MINUTES - Council - 19500109 (2)·._
· ..
The first meeting of Council was held in the Council Chambers on Monday
January.9th 1950 at 8.00 P.M. Members present, Mayor Bell; Reeve Cook;
Dep. Reeve Corner; Councillors; Corbett; Davies; Glass; Jones; Murray;
CORNER, DAVIES; The Commituee appointed at the Inaugural meeting this date
met at 7.15 p.m. respectfully report the following members to act on the
Standing Committees for the ensueing year. Carried
Fire & Water Cook Jones Glass
Streets Corner Murray Cook
Finance Pringle Cook Corbett
Town Planning Murray Pringle Glass
By-Laws & Industry Davies Corbett Pringle
Property Jones Davies Murray
Social & Sanitation Glass Corner Davies
Sports & Publicity Corbett. Glass Jones
Police Bell Corner Jones
Bldg. Permits Bell Davies The Clerk
GLASS, CORBETT; That the Minutes be adopted as printed. Carried.
PRINGLE~ COOK: That the wage accounts be paid~ that the Mayor issue orders
on the Treasurer tor the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached
to this resolution. Carried~
PRINGLE, COOK: That the following accounts be
orders on the Treasurer for the same and that
be attached to this resolution. Carried~
apid, that the Mayor issue
the Seal of the Corporation
Pet:ty cash
Cameron Loblaw
Morris Meats
Municipal World Ltd.
County of York
Stiver Bros.
J. Boulding
Attridge & Son
Wilson Hardware
M. Taylor
Aurora Hydro Comm.
Ontario Municipal Assn~
Aurora Greenhouses
Frankcoms Grage
F. Dunham
Case 1 s Cartageit
Express etc. .
Property Dept.
Xmas Fowl.
Otfioe supplies
Fuel. T.H. .
Use car. Nov.& Dec.
Propety Dept~
Prop. & w.w. Depts.
Fire & Police Depts.
Lights Clerks office
Town hall
Fire Alarm
Disposal Plant
st. Lighting
1950 Membership
Fire Dept.
0/S trips etc.
Top soil, park
COOK, JONES; T~at the following accounts be paid~
orders on the reasurer for the same and the Seal
attached to this resolution. Carried~·
Aurora Hydro Comm.
M. Taylor
J.W~Bowser & Son
Canadian Brass Co. Ltd.
Pipe & fittings
1 • .59,
9.94, 1.oo,
338.8~ 20.oo, 1o.oo,
11.90\ so.oo,
that the Mayor issue
of t e Corporation be
Fipt Meeting Jan. 9th 1950 page 2
CORNER, MURRAY. That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue
orders on the 1reasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be
attached to this resolution. Carried~
Davis Garage
Daniels Motor·Sales
Hagersville Asphalt Paving
A,E;,Hawkins ··
Case's Cartage
Highlands Golf Club
Ross Avis
Towing truck
Gas,oil, truck
Ltd. Resurfacing Yonge
Grading streets
890 yads gravel
Snow removal
Gravel & cinders
Snow removal
60 yrds gravel
GLASS, DAVIES: That the following accounts be paid, that
orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the
be attached to this resolution. Carried~
Medical Assn.
B.F.Davis & Son
Aurora General Store
4 X 56¢
107.65 .....
1.3. so,
the Mayor issue
.34. 75,
Mr. A. Brown, Engineer from Proctor, Redfern & Luaghlin 1 s office att:ended
the meeting, and ased that he might meet the committee of Council to
discuss the Assessment sheets for Local improvement of sewers. A time
for such meeting was set for 1 • .30 p.m. Jan. lOth.
A letter from the Ontario Good Roads Assn. was received
soliciting the Town as a member. On motion of COOK & GLASS the. letter
was left in the hands of the Finance Comm. to report at the Feb~ meeting.
The Municipal World Ltd. sent to Council the usual annual request for
subscription to its magazine.
PRINGLE, COOK; That we authorize the Clerk to secure ten subscriptions of'
The Municipal World Ltd. at a cost of $20.00f'or the members of Council
and Clerk's office and the Seal of the Corporation be attached hereto.
