MINUTES - Council - 19500220FOPRTH MEETIN~ FEB. 20th 1950 Am meeting of Council was held in the Council Chambers on Monday Feb, 20th at 8,00 p.m. Mayor Bell in the chair, Members present; Reeve Cook; Dep. Reeve Corner; Councillors; Corbett; Davies; Glass; Jones; Murray; Pringle. CORRESPONDENCE A letter from the County of York was rece~ved, advising that the County Police force has been withdrawn from general duty and that if the services of the County Police are required, application should be made to the Police Chief. The County Levy for 1950 was received, amounting in total to $9015.13, A request from the Public School Board to ~eet the Finance Committee of Council was made, The letter turned over to the Finance Committee to make the necessary arrangements~ A letter from the Public School Board was read regarding the altering of Janitor services for the two school rooms at the Town Hall. This was left in the hands of the Property Committee to make investigations and report back to Council. The Aurora Agricultural Society made a request for the yearly grant to that Society, DAVIES, CORNER; That the Agricultural Society be granted the sum of $100,00 to help defray the expenses of the annual horse ssow, and the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried, · A letter from the Chairman of the Board of the York County Hospital, wit~ a financial statement of Hospital attached was tabled, A request for the Council of the Town of Aurora to consider a grant to the hospital was included in the letter. After discussion it was decided that no action on this matter would be made at the present time, A.request for Council to consider a grant to the St. Johns Ambulance Assn, ~>tas received, Dr, Rose spoke briefly on the important work this group was doing. COOK, MURRAY; That this matter be given to the Finance Committee to make recommendations to be presented to Council later. Carried, A copy of a resolution passed by the Council of the Town of Orillia regarding the assuming of education costs by the Federal and Provincial Governments was read, on Motion of JONES, DAVIES; that the matter be given given further consideration as to adviseability and report back to the Councia. Carried, A letter from Mr. W,B.Redfern was received, in answer to our request to make recommendations to deal with the Collis Leather Co. problem of odours. On motion of Councillors GLASS & MURRAY the letter was turned over to Councillor Davies to have it presented to the Special Committee set up on Sanitat&on for its views. Carried, The remainder of the correspondence was ordered filed, PNFINISHED BPSINESS The brief from the Aurora Recreation Commission regarding the appoint- ment of the Arena Manager and his assisstant to the Recreation commission was again read an~ discussed. GLASS, DAVIES; That a By-Law be introduced to appoint Mr. Thomas Dickson Recreation director for the Town of Aurora and further that Mr. Wm. Mundell be appointed assistant recreation director. That the appointment be made effective as of Jan. 1st 1950, Carried, ,-,;·-<~--;-,'-~ : ·::-·-·~·:·· · .·.-.·.·.,-,,-,,_ •·c·:<·-·~,;·;;;,,--;_,;.;-.:-::.;-:c•;·;:,•;:, :.:::;-:;:.~~--:· ;.~~-;.•, ::,·.-,,--·• ;~ (' ' •' -... .,% ) (~ -----, c Fourth meeting page 2 The request by the E. L. Ruddy Co. to erect a sign at the Aurora Motors on the west side of Yonge St. was again discussed and d!he following motion passed. JONES, MURRAY, That a sign permit be granted to the E.L. Ruddy Co. to erect the proposed sign. Carried. The matter of appointing members to sit on the Court of Revision to hear appeals ag~last Local Improvement assessments was left to the Mayor to make appointmen)s. The Mayor appointed the whole Council, with the exception of Councillor Davies, who will be out of town on the date set for the holding of the_Court. GLASS, COOK; That the Police Co~~ittee arrange for protection for the crossing of the public school children at lhurch Sta four times a day during the school term. Carried. DAVIES, CORNER; That the Clerk advertise in the Local PresS'-and the Era & Express for applications to fill the position of Assess-or for the Town of Aurora, applications to be closed by March 4th 1950. Carried. GLASS, JONES; That xmx Councillors Corbett and Murray be appointed to the Arena Board for the year 1950 as representatives of the Council. Carried. COMMITTEE REPORTS, Reeve Cook presented a report of the Fire & Water Committee meeting held Feb. 13th regarding connection and installation of a 4° watermain to the Canadian·An<;>dized Products and the installation of a 4 11 meter, as well as the consideration of the Finance Committee to a revision of water rates.etc. COOK~ GLASS; That the report of the Water Committee be adopted. Carried. Reeve Cook prlitsented the report of the Water committee in connection with applications for position of Waterworks foreman. After dissuasion 1. t was moved by CORBETT & CORNER that the Council go into a committee of the whole, with Reeve Cook in the Chair. Carried. CORBETT, BELL; That a vote be taken on the applications. Carried. The vote was taken on the application known as X. the result of the vote was 5 in favour and 3 against. The action of the committee l-Tas confirmed by Council. A vote ~" by Council was taken with the Mayor in the Chair, the result of this vote was declared a tie and the ~~yor was asked to cast the deciding vote. The vote was decided in favour of application X. Application known as X was accepted. it was the application submitted by Joseph McGhee Jr. Wells St. Aurora. MURRAY, PRINGLE; That the By-Law governing appointment to the Recreation Commission be adhered to and these appoi!bments would be namely- Clifford Corbett; Victor Jones; and Don. Glass, to represent your 1950 Council on the Recreation Commission. Carried. Councillor Jones presented the report of the property committee, in regard to the meeting of committee on Feb. 11th recommending the sale of 20ft. of land east of the Town hall to the Hydro Commission. JONES, MURRAY; The.t the report of the property committee be adopted. carried, A report regarding the condition of the sills of the Mechanics Hall was read, in_ that they wereia very unsafe condition. A price for repairing the same was received-. DAVIES, CORNER; That the Aurora Building Co. be instructed to replace the sill in the Basemen:l:l of the Mechan1.cs Hall for the sum of $142,00 and the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried. A further report on repairs to the Library bu&lding was tabled, after consideration the matter of ownership of the building was discussed, on motion of JONES, GLASS That a committee be appointed to interview the Public School Board to endeavour to have the Library building turned over to Town o'l'mership~ Carried. CORNER, GLASS; That we delegate the Property committee to interview the Public School Board in this matter. Carried, ....