MINUTES - Council - 19500417c! I I ' I .-,?. '~· ' ·---- NINTH MEETING APRIL 17th. 1950 The regular semi-monthly meeting of Council was held in the Council Chambers on Monday Apl. 17th 1950 at 8.00 p.m. Mayor Bell in the Chair; members present, Reeve Cook; Dep. Reeve Corner; Councillors Corbett; Davies; Glass; Jones; Murray; Pringle. CORRESPONDENCE ~ A letter of appreciation from the Secretary of the Library Board was read, thanking Council for the recent aetion in connection with alterations to the building. Letters from the Ontario Municipal Board, re vacations; The •ec~eation C0mm regarding Mechanics Hall lease; & Mr. w.B.Redfern re Collis leather Co. were oadered filed. A letter of explanation re Phripp property was read and tabled,to be further discussed under heading of unfinished business. DELEGATIONS Mr. R. Caldwell presented a brief in connection with an employees pension plan. As the matter of deciding what plan to adopt was considered too . important to be dealt with at this meeting the following motion was tabled. GLASS, DAVIES; That the brief be lett with the whole Council tor further study~ Carried~ Mr. J.B.0 1 Donohue ot the A.C.Horn Co. Ltd. Toronto, explained to Council the advantages ot useing the Air Entrainment solution tor concrete work. wm. Dunning appeared before the Council asking the reason tor changing the name ot the street now known as Dunning Ave. Mr. Dunning explained the reason that he wished the street to ~ retain the Dunning Ave. name. Council tabled the discussion, to be dealt with under unfinished business. COMMITTEE REPORTS Reeve Cook presented the report ot the Fire Committee regarding purchase of equipment supplies etc • . A further report was tabled in connection with waterworks projects. COOK, PRINGLE; That the report ot the Water works committee be aeopted and the Seal ot the Corporation be attached to this resolution. arried. Councillor Jones of the Property Committee gave a verbal report on the progress at the Library building,.in that the ceiling had been completed and the new wireing had been 4one, and asked that permission be given his committee to proceed with the decorating of the interior. DAVIES, JONES; That the Property Committee be authorized to ask for prices and proceed with the work or· decorating the Library at an approximate price of $130.00 and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolutiion. Carried. CORNER, COOK; That the Clerk be authorized to advertise for prices on 3/4" crushed.gravel & pit~ run gravel as well as prime oil applied on the streets. Carried. Mayor Bell, chairman of the Police Committee presented the report of that committee meetin~ held Apl. 8th regarding the appointment ot Mr. Robert Rank to act as Police guard for the Public School crossing at Church St. CORNER, DAVIES; That the Report of the Police Committee bS accepted and the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. arried. ,., .. """·"··' '"·-' Ninth meeting __ Apl._l7'th_l950____pag_e 2 MURRAY, OOOK; That the Town streets be reChecked with respect to proper placing of stop signs at all intersections when needed and that this be handed over to the Streets Committee to check and bring in a report~ That stop signs be placed immediately at the intersection of Harrison & Wells making Wells a "THROVGH" street at this intersection. And that one stop sign be erected at the south east corner of Wells & Connaugbt, leaving Oonnaught a •THROUGH" street~ Carried. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Due to the iilness.of Mr. M. Robinson, no street cleaning has been done so fa~ this spring, and that it was now time to have this work looked after, was made known to Council. Mr. F. Waites had asked that .he might take over these duties until Mr. Robinson was able to continue. DAVIES, CORNER; That Mr. Fred Waites be temporarily employed as street cleaner pending the return of Mr. Robinson~ Carried. The matter of the account submitted by W.S.Gibson & Sons was discussed at this time. The account was to be again placed on the agenda for the next regular meeting~ The.matter of adopting a name tor Dunning Ave. was again discussed and the following motion presented. DAVDES, JONES; That the street proposed for the location of the new Area High School be named "DUNNING AVE." Carried. •eeting adjourned~ **~*~ MAYOR