on Kennedy St.
• and request for street sign asking motorists to drive slowly, was
read to Council.
DA VIES,. CORNER; That the matter of stagnant water, referred to be left
in the hands of the Sanitation committee for action. Carried.
GLASS, PRINGLE: That the request for caution signs on the street be
left with the Streets Committee for their action. Carried.
An acknowledgement from the Sparks family and a communication from the
York County Health Unit were ordered filed.
The North American Life Assurance Co. asked that a letter of authorization
be sent them in order to commence work on the recently adopted Pension
plan. ·
GLASS, CORBETT; That the letter (attached) be forwarded to the North
American Life Assurance Co., minus the cheuw for $200.00, also that a
copy of this resolution passed by Council co:neerning this matter be
enclosed and that the fact pointed out t& this Company that this res-
olution should be proof enough of our honest and sincere intent to
carry out this Plan and that t-re feel a deposit is not necessary. Carried.
Mr. T.A.M.Hulse appear~d before Council on behalf of the
Aurora Branch, Canadian Legion, thanking Council for its support in
connection with the recent functions at the To'~ park, and expressing
thanks to the Town employees, Police and hydro, who did so much to
contribute to the sucess of the affair.
Mr. Hulse a~so mentioned the possible need for Home
Defence and asked that Council give this matter its support.
Mr. Hulse enlightened Council regarding the Branch's
financial affairs, and mentioned the matter of taxes on the Legion
hall, hoping that Council could see fit to grant assistance in that
The Building Permit Commitbee tabled a report
on a meeting sin connection with iterviews l'l'i th applicants for the
position of uilding Inspector., recommending Mr. Geo. Cluff for the
position with remuneration as set forth in the last meeting of Council.
DAVIES, MURRAY: That the report of the Permit Committee re the
appointment of a building inspector be adopted. Carried.
Councillor Glass informed Council of some of the problems encountered in
connection with the parking lot survey, Solicitor Lee more fully explained
legal difficulties in this regard. Council expressed its desire for the
committee to continue in thllillr efforts.
' .... ·
18th meeting Aug. 21st page 2
A sketch plan of proposed residence location for
Mr. & Mrs. s.W.Baker was presented for Council's consideration, since
it was not in exact accordance with the Land Use By-law.
GLASS, JONES; Tl;lat the building permit of Mr. & Mrs. S.W.Baker be granted
and that they be advised 1 if humamly possible to adhere to the
existing by-law.
A vote was taken on the motion and was declared lost.
Deputy Reeve Corner asked Council for its opinion on the request of the
Horticultural Society to plant a small hedge around the flower beds
at the arena in order to protect the plants.
GLASS, DAVIES; That Dep. Reeve Corner contact the Society, advising it
that considerable construction will be undertaken shortly to enlarge
the arena and that it is likely that that space will be needed for
a parking area, that possibly the beds should be removed entirely.Carried.
DAVIES, MURRAY; That the 3rd reading be given to the Building
by-law. Carried.
GLASS, PRINGLE; That the third reading of the by-law be taken
as read. Carried.
CORNER, COOK; That the Council of the Town of Aurora make
application to the Department of High~mys of Ontario for interim grant
on account of the subsidy for 1950 for highways expendituee to Aug.
31st Carried.
GLASS, .. JONES; That all Town employees be given two weeks holidays with
payafter three years service. Further that all employees be granted
one week 1 s holidays w·i th pay after 6 months service, previous to July
let of each year. Employees who do not have six months service to
receive one half day 1 s pay for each months service previous to July 1st
and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution.
This plan to be effective immediately.
Councillor Jones requested
Rene Cook
Dep.Reeve Corner
Councillors Corbett
a .recordedvote
The motion was declared lost.
be taken on the motion.
CORBETT, PRINGLE; That. a committee be formed to discuss pereoneil
problems and bring in a report at the next meeting of Council, the
Mayor to appoint the committee. Carried.
The Mayor appointed a committee .of the following; Reeve Cook; Dep.
Reeve Corner; Councillor Pringle.
Dr. Williams, Chairme.n of the Auro.ra District High School Board attended
the meeting of Council after the business of the School Board had been
completed, advising Council of a motion that had been passed by. the Board
in connection with the ne11 high schhol borrowing, a copy of the motion
was filed for future use. Dr. Williams asked that Council make a decision
on approving the action taken by the board at its earliest convenience
so that work could be speeded up.
DAVIES, PRINGLE; That the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora
agree to the recommendation of the Aurora District High School Board, that
a contract be let for the construction of a new High School at a set
figure of $503,396.71 and will prepare a By-law for the issuing of
debentures for the total cost of the school on receiving agreement to
this arrangement from the Townehipa of King & Whitchurch. Carried.
18th meeting Aug •. 2lst 1950 page 3
GLAss. DAVIES; That the matter of taxes on the Legion Building, referred
to by Mr. Hulse earlier in the meeting be left in the hands of the
Finance Committee and that a report be made to Council. Carried.
Meeting adjourned.
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