MINUTES - Council - 19500703··--~ FOURTEENTH MEETING JULY 3rd 1950 The regular meeting of Council was held in the Council Chambers on Monday July ,3rd 1950 at 8.00 p.m. Mayor Bell. in the Ohair, members present Reeve Cook; Dep.Reeve Corner; Councillors, Corbett; Glass; Jones; Murray. The minutes of the June meetings were adopted as printed. CORBETT, COOK; .. That the following accounts be paid, that orders on the ~reasurer for the same ·and the Seal of the attached to this resolution• Carried~ the Mayor issue Corporation be CORPORATION Postmaster Robert Rank " " F. R. Underhill Geo. R. Ward Andy 1 s Sign Shop J. F~ Willis Collis Leather Col. Ltd Bell Telephone Co. Carl Q.uEJ.ntz . Carpemter Motor Supply C.N.R. J. Goulding L.C.Lee M. Taylor J. E. Buchanan W. H. Spragg Davis Garage C.E.Hickey & Sons Ltd, B.F.Davis & Son Aurora Hydro Comm. Stamps Crossing guard June 9th " p ' " 29th AssT. Clerk, bond Arena premiums Repairs fire ladder Stop sign Fire Dept. supllies Wash basin Police Disposal Fire Dept. Clerks office Water & sewer trenching Fire Dept. (Extinguisher) Flasher Mar. 1950 .Use oar May & June Disbursements re Deeds Fire Dept. ftravel, Sidewalks epairs mixer Fire Dept. Fire Dept. Sewers Fire ala~m alterations Parks rees St. Lighting June z4.oo, z8.so, 21.00, 20. 00...: 284.,34, n.so.... J,oo, 4 • .35, 12.50, 9.90\ ,3.1~ 7.60, 14.4S... 12.00....._ .3. 80... 15. 4LJ.;:. 12.oo, 12 • .3~ l2.8J.:. 22.3.0~ 2.3.25, ' 2.80, .35. 80\.. 20 • .3.5..., 125.99, 11.1~ 346 • .34, COOK, JONES; That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried. WATERWORKS Auro~ Hydro Comm. Mueller Ltd. Petty cash. Postmaster Bell Telephone Co. B •. F.Davis & ·Son Drummond McCall & Co, Ltd. Canadian Brass Co. Ltd. Power Tapping machine Express on supplies Stamps # 12 Fuel t 4" dresser couplings Supplies 105.75, 158.66, 8.56, 18.oo, 4.40 l>-. 268.47, 13.2~ 262.80" CORBETT, COOK; That the Wage accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried, GLASS, JONES; That the following accounts be orders on the Treasurer for the same and the attached to this resolution. Carried. RELIEF Medical Assn. 4 X 56f6 Rent Food paid that the Mayor issue Seal of the Corporation be M. E. Huntley Aurora General Store Town of Aurora Mrs. R. Pugh light & taxes 2.24 ?.so..._ 5.3.50, 9.00 '"-·· • .. · Fourteenth meeting JulY 3r4 page 2 CORNER, MURRAY• That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the ~reasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried. STREETS Frank Symons Miller Paving Ltd. Marina Construction Armco Drianage Products Nichols Chemical M. Whieoak F. D. Lacey Davis Garage CORRESPONDENCE Lts, Bulldozing Cousins Dr. Oiling sts. & grading Removing trees Cousins !72° culvert an " Calcium Chloride Bricks Broom Battery, reps. starter Dr etc. .36.0~ .38.32.01, no.oo, 61/B.l:}.. 74.1~ 47.12, .3.72, 1.2~ .38 • .30, A letter from the Town Solicitor was received, which enclosed deeds, Ri~ts of way and insurance policy in connection with the Sisson Property. CORBETT, MURRAYr That the insurance placed by Mrs. Sisson on the building now purchased be kept in force. Carried~ A request from the Secretary of the York County Health Unit was received asking for financial assistance at this time, in order to get the new Unit started. COOK, MuRRAY That the Clerk be authorized to pay the York Coun*ym Health Unit the sum of $577.88 as requested by the Secretary-Treasurer and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried~ W.L.Waylett of the North American Life Insurance Co. drew the Council's attention to certai1;1 facts in connection with the proposed Retirement plan already discussed by that Company, asking some action be taken as soon as possible. GLASS, JONES; That this matter be turned over to the Chairman of the Finance Committee for his recommendations. Carried~ A letter from the Solicitor of Mr. E. Phripp, through the Town Solicitor was received with regard to apportionment of the 1950 taxes on the property recently purchased by the Town of Aurora. COOK, CORBETT; That the matter be handed to the Finance Committee .to work with t~e Assessor in arriving at an assessment for this year. An ammendment by CORNER, JONES; That an amendment to the resolution dealing with rebate of the Phripp taxes be Fade, That the Treasurer be authorized to adjust the taxes for 1950 and a rebate be refunded to Mr. Phripp of $7.50, A vote was taken on the amendment and was carried~ REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Reeve Cook presented a report of the Fire and Water Committee meeting of June 2.3rd Regarding wells, reservoir, flows and o~dering material. JONES, GLASS; That the report of the water and fire Committee be accepted. Carried. MURRAY, CORBETT; That the Town accept the offer of the High School Boaed to take away and use the foundation of the barn on the newly purchased high school property. Carried. Fourteenth meeting July 3rd 1950 page 3 .~~ NEW BUSINESS GLASS, JONES; Whereas it is deemed esntial and advantageous that the Townof Aurora have a Municipal Parking Area, located near the Business section of the Town, that it be hereby ~esolved that the Town Planning Committee be asked to work in conjunction with the Town Planning Board in finding a suitable site for this purpose. Carried. The Clerk presented a sketch of the streets and trees located on Mosley St. that interfer with the new Hydro line to be erected in connection with the Standardization program, as outlined by the Hydro Supt. MURRAY, CORBETT, That permission be granted the Aurora Hydro Commission to re~ove the trees mentioned to allow the new line to progress. Carried. UNFINISHED BUSINESS . . CORNER,,MURRAY; That H. Squibb be paid an hourly rate of 70-plus the current cost of living bonus, this to be retroactive to July 1st. Carried. In connection with a lengthy request from the Hospital for Sick Children for acceptance of an account of Roy Elmer as an indigent patient, and in view of the circumstances contained in the correspondence the following motion was passed. MURRAY, COOK; That the Clerk be authorized to pay the Sick Childrens Hospital bill of Roy Elmer to the amount of $93.00 and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried. Meeting adjourned. .. '':-~""7''·'-·-' ·· '"··---,-;-·--· "c•·c·~"~---·-,, ._., __ ,_., ,·;:.: .... '>:;--/:-;.~.;,:,.,..c.:.,:, .. ,~:v~~-·-·~-·'"·'--'-: • .:.._:-~"-'"'~'j.:· •• ·, ~P~I ~~ ****~~;;********** MAYOR