MINUTES - Council - 19500515I I I I j I ELEVENTH MEETING . MAY 15th· 1950 The Semi-monthly meeting of Council was held in the Council Chambers on Monday May 15that 8100 P.M. 1950. Mayor Bell in the Chair, Members present Reeve Cook; Dep.Reeve Borner, Councillors, Corbett; Davies; Glass; Jones; Murray; Pringle. Mr. Lorne Cousins appeared before Council offering to deed certain land south of Cousins Drive for park purposes and a pond. After some discussion, the matter was left in the hands of the newly formed Parks Committee with instructions to report their recommendations to Council~ · REPORTS OF COMMITTEES . Chairman Pringle of the Finance Committee made a report of their Committee meeting of May 11th regarding the purchase of a Fire Truck and equipment as well as consideration of an air horn for signal purposes. . · PRINGLE, COOK: That the report of the Finance Committee concerning the Fire Truck and equipment dated May 11th be accepted. · Carried. Jl Councillor Davies of the By-Laws Committee presented a report conoering ammendments to the Procedure By-law, re Parks Committee. DAVIES, PRINGLE; That the report of the By-laws Committee re procedure By-law revision be accepted. Carried. A further report· of the By~laws Committee was brought before Council, concerning the ad~ption of the North York Building By-law and certain additions thereto. DAVIE.S, PRINGLE; That the report of the By-laws Committee re Building By-law.be accepted and the Solicitor be instructed to prepare a suitable By-law. Carried. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Deputy Reeve Corner made a verbal report to the effect that some 40 trees have been planted in the Town in the last week. · GLASS, MURRAY; That the Property Committee be instructed to arrange for the installation of sanitary equipment in the basement of the band shell. Further that waterproof paint be put on the inside walls. The estimated cost of this work is $500.00 and that. the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried~ CORBETT, JONES; That Monday Aug 7th 1950 be proclaimed the Civic Holiday for the year 1950. Carried. CORNER, COOK; Whereas it is the duty of every citizen in stimulating Civic pride and making more homes and grounds more attractive, improving health conditions by prevention of disease and control of pests, be it resolved that the Clerk be instructed to put an ad in the Press as a public notice, a beautify Aurora Campaign and to encourage the citizens in their efforts, a suitable donation be given the best kept property in the Town and $1.00 each be donated by each member ~ of Council and staff · and the Horticultural Society have the honer of deciding to whom the prize shall.be donated. Carried. A plan for building permit for a·house on Gurnett St. was referred to the· Council in view of the fact that the Permits Committee felt the matter was of importance enough that the whole Council should pass a decision. after considerable discussion the following motion was passed. . CORBETT, JONES; That Miss Hayes be granted a permit as per plan submitted. The Mayor called for a recorded vBte. The Result. Mayor Bell-Yea; Reeve Cook-Yea; ep~Reeve Corner-Yea; Councillors Corbett- Yea; Davies-Nay; Glass-yea; Jones-yea; Murray-yea; Pringle-yea. ··~,,,,_._,_~;.-:<;:•;•.-;~ ·• ·'·'"-"' ·····''"'~·~ :-:·:•.·-·-" ,·,.;,•,.·.cc .• •~c.: ,.,... ,-, .• ,., ••=•· · c'"-·-"- • '-._-m~'' £"/eti.~:.'/V ~ ~ee~ meeting may 15th 1950 page I 2 CORBETT, DAVIES; That the Council make a grant of $160.00 tor the purchase ot sweaters tor the Junior Hockey Club players as a token of recoginition tor their showing in ~ompetitioa, advMcing to the Ontario Jr. C •. Finals ot the O.H.A. and that the Seal of the Corporation be affixed to this resolutioa~ Carried~ The Tenders'. as called tor in . the press tor supplying gravel on Town Streets were opened, and considered. · CORNER, DAVIES; That Ross Avis be given the contract to supply pit run gravel at $1~30 cu. Yard and 3/4" crushed gravel at $1.60 cu.yal'd spread on the stre·ets per instructions from _the foreman. Carried. Tenders tor the oiling of Town shreets were opened , trom Miller Paving Ltd. and Bruell Paving Ltd. CORNER, DAVIES.; That Miller :Having. Ltd. be given the contract tor sup:plying prime oil at 20.95¢ a gal. applied on streets and grading streets at 37.50 .an sour, and the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried. NEW BUSINESS Notice of the appointment of John Murphy to.the Recreation Commission as the Legion's representative was received, asking the Council 1 s approval of same. GLASS, CORBETT; That John Murphy be appointed a member of the Aurora Recreation Commission, representing Aurora Branch 385, Canadian Legion. Carried. COOK, PRINGLE; That Mr. W. J. Mouri.t be engaged to work with the Town Foreman in supervising the grading and gravelling of Town streets, and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried. A petition signed by several milk shippers of this district; against the services of the Milk Inspector was read •. COOK, DAVIES; That the petition be.tiled, due to the York County Health Unit taking over this service o• July 1st 1950 the matter will then be dealt with by that Body~ Carried~ A request tor permission to allow the'Aurora Branch of the Canadian Legion the use of the Town Park on June 16th tor holding a ball game in aid of the Legion's Building Fund was read~ JONES, CORNER; That the Aurora Branch 385 CanadiM !:legion be allowed the use of the Town Park tor the purpose of holding a Ball game. Carried. The Aurora Lions Club asked per,mission tor the use of the Town Park tor the evening of May 24th tor their fireworks displayand tun festival. CORNER, COOK; That the Lions Club Ae granted permission tor the use of the Town park tor evening of May 2~th. Carried. A letter from L.C.Lee~ enclosing deeds trom J~P.Crysdale and Dorothy Smith tor the extension of ~eorge St. were received. . A further ietter from L.C.Lee asking Council to apportion assessment and taxes tor 1950 according to roll 760 was received. . . PRINGLE, COOK; That the apportionment of taxes and.rates be made, as requested in Mr. L.C.Lee 1 s letter of May 3/50 Carried. · GLASS, MURRAY; That permission be given the Lions Club to use the Town park on.Sunday evening May 21st tor the purpose of holding a band concert. Carried. . Meeting adJourned~ **£~ .. Lu MAYOR