Carried. ·
Mr. E. v. Stewart asked Council to consider the renting or sale. of a
certain part of Town property on Wellington St,W. in connection with
his present taxi stand.
DAVIES, MURRAY; 'fba.t due to certain facts involved, that the Town Solic.itor
.make reply to thiQ letter. Carried. ·
A request for the Council's approval of the issuance of a third Taxi licence
to E.V~Stewart was received.
JONES, MURRAY; That Council approves of the application and that a third
license be granted to Mr. Stewart. Car1•ied.
A letter from the Department of Highways calling attention to the fact
that the usual yearly By-law f'or subsidy must be submitted by Feb. 28/50
On Motion of PRINGLE, DAVI.ES the Lett.er be turned over to the Cb,airman
of the Streets Committee for consideration. Carried.
A draft plan of new sub-division from the Dept. of Planning & Development
for the L, Cousins property of Dunning Ave. was recived, On motion of
DAVIES, CORBETT,, the pll!Ln was left w1 th the Member of Council on the
Planning. Board, to submit same to the Board for its consideration. Carried.
A copy of Motion passed by the Board of Trade as well as action taken by
The Planning Board in connection with a proposed Hydro site for Sub-station
was received. After considerable discussion the following was passed,
PRINGLE, MURRAY; That we have no objection to the erection of a Hydro
Substation on the Board of Trade property as &utlined by the Board of
Trade relolution passed on Dec. 28/49, Section 6. Carried.
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First meeting Jan, 9th 1950 page 3
A peti'l;ion for increased street lighting from residents of Kennedy St,W,
was received, The particular situation of this aaea was made known to
Council and the following was passed~
CORNER, DAVIES; That the Hydro Electric Commission be authorized to erect ~f
three street lights on Kennedy St.W, and the Seal of the Corporation
be attached to this resolution. Carried.
The Canadian National Institute for the Blind made application to Council
for permission to hold a Tag day in Aurora on May 6th.
CORBETT, JONES; That permission be granted the Institute for holding a
Tag Day on the date re~uested, Carried,
A request from the St. Johns Ablulahoe for a donation this year·was received,
on Motion of bw'I!!Jr!r;:t, i Corner & Corbett, the matter was left in the hands
of the Finance Comm, Carried,
A letter from the Office Staff regarding the revision of salaries was read,
and on Motion of Cook & Corner was turned over to the Finance Comm. for
recommendations~ Carried~
The Chairman· of the Property Committee made a verbal report on a request
from The Public School Board for additional toilet facilities at the
school rooms at the Old Town Hall~
JONES, GLASS; '!'hat we give the Proper y Committee permission to install
a urinal in ttJ:e Old Town Hall as per the request of the Aurora Public
School Board and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this
Resolution. Carried~
COOK, DAVIES; That the Property Committee investigate the possibilities
of getting the Clerk 1 s O'ffice and Council Chambers dee0rated and the
matter of having the lighting system improved, Carried,
MURRAY, PRINGLE; That the Council appoint two members to the Town Planning
Board to act from Jan.9/50 to Dec.31/52. The Town Planning Committee
suggests Mr,E.H.Clarke and Mr.A,M.Cousins, former members of the Board
whose term of offl.ce have ex-pires~
And further that the Council appoint the Chairman of the Streets Comm
to the Planning Board,
Also oonfirmthat the Town
· E.B.Olarke
A.M. Cousins
Jas •. Murray
Alex. Bell
Planning Board now
3 yr mem'B'Br
3 yr member
2 yr member
2 yr Member
1 yr member
1 yr member
consists of;
expiration n
Ma;yor Ex officio
Bee, 31/52 --
eo, 31/52-
Dee, 31/51 S'i
Dec,31/51 ';''
Dec. 31/50 ''
Dec. 31/50
The applications received previously for the position of Waterworks
foreman were re-read and on motion of GLASS, JONES; were referred to
the Waterworks committee for interviews and report to Council. arried,
Police report; COOK, MURRAY; That the report be left in the hands of
Police Committee for investigation and report their findings to Council,
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First meeting Jan, 9/50 page 4
CORNER, DAVIES; Whereas the Town of Aurora has a Provincial Police Force
stationed here and whereas we feel that serious consideration should be
given to establish a Provincial Police Force for the Town and we
request the Commissioner of Police for Ontario to make a survey of the
Town and give us the desired information with regard to costs and set up ze~~.
