MINUTES - Council - 19500306/'
semi monthly . .
The regular 11Dt'kt7 meeting of Council was held in the Council Chambers
Monday Mar. 6th 1950 at 8.00 p.m. Mayor Bell in the Ohair, Members
present; Reeve Cook; Dep. Reeve Corner; Councillors Corbett, Davies;
Glass; Jones; Murray; Pringle.
The minutes of the third & fourth meetings were adopted as printed.
PRINGLE, OOOK; .. That the wage accounts be paid that the Mayor issue
orders on the lreasurer for the same and the Aeal of the Corporation
be attached to this resolution. Carried~
PRINGLE, COOK; That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue
orders on the Treasurer for the same and the seal of the Corporation be
attached to this resolution. Carried.
Petty cash
Bell Telephone Co.
B. G. Whitelaw
Stiver Bros~
Aurora High School
J.A.Mitchell & Son
Municipal Wo~ld Ltd~
County of York
Banner Press
Dustbane Products Ltd.
Aileen Carter
W.H.Ounningham & Hill Ltd.
Davis Garage
M. Taylor
Newmarket Era & Express
J. Goulding
Aurora Hydro Commission
C. Copland·
Office etc.
Clerks office
Disposal plant
Fire Dept.
Office & Police Dept.
Fuel T.H.
Rent auditorium
Rope .
Office supplies
Flasher Nov./49
Printing a/c
Mop bucket
Office typing
Roo to
Fire & property Depts.
Fire Dept.
Ad. re assessor
Use car Jan. & Feb.
st. Lighting Feb./50
Clerks office
Town Hall
Fire Alarm
~isposal plant
!evising St.numbering map
B. 07. •.
.3. JO,
78 • .30..
6.15 ...
B.4o ... 4 • .s.s,
4.80, 1o.oo,
346 • .34,
1.3. 83, . 1.oo,
6.s.oe, 2o.oo,
COOK, JONES; That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue
orders on the Treasurer for the same and the seal of the Corporation
be attached to this resolution. Carried.
Bell Telephone Co.
Jas. J. Wall
Canadian Brass Co. Ltd.
Smart-Turner Machine Co.Ltd.
Aurora Hydro Commission
# 12
Installing hydrant
Dresser couplings
Rubber couplings
GLASS, CORNER; That the following accounts be paid, that
orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the
be attached to this resolution. Carried~
Med1 cal As en.
M.E.Huntley .
B.F.Davis & Son
Aurora General Store
" . · .. ~\i';~J,<·,:·,-.
!t X 56¢
1.66, 104.92,
the Mayor issue
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. ~ ...
. · . Fifth meeting March 6th 1950 page 2
CORNER, MURRAY; That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor
issue orders on the Treasurer tor the same and the Seal o:f' the Corpn.
be attached to thls resolution •. Carried.
Aurora Milling Co. Ltd.
Stoutts Garage
B.D. Gilbert
M. Taylor
Stan. Hughes
A. E. Hawkins
Gas. oil etc. Qas
Gas & oil
Snow removal
J. Jo._
J •. Bak & J. Maaten appeared before Council in connection
with Town work.
A letter o:f' appreciation was received from the Village o:f' Thornhill :f'or
the ready response ot the Aurora Fire Brigade in answering the call to
combat their bad fire o:f' Jan. 25th.
The County o:f' York forwarded copies tor each Council member o:f' the .
annexation o:f' the Municipalities arouna Toronto :f'or their consideration,
the matter was lett :f'or later discussion.
The Aurora Recreation Commission submitted a list o:f' the members tor
the year 1950~
The annual assessment notice from the Township of King was received,
and .ordered filed.
A letter from the Town Solicitor asking Council to consider the revision
o:f' the Solicitor's retainer :f'ee was read to Council and on motion o:f'
MURRAY & CORNER was-lett in the hands ot the Finance Committee :f'or its
recommendation~ Carried~
A recommendationo:f' the Planning Board's Consultant in_regard to church
buildings being erected in sub-divisions was received, kept on file
tor future reference.
