MINUTES - Council - 19500403EIGHTH MEETING APRIL 3rd 1950
The regtilar meeting ot Council was held in the Council Chambers on Monday
April 3rd 1950 at S.OO p.m~ Mayor Bell in the Chair, members present;
Reeve Cook; Dep.Reeve Corner; Councillors, Corbett; Davies; Glass; Jones;
Murray; Pringle.
Minutes tor Mar. 6th~ Court ot Revision and meeting ot Mar. 20th were
adopted as printed.
COOK, PRINGLE; That the tollowing accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue
orders on the Treasurer tor the same and the Seal ot the Corporation be
attached to this resolution. Carried~
Bell• Telephone Co.
Drummond McCall & Co. Ltd.
B.F.Davis & Son
# 12
Rubber boots
Hydrants, less Or. note
Repair control cable
PRINGLE, COOK; That the wage accounts be apid, that the Mayor issue orders
on the Treasurer tor the same and the Seal ot the Corporation be attached
te> this resolution. Carried~
PRINGLE, COOK: That the tollowing accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue
orders on the Treasurer tor the same and the Seal ot the Corporation be
attached to this resolution. Carried.
Bell Telephone Co.
Hess Drug Store
Stiver Bros.
United Steel Corpn. Ltd.
B.W.Bowser & Son
County ot York
Aurora Bldg. Co.
B.F.Davis & Son
Aurora Hydro Commission
Ernie Holman
Clerks ottice
Fire Dept.
Bd. Health
Fuel T.H.
Belts, Dis. plant
Cleaning supplies.
Flasher Dec. 1949
Property Dept.
Fuel c.o.
Property repairs. M.H.
Fuel Disp. plant
Cement, sidewalks
St.llghting Mar./50
Fire alarm
Trimming trees
Fire & Water depts.
Property, lights
13.61, zo.s;.,.
12 • .53,
1.57. 00-
GLASS, DAVIES; That the tollowing accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue
orders on the Treasurer tor the same.and the Seal ot the Corporation be
attached to this resolution. Carried.
Medical Assn.
Aurora General Store
Town ot Aurora
ft X .56rt ent
Taxes, light & water R.P.
7 • .50 ....
34. 7.5...._
9. 00""
Eighth meeting April 3rd 1950" page 2
CORNER, DAVIES; That the following acc0 unts be ppid, that the Mayor issue
orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be
attached to this resolution. Carried.
Aurora Milling Co. Ltd.
Mingay Transport "
Flintkote Co. Ltd.
Patching material
6.00 4?.so'
James Goulding spoke to Council on the matter of ordering patching material
for Yonge St. and advised that one motor at the disposal plant was giving
CORNER, MURRAY; That the Foreman, Mr. Goulding be authorized to order
material for patching Yonge St. Carried.
R. Hodgkinson asked permission for the Boy Scouts to hold a church parade
on Apl. 30th. "
'DAVIES, CORNER; That the Boy Scouts be granted permission to hold a "
parade in the Town ·or Aurora April 30th and be also granted use of the
Town park for the assembly. Carried. ·
Fire Chief Jones, and Captain Patrick appeared on behalf of the Fire
Dept. asking that consideration be given to installing a drying unit
for fire hose.
DAVIES, MURRAY; That this matter be left in the hands of the Fire and
water committee to meet the firemen for discussion. Carried. "
Howard Caseappeared and had brief presented in connection with employees
pension plan~ · .
DAVIES, GLASS; That the plan be left with the Finance Committee for
further discussion~ Carried~
A letter from the Dept. of Health asking an appointment.trom Aurora to
the York County Health Unit be made as soon as possible.
PRINGLE, MURRAY; That Reeve Cook be the Town's representative to the
York County Health Unit~ Carried~"
.The Public Schhol Board advised that no action has been taken in regard
having a guard stationed at the Yonge & Church Sts. crossing. " The matter
to be taken up by the Police Committee.
An application for Plumbers license trom Jetf Smith of newmarket was read.
the application was certified by the Inspector.
GLASS, COOK; That a Plumbers license be granted to Mr. Smith.
