MINUTES - Council - 19500501/"'' TENTH MEETING MAY lst . 195!L The regular meeting of council was held in the Council Chambers on Monday May let at 8.00 p.m. 1950. Mayor Bell in the Ohair• Members present, Reeve Cook; Dep.Reeve Corner; Councillors, Corbett, f>avies; Glass; Jones; Murray; Pringle. The minutes of the seventh; eighth & ninth meetings were adopted as printed~ · COOK, PRINGLE; That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution~ Carried. DTERWORKS Aurora Hydro Comm~ Town of Aurora Bell Telephone Co~ Power March L. I. Taxes # 12 103.9:1.... 13.S:k 4.o5, PRINGLE, COOK:, ,That the Wage accounts be ppid that The Mayor issue orders on the 4 reaeurer for the same and the Aeal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried~ . PRINGLE, COOK: That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried. CORPORATION Hilborn, Caulfield & Co. Aurora Hydro Comm. Postmaster Petty cash Bell Telephone Co. M. Taylor Grand & toy Ltd. Ontario Hospital W.S.Gibson & Sons J. Goulding C.E.Hickey & Sons Ltd~ Aurora Hydro Comm. Davis Garage F. Dunham Stiver Bros. Ernie Holman Wilwon Hardware R.L.Boag B.F.Davis & Son Hess Drug Store. James Warlow Aurora Bldg. Co~ Norman Dion C.N.R. Norman H. Cook J.W.Bowser & Son Bal. 1949 audit Disbursements C/O Mar~ T.H. Mar. Fire alarm Mar. Disposal plant Mar. Stamps Express etc. Police Clerke office Property Fire Disp. & fire eept. Office supplies Hospitalization Surveying Phripp lot Use ear Mar. & Apl. Pumps & Clamps Fire Dept. St. Lighting Apl. Fire Dept. Stamps, o/s trips etc. Fuel T.H. Fire.Dept. Supplies Prop.list sales Sewer tile Bd. Health ~ecorating office !{ewers, iron bar epairs at library Klasher Jan. epairs fire truck Disposal & Prop. depts. DAVIES, JONES; That the following aoc0 unts be paid, that orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the attached to this resolution. Carried~ RELIEF Medical Assn~ M.E.Huntley B.F.Davis & Son Aurora General Store Town of Aurora 4 X 56f6 Rent Fuel Food Mrs. R. Pugh, Light & taxes ·,·; .. o:··:"''·'·,· '"r7·"~·-· •:•.-,,,,:__, c·.;·.~•-•.-•. '.:.C.W...·:'->.O:~':..U.!O'-'..'L':..'..•.::.W:L~U:£.·:.:i:f ;·.~ '·'·'•'~·.o.. •. ·~,~~·,,,. . .• ,.,·,·~•'t7' 400. oo, 1.5o, 1.64, 1o.n, l.oo, 60.76, 3o.oo, 4.41, 11.55, 8.70, 3·30..... 7.60' 15.40, 22.7~ 45.5~ 165.00...... 12.00, 16.30, 346.34, 7.oo, 15.30, 37.25, 9.25.,. 21.99, 2.l~Utt 9.75, 1.0.?-, l58.oo, 1.85, 850.oo, 15.78, 29.88, 35.51, the Mayor issue Corporation be 20 24 7.5o, 12~25, 53.25, 9.00 lOth meeting May let 19 50 page 2 CORNER, DAVIES; That the following a9counts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer tor the same and the Seal ot the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried~ STREETS J.W.Bowser & Son W.L.Milgat.e & Son A.E.Hawkins & Co. Flintkote Co. Ltd. DELEGATIONS Shovel Gas, oil etc. Snow removal Patching material 1.25, 26.99, 2 9o.oo, 94.92, · Mr. I. Harris, Mark St. appeared before Council asking that some .. consideration be given the widening of the corner ot Mark & Spruce Sts., and that there has been an open drain emptying dirty wash water on his property on the north side ot the street. Mr. John E. Harrison, Wellington St.E., representing the Confederation lite Assurance Co. presented a pension Plan to be considered in connection with Town Employees. CORRESPONDENCE A letter ot appreciation from Eaton Hall Farm was received, expressing their. thanks to the Aurora Fire Brigade tor prompt and efficient action while attending a recent tire at their property~ Receipt ot the H. E. P~ C. ot Ont~ appreval was received tor the issuing ot Debenture to the extent of $20,000.00 tor frequency standardization. A letter from S.B.Coon & Son, architects for the High School Board was brought before the Council, asking certain information i~ regard; sewers water, 7 Power tor the Proposed new high school