MINUTES - Council - 19500126. ·r-----~-~·'"'"·'·· .... ~~~~~:~~S~.~ ... "'«'".:, __ ... ~_,_._¥.2~L:i:../;::: .:~L..:~~~F~ ... ,;,~~~"~,;:~,~~2LiL;; ... -.:.;-:_:: :::: ·:..-.-:.:.~.-~~· .... ·-·~~"~ .... ~il~.~·,.;.,.;.,_,; ___ ""~-~·~~~-"7-.
· ( Seool1d meeting)
Speoial Meeting Jan. 26th 1950
A speoial meeting of Counoil was held in the Counoil Chambers on Thursday
Jan. 26th 1950 at 7.30 P.M. Mayor Bell in the Chair, Members present}
Reeille .Cook; Dep.Reeve Corner, Councillors; Corbett; Davies; Glass; Jones
Murray; Pringle.
A short meeting of Couno11 'IoTas oalled to deal with a situation of
approving a larger gymnasium for the new proposed High Sohool.
PRINGLE, COOK; That the Couno11 of the Town of Aurora approve of the
Aurora High Sohool District Board revising the new High Sohool Plans
to inolude a gymnasium 60 feet by 80 feet in place of the original
gymnasium 45 feet by 70 feet, at an additional estimated oost of.
V3l,OOO.OO, the said amount to be solely borne by the Municipalities
. comprising the District. Carvied.
Meeting adjourned.
~ .. ~.