required, Carried,
GLASS, JONES; .That immediately after the signing of an easement through
Mr, E. Phripps property, the To'I'.'Il install a water service for flooding
the outdorr rink on the Phripp.property and that the Seal of the Corpn,
be attached to this resolution. Carried,
. PRINGLE, MURRAY; That the Property Committee be authorized to have a
survey made of the portion of the Phripp property to be purchased by
the Town of Aurora and that the Seal of the Corpn. be attached to this
resolution, Carried,
DAVIES, CORNER; That leave be given to introduce a By-law to Authorize
the borrowing of $55 1 000,00 to meet current expenses, and that the same
be now read a first time, Carried~
CORBETT, MURRAY; That the by-law now before the Council be read a second
time and-that the Council dissolve itself into a committee of the whole
for that purpose, Carried,
JONES, GLASS; That the By-law now before the Council be read a third time
this day and that Rule 22 of By-law # 862 be suspended for that purpose, .
Carried, ·
DAVIES, COOK; That the third reading be taken as read, Carried,
DAVIES, CORNER; That leave be given to introduce a By-law to appoint a
Member of the Public Library Board, and that the same be now read a
first time, Carried,
MURRAY, PRINGLE; That the By-law now before the Council be read a second
time and that the Council dissolve itself into a committee of the whole
for that purpose~ . Carried~
The name of Mr. R.V.Smith was filled in the blank space for this appoint-
GLASS, CORBETT; That the By-law now before the Council be read a third
time this day and that Rule 22 of By-law # 862 be suspended for that
purpose, Carried, .
JONES, MURRAY; That the third reading be taken as read, Carried,
DAVIES, CORNER; That leave be given to introduce a By-law to Appoint a
member of the Board of Health, and that the same be now read a first time,
PRINGLE, CORBETT; That the By-Law now before the Council be read a second
time and that the Council dissolve itself into a committee of the whole
for that purpose. Carried, .
The By-law was returned with the name of Dr,E,J,Henderson filled in the
blank space of the By•law~
JONES, GLASS; That the By-law now before the Council be read a third
time this day and that Rule 22 of By-law # 862 be suspended for that
Purpose~ Carried~ .
GLASS, COOK; That the third reading be taken as read, Carried,
DAVIES, CORNER; That leave be given to introduce a By-law to AppointKK
an high school trustee and that the same be now read a first time.Carried,
JONES, GLASS; That the By-law now before the Council be read a second
time and that the Council dissolve itself into a committee of the whole
for that purpose. Carried,
The By-law was returned with the name of Mr,E.J,Eveleigh filled in the
blank spaces of the By-law.
CORNER, DAVIES; That the By-law now before the Council be read a third
time this day and that Rule # 22 of By-law 862 be suspended for that
purpose. Carried, .
JONES, GLASS; That the third reading be taken as read, Carried,
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First meeting Jan. 9th 1950 page 5
GLASS, JONES; That the By-Laws Committee work with the Town Solicitor
regarding the Application of Mr.E.V.Stewart for property on Wellington
St. w. Carried.
The hour.ot midnight being reached, Reeve Cook and Councillor Glass
moved that the Council carry on after midnight. Carried.
GLASS, MURRAY; That the Board of Trade be notified that the previous
resolution passed in Council re sale of the property owned by the Board
of Trade was passed anly as a last resort and that is some other more
suitable property is available, we would be willing to alter our opinion
DAVIES,JaNES; That a special Committee be appointed .by the Mayor to meet
various organizations.in question to expediate a solution to the problem
of securing a Hydro sub-station site. Carried.
The Committee appointed, The Reeve, Dep.Reeve & councillor Pringle.
Meeting adjourned.