buA.lding. · JONES, PRINGLE; That the necessary information be obtained trom the Engineer and forwarded to the writer. Carried. The York County Municipal Assn. advised ot the date. of the annual me~ting at Nobleton. · JONES, GLASS; That the letter be received and tiled~ Carried~ A reminder and.bill from the AssesllingOtticers ot Ontario was received and further discussed at this time. GLASS, JONES: That the Town ot Aurora join the Association tor the year 1950 at a membership tee ot $lo.oo, Carried~ · . · . " . A letter trom Harold Graham, regarding the assessment ot his property on Cousins Dnve was received, on Motion otCOOK, PRINGLE, the matter was lett with t)e Finance Committee to be dealt with at·their committee meeting~ Carried~ REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Deputy Reeve Corner presented a report of the Streets Committee ot some detail,on motion or COOK, DAVIES; the report was taken up with the Council in committee of the whole for detailed discussion. Carried. A further report regarding sidewalks was also presented CoRNER, DAVIES; That the report ot the streets committee re sidewalks be adopted. Carried~ CouncillQr Jones presented a tender price on painting the library building. . DAVIES, JONES; That the tender ot Mr. A.W.Heard tor the 4ecorating ot the Public Library at a price or $85~00 be accepted and that the Seal or the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried. ~---·,__._.~;:,.,_"'-·"'~ ........... ~~...._;~.:.,_;._~--. . ...::.-__ ~..::.:-·_·._-·~1~~,;_,~~ ... ~--· ,..~>>.:·· ·:_ -::L~-'-'-----·~--_·:-:~~;->:> ~--:.~~--··~·~· ·-·--·----~ I !/ Tenth meeting Ma.Ylst 1950 :oa12:e __ 3 UNFINISHED BUSINESS CORBETT, GLASS; That the police committee work in conjunction with the Chief in seleotiDIJ a man tor special police duty at the high school, from 10.00 to ·12. 00 p.m. iaturda.y evenings. Carried. GLASS, DAVIES; Whereas it has bee11 generally agreed .that the formation of a Parks Committ:ee be necessary, we therefore recommend that the sports and publicity committee of Council be considered the Parks Committee. We further recommend that this Parks Committee work in co-ope.ration with the RecreatXion Commission and Planning Board in this matter, also that this committee be authorized to add additional names to this committee, should the need arise. We recommend that the Procedure by-law re ammend• ed to make this move possible. Carried~ COOK, GLASS; That the Clerk .be authorized to purchase the tollwwlng supplies tor the Waterworks, at an approximate cost ot $875.00 and the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried. COOK, CORNER; That the Clerk be authorized to order two oar loads of oindees and the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried. DAVIES, CORNER; That the Town of Aurora grant an easement over a strip of land to the east. of the Old Town Hall property for aoess to the rear ot buildings proposed to be built on the Board of Trade property on Yonge st. subject to the Board of Trade grant~ng an easement for a further 20ft. continuing from the Town Hall north, and the Solicitor be requested to prepare the deeds necessary. Carried. GLASS, PRINGLE; That a committee be formed, Deputy Reeve along with the ·Clerk to locate. for the use of the ~ork County Health Unit. comprising the Mayor, Reeve & suffici.ent space available Carried. GLASS, JONES; That the Property Committee be authorized to move the Fire Escape at the Old Town Hall temporarily to allow for construction work at an approximate cost ot $50.00 and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried~ Meeting adjourned ~*~ MAYOR ·· ·' • o,o,~··•·:?r>:•:·'~-:-~:-·. •-•• · ~:·:-:--;-:·•;c····-·::·:·::-~•~;•-<>-~· _,_,_ '·''•····-: .;-~-;~-'' ;,;,~ .;,;.d;•;,<;;;.u__,:,~;c,.;.;~.,,;.~;';'·' ;_..·~;,:.;.c,:,_.~~---• ' •. -.·-··· • .... .-,-.------