The communication from the Can. Section of the American Assn.
was ordered filed.
ot ~reworks
A letter from the Town employees (workmen) was received asking for a
condiseration of wage increase. " " "
Considerable discussion took place and on Motion of GLASS & CORBEtt, ~
That the Town labourers including J.Bak, w. Summers, J. Peters, J. Matten
and Foreman J. Goulding be granted a increase of 5~ per gaur, was put before
the Council. ·
Upon request gf Reeve Cook a recorded vote was taken; on the motion.
Nays; Mayor ell, Reeve Cook; Dep.Reeve Corner, Davies; Murray,Pringle.
Yeas; Corbett, Glass, Jones. "
As result of the vote the motion was de~lared lost.
A report from the Special committee on sanitation re the Collis Leather Co.
was read and discussed.
DAVIES, GLASS; That a copy of this report be forwarded to Mr. Redfern
asking him to advise the Council what steps to follow and that the matter
is considered urgent. Carried.
4 letter from the County advising that this is the Centeenial of the County
and that a historic booklet is being prepared. It extra copies are requested
that the property person be notified.
Eighth meeting Apl. 3rd 1950 page 3
CORNER; DAVIES; That a notice be inserted in the Banner advising of the
printing of this booklet an4 if any person desires a copy that the~e
name be lett with the Town Clerk. Carried.
Dep. Reeve Corner presented a reort of the streets committee in regard
to certain trees to be c*t to make way for the new hydro transmission
line on Mosley St.
CORNER, DAVIES; That the report of the streets committee re cutting trees
on Mosley St. be adopted. Carried.
CORNER, DAVIES; That Redfern & Co., engineers be Mtified that we require
blue prints showing road grade_and levels for sewers and water on the
following streets at once. High St. Royal Rd. Cameron Ave. Lepper St.
and George st. so we will be in a position to advertise for tenders as
early a date.as possible. Carried.
Reeve Cook presented a waterworks report on duties and work to be done
by the waterworks foreman.·.
JONES, GLASS; That the report of the water and fire Committee be adopted
as read and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this
resolution. Carried~
Councillor Jones tabled his report of the Property committee in regard
to work on the Library building •. and a report on the condition of the
arena root.
DAVIES, JONES; That the report of the property committee be •!IIIQI!Xd accepted
and the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried. ,
DAVIES, CORNER; That a contract be awarded to Mr. Norman Dion for
installing a ceiling as specified in the Town Library at a stated price of
$850,00 and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution,
DAVIES, JONES; That th~ contract for wiring of the Town Library be left
in the hands of the Property committee with power to act in awarding this
contrac~. Carried.
DAVIES, CORNER; That leave be given to introduce a By-law to Establish
the tax rate for the Town of Aurora for the year 1950 and that the same
be now read a first time. Carried.
MURRAY, CORBETT: That the By-law now before the Council be read a second
time and that the Council dissolve itself into a committee of the whole
for that purpose. Carried~
The By-law returned to Council with rate set at 50 mills.
JONES, GLASS; That the By-law now before the Council be read a third time
this day and that Rul_e 22 of By-law 862 be suspended for that purpose.
DAVIES, COOK; That the third »eading be taken as re~ Carried,
PRINGLE, JONES; That the Council continue past midnight to enable it
to deal with matters before the Council. Carried.
DAVIES, CORNER:*That leave be given to introduce a By-law to Extend George
St. to Kennedy St. and that the same be now read a first time. Carried.
JONES, MURRAY; That the By-law now before the Council be read a second
time and that the Council dissolve itself into a committee of the whole
for that purpose. Carried.
GLASS, MURRAY; That the By-law now before the Council be read a third.
time this day and that Rule 22 of By-law 862 be suspended for that purpose
Muarrar, Corbett; That the third reading be taken as read. Carried.
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Eighth meeting April 3rd 1920 page 4
An account rendered by the Public School Board for the purchase of
property on George St. was read~ The solicitor was asked to give some
further particulars on the matter~ " · ·
PRINGLE, OOOX; That the account of the Aurora Public Schhol Board, re
George St. property in the amount of $4,4oo.oo,be paid and that the Seal
or the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried.
meeting adjourned.