MINUTES - Council - 19500814··~ SEVENTEENTH MEETING (Special) ,AUG, 14th 1950) A special meeting of Council,was held in the Council Chambers on Monday .Aug, 14th 1950 at 8,00 p.m. Mayor Bell in the Chair, Members present, Reeve Cook; Councillors Corbett; Davies; Glass; Murray; Pringle.· The meeting was called for the purpose of considering applications for the position of ToWn Building Inspector, and dealing with plans already submitted in connection with Retirement Plan for Town Employees. GLASS, CORBETT; That all applications for position of Bumlding Inspector that have been received, be consiaered. Carried. The several applications previously received and two applications recently received were discussed severally by Council, after due consideration the following motion was passed. GLASS, PRINGLE; That the applications received from Mr. Knapp and Mr. Cluff be further considered and an interview arranged. Carried. DAVIES, MURRAY; That the remuneration of the Build n I s ector be 75% of the value of the permits collected , maximum 25.00 per permit. PRINGLE, GLASS; That the Building Permit Committee and Councillor Jas. Murray be a committee to interview applicants for this position. Carried. GLASS, DAVIES; That the Council dissolve itself into a committee of the whole for the purpose of discussing plans of Retirement oor Municipal Employees, with Councillor Pringle in the ~ chair. arried. The plans submitted were discussed indetail, clause by clause, after which the following motion was P.assed, when the committee of the whole had disolved and resumed ~Dfull council. PRINGLE, MURRAY; That we accept the proposed Retirement Plan for the employees .. of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora as recommended by the North American Life Assurance Company, with respect to future service only and request the representatives of the Company to handle the arrangements concerning same, and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Meeting adjourned. ****~***~ MAYOR -·-••·"·~-, · ... ,~:··:•:--<-~"'-! ,,.,,,_.,, ,,,.,,,., :•:;:;<::;;::;::, ;;~;,;;;;::;;,~;:;;;;:;.: ::.:: .'OT:;;o;:;;o;-,-; :-:~• .,.,.,.,..ro·;--··-······..--.·--····------~--·---· .... ,,_-.;:-::-1''"::·::-;::co::-;:--~:-:,-·;~"-:-""·~=·,_~.--··-----·