MINUTES - Council - 19500724FIFTEENTH MEETING JULY 24th 1950 The seoond meeting of Council was held in the Council Chambers on Monday July 24th 1950 at 8.00 p.m. Mayor Bell in the Chair, Members present, Reeve Cook; Councillors, Corbett; Davies; Glass; Jones; Murray; Pringle• On motion of Councillor Corbett, seconded by Councillors Davies, two minutes of silence was observed in memory of the Late William Lyon MoKenzie King who died during the past week. CORRESPONDENCE A letter from Mr. F. D. Babcock regarding the set-back line of a garage on Gurnett St. was read and discussed. GLASS, MURRAY; That this letter be left with Mayor Bell, to try to arrange a settlement bet~.reen the two parties concerned. Oarried. A petition from the residents of Catherine Ave.E. requesting that a sidewalk be constructed in front of the properties signing the petition. MURRAY, CORBETT; That a new sidewlk be constructed on Catherine Ave. E. to front on the properties of the parties signing the petition. Oarried. A letter from Mrs. Percy Allin regarding the boundary line of a house being constructed by s. DeLaHaye is not aooording to the new Land Use By-law. MURRAY, DAVIES; That Mrs. Allin be informed that the permit has already been granted and the house is under construction and that the building will have to remain. Carried. PRINGLE, JONES; That the Oounoil grant permission to the Legion to hold a parade on Yonge St. Aug. 18th. Oarried. In v••w of the large amount of correspondence, and one delegation in waiting in connection with a tender for a fire truck it l-ras moved and seconded by OOOK, PRINGLE; That the delegation be heard at this time. Oarried. Specifications and prices were left with the Clerk for consideration, by Oouncil. A report of the operations of the Arena By the Memorial Arena Board was submitted and read by Council covering operations from Sept.7th · to July 17th. GLASS, COOK; That the Clerk be authorized to write the Arena Board, complimenting them for the effi.cient manner in the operation of the rink and the splendid showing made in th••r short season this year. Carried. A complaint regarding weeds on Miss Oharles lot off Kennedy St.W. was brought before Council. JONES, GLASS; That the matter be handed to the weed Inspector for action. Oarried. Data on parking meters was received :t'rom E.A.Horton sales and discussed by Council, with the matter being left in the hands of the Streets Comm. A communication from the Direotor of the York County Health Unit was received in connection with the present services of the v.o.N. for nursing servioes in the. Town. . · · DAVIES, PRINGLE; That the letter be sent to the Chairman of the local V.O.N. for explanations. OarrieCI .• Dr. Berry of the Sanitation Dept. of the Dept. of ~ealth reported a condition esisting that waste from Oousins Dairy afid another industry in that vicinity are discharging waste into the creek, instead of into the Sanitary sewers, asking Oounoil to have the condition corrected and report this fact to the D ept. of Health. The Clerk was asked to get further ipformation on the matter so that Council would know what steps to take. ·· •..... · Fifteenth meeting July 24th 1950 page 2 A letter enclosing an account from Frank Symons for $9.00 for grading the Town Park was received. . . DAVIES, CORBETT; That the account of Mr. Frank Symons in the sum of $9.00 be paid.to the Recreation Commission and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Carried. Notice from Parkinson, Gardiner, Willis & Roberts that a court action will be taken against the Town of Aurora for the release of a !'" I aadfi'.~ep .. ~rM.. stolen oar, was received. DAVIES, MURRAY; That Parkinson, Gardiner, Willis & Roberts, Re the stolen oar # 18N2 be informed that according to the Police of this Town their original instructions in this case warranted the issuing of a warrant for the arrest of a salesman in the employ of Stoutt Motors Ltd. for theft of an automobile. The number of the oar was broadcast and located by Toronto Police who informed the Aurora Police to come and take poss- ession. They did so and located the oar not at Central Police station, but at Nichols Motors. They seized it and have no authority to release the car without authority from the man who originally swore out the warrant. AMMENDMENT; That the matter be held over till later in the evening in order to contact the interested parties. Carried. Before the meeting adjourned the interested parties were contacted and the original motion was passed. PRINGLE, MURRAY; The.t the account of Lorne c. Lee in the amount of $6.15 re Phripp, Mill St. property be paid, and the Seal of the Corpn. be attached hereto. Carried. UfiifYi BY-LAWS DAVIES, JONES; That read a third time. the Construction By-law now before the Council be Carried. DAVIES, JONES; That Debenture By-law # 1058 kR now before Council be read a third time. Carried~ DAVIES, JONES; That the PROCEDURE By-Law now before the Council be read a third time. Carried. CORBETT, DAVIES; That the press, privilege of viewing the minutes at the convenience of the Clerk. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES attending Council meetings be given the of meetings and reports of committees Carried. Councillor ~ones made a verbal report on his efforts to complete the wash room facilities at the Band Stand in the Town Park. Due to lack of steel for partitions the work may have to be completed with wooden partitions. Councillor Glass reported on the investigations regarding his special committee on the parking problem, to the effect that a number of obstacles will be encountered before apace may be available, and that it was unlikely that space.will be ready for this year. DAVIES, CORBETT: That the Parking Committee proceed·further to get .permission of owners on west side of Yonge St. to use land as parking lot. Carried. Mee.ting adjourned. ***~*6~ MAYOR