The Aurora Hydro Commission asked Council to give approval by way ot
a By-Law to the issuing o:f' debentures to the amount ot $20,000.00
DAVIES, CORNER; That a letter be written to the Local Hydro Commission
notifying thea that this Council approves the issuing ot Debentures to
cover Capital expenditures incurred on the conversion c:f' Hydro power
to 60 cycle at an estimated cost o:f' $2o,ooo.oo and that the Solicitor
be instructed to prepare a By-Law o:f' approval. Carried.
The remaining correspondence was ordered tiled.
Mayor Bell submitted a report ot the Police Committee meeting ot Feb. 25th
regarding revision o:f' salaried:e tor the Dept~ and the matter o:f' consideP-
ing construction ot two lock-up vella tor the Town.
JONES, DAVIES; That the report o:f' the Police Committee be adopted as to
salaries only and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this
resolution. Carried.
CORNER, DAVIES; That clause five ot the Police Committee report, re
suggestion ot Chief Dunham, that two cells be erected in the Town Hall
be referred to the Property Committee tor report at the next meeting o:f'
Council. Carried.
Councillor Pringle tabled a report o:f' the Finance Committee meeting held
. Feb. 27th dealing with items delegated to that committee trom previous
Council meetings.
PRINGLE, COOK; That the report of the Finance Committee be accepted.
, _____ .
Fifth meeting March 6th 1950 Page 3
PRINGLE, COOK; That the Finance Committee report re salaries ot the Clerk
and Asst. Clerk following their request of Jan, 7/50 for revision ot
salaries be adopted and that a By-Law be prepared increasing the salaries
of the Clerk and Asst. Clerk by the following; amounts, retroactive
to Jan. l/50. ·
Clerk $8.65 per week. ·
. Asst. Clerk $7.88 per week
and·that the Seal ot the Corporation be attached to this resolution.Carried.
PRINGLE, COOK; That 2 •school Drive Slowly• signs be purchased for
erection on Yomge St. at a cost ot approx. $5.50 and that the Seal ot the
Corpn. be attached to this resolution. Carried.
The applications tor the position ot Assessor, as advertised, were read
which totalled five applicants. .
Each application was dealt with and after discussion by Council, the
applications were finally left at two tor further consideration~
On motion of Councillors DAVIES~ & CORBETT That the Clerk interview Mr.
G.F.Doyle and report to Council. .
An ammendment to the motion. COOK, GLASS. That both applicants be asked
to call for an interview. A vote on the ammendment was taken and declared
passed, by a majority~ The date for su~ interview being set tor the
next regular meeting of Council Ki Mar. 20th.
Reeve Cook assumed chair at this time~
CORNER, DAVIES; Whereas it has been discussed by the Council on previous
occasions in regard to a proposed retirement plan tor employees of the
Town and whereas it might be in the best interests ot the Town and the
employees if such a plan was adopted when they reach the age when their
services are ot no further value and the Town Council would be obligated
to some extent tor their future. Be is resolved that the Clerk be ins-
tructed to notify the North American Assurance Co. and others Companies
to prepare a brief, giving facts and figures of such a plan and present
it to Council at some future date. Carried.
DAVIES, JONES; That leave be given to introduce a By-law to appoint a
WATERWORKS FOREMAN and that the same be now read a first time. Carried.
CORBETT, GLASS; That the By-law now Before the Council be read a second
time and that the Council dissolve itself into a committee of the whole
tor that purpose~ Carried~
The By-law returned . to Council with t e blanks filled in w1 th the name
of Joseph McGhee Jr.
PRINGLE, MURRAY; That the By-law now before the Council be read a third
time this day and the Rule 22 of By-law # 862 be suspended tor that puD-
pose. Carried.
GLASS, CORBETT; That the third reading be taken as read. Carried.
GLASS, DAVIES; That the Clerk be instructed to inform the Town employees
that we hired the New Waterworks foreman in good faith, tully believing
that he can perform the various duties required ot him. We expect
full co-operation of all employees~ Carried.
Meeting adjourned~