MINUTES - Council - 19500206···'' ",.· THIRD MEETING FEB. 6th 1950 The regular monthly meeting of Council was held in the Council Chambers on Monday Feb. 6th 1950 at 8.00 p.m. Mayor Bell in the Chair, members of Council present; Reeve Cook; Dep,Reeve Corner; Councillors;.Corbett; Davies; Glass; Jones; Murray; Pringle~ The minutes of the previous meetings were adopted as printed. CORNER, COOK: That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Beal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried~ STREETS Aurora Automotive Aurora Mnung Co. Ltd. Ross Avis Nichols Chemical Co. Ltd. · Ernie Holman Wilson Hardware COOK, JONES: That the following orders on the Treasurer for the be attached to this resolution. WATERWORKS !ell Telehone Co. Aurora Hydro Commission By-Products of Can. Ltd. Set, mud guards 3 tons salt 5 yds gravel 1 ton calcium Coal oil for lanters Broo!p 8.45 88.2~ 8.5~ 47.1~ 1.6o, 1.8\ accounts be paid, same and that the Carried. 12 Power Wipers that the Mayor issue Seal of the Corporation 3.8o, 106.70...._ . 25. oo, PRINGLE, COOK: That the wage accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer! for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried. PRINGLE, COOK: That the following accounts be ppid, that orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the be attached to this resolition. Carried. the Mayor issue Corporation CORPORATION Petty cash Division Registrar Bell Telephone Co. J.F.Willis R. L. Boag Ontario Hospital, Woodstock C.N.R. H.A.F.Bowman Municipal World Ltd, The Dorr Co. ·Mingay Tr~?.nsport Dustbane Products Ltd. Ernie Holman Wilson Hardware Grand & Toy Ltd. Aurora Hydro Commission Banner press Aurora Jr. Hookey J.W.Bowser & Son F. Dunham J.E.Buohanan Stiver Bros. Jas. A. Cook & Son Trinity Church Club Bd. Health, office etc. Registrations 1949 Police Clerks office Property Fire ADept. Bd. Aealth Property sales list Hospitalization Flasher Oct./49 Insurance 10 sub. to magazine Packing, disposal plant Cartage . Barrel dustaane Fire & W.W.Dept. Disp. Prop.w.w. supplies Assess. & Coll. Roll sheets· Town hall Clerks office Fire alarm Disposal p~ant power St. lighting Printing & stationery Hookey Ad, Disposal plant 0/S trips etc. Sand, disposal plant Fuel t.h. Bd. Health Hall rent. Division Court ... _ ..... , •. ,.~,, .. ,..."'''~··~.,.~:.-..... ,·,;•:::.""'""''~"""':c::~.:o=,;n....-.... ..:;..,.,.:..::.:.,:.c:.~.::,'"--"~-~'·' . ":·•··-"·-·- s. 50-. 16. so, 11. 60-_ 8 • .35, S3.50, 7.60, • 70, 1.28~ 4s.oo, 23.74, 128.00, 20.00, 10.80, 2.80, 12. 7.5, 1.5. 46, 45.11, 75.50, 11.6~ 1.7~ 1.oo, 62.43, 346.34~,. so. 07~,. 20.oo, 1.11-:, 23.0\ 26. 2.5, 88.10, 2.50, so. oo~,. / '·~·~. Third meeting Feb. 6th page 2 GLASS, DAVIES; That the following accounts be ppid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. ·Carried. RELIEF . Medical Assn. M.E.Huntley B.F.Dav~s & