MINUTES - Council - 19500619,-~·.
t . The semi-monthly meeting o' Council was held in the Council Chambers on
Monday June 19th 1950 at s.oo p.m. Mayor Bell in the Chair,Members present
Reeve Cook; DepJeeve Corner; Councillors, Corbett; Davies; Glass;Jones;
Murray; Pringle.
Messrs Earl Scott & W.R.McQuade appeared before Council, asking that
consideration be given a flooding condition on the north side of Kennedy
St. W.
The streets committee agreed to see that this condition will be corrected.
A letter was received from Miss E. bemon regarding the nuisance caused
here by the incinerator at Cousins airy.
CORNER, DAVIES; That the Clerk send"a letter to Mr. A. Cousins, asking
him to see that some remedy be made to eliminate this nuisance. Carried.
L.C.Lee asmed that Council make a decision as to a rebate of the 1949
taxes on a portion of the Phripp property that was sold to the Town
for recreation purposes.
JONES, GLASS; That the Solicitor be notified that since the property
was not. taken over by the Town until 1950 that no bebate can be allowed
for the use of the property by the Recreation commission during 1949.
A communication from the Ontario Municipal Association was received,
advising the change of dates of this year's convention at Sudbury,to
Aug. 30th 31st and Sept. lst.
GLASS, COOK; That Council authorize the Clerk to attend the Association
convention this year at Sudbury~ Carried~
The Chairman of the Parks Committee submitted a report of' the inspection
of Town parks and green belts made June 8th.
CORBETT, GLASS; That the report of the Parks Committee be accepted and
the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried.
The matter of someone to take care of the toilet facilities at the new
band shell was discussed in Council. The fe~ng being that there should
be someone responsible to see that this·building is kept clean and
locked up after same has been used.
COOK, PRINGLE; That Councillor Jones and the Clerk endeavour to obtain
the services of someone to take on this duty. Carried.
The Clerk drew Council's attention to the fact that the Arena Comm.
has already placed adittional insurnace on the rink since artificial ice
has been installed, and that a premium of $284.34,is now due, asking
Council if it. is their wish that the Arena Board or the Town generally
should assume this charge. u
.CORNER, CORBETT; That the Town pay the insurR~ce premium at this time,
with the understanding that if the Arena Board has sufficient tun~s
at the end of this year to meet the account, that the Board will reimburse
the Town. Carried.
DAVIES, CORNER: That leave be given to introduce a by-law to AUTHORIZE
e.nd that the same be now read a first time. Carried.
MURRAY, CORBETT; That the By-law now before the Council be read a second
time and that the Council dissolve itself into a committee of the whole
for that purpose~ carried~
Thirteenth meeting June 19th 1950 pge 2
DAVIES, CORNER: That leave be given to inllttroduce a By-law to AUEND T~
PROCEDURE BY-LAW # 862 and that. the same be now read a first time, Carried.
PINGLE, MURRAY; That the By-Law now before the Council be read a second
time and that the Council dissolve itself into a committee of the whole
for that purpose~ · . .
COOK, MURRAY; That the 3rd reading be held over until the by-law has been
reviewed in detail by Councillor Davies. Carried.
DAVIES, CORNER; That leave be given to introduce a by-latof to. WIDEN A PORTION
OF KENNEDY ST. w. and that the same be now read a first time. Carried.
JONES, GLASS; That the By-law· now before the Council be read a second
time and that the Council disolve itsel~ into a committee of the whole
for that purpose. Carried.
COOK, PRINGLE; That the By-lat., now before the Council be read a third time
this day and that rule 22 of By-law # 862 be suspended for that purpose.
CeaK, CORNER; That the third reading be taten as read. Carried.
DAVIES, CORNER; That leave be given to introduce a by-law to ADOPT A
BUILDING BY-LAW FOR THE TOWN OF AURORA and tha same be now read a first
time. Carried~
The letter from the Solicitor regarding an apportionment of taxes on
property owned by Dorothy Smith was re-read, Councillor Pringle asking
guidance on the action Council should take in the matter.
PRINGLE, COOK; That the Assessment of the Property shown on Roll 760 be
apportioned $500.00 to the owner of the property retained and $500.00
to the property purchased by the Public School Board and the property
purchased on George st. This to apply to the 1950 taxes.
The Taxes assessed to the Willmot Estate as shown on Roll 813 be written
off in view of the property being purchased by the Public Schhol Board.
PRINGLE, MURRAY; That we agree in principle to the amendments made to
the Planning act 1946 and XBEX to section 406 of the Municipal Act, by the
legislature during the 1949 session, and request the Aurora Town Planning
Board to bring in recommendations re same. Carried.
Meeting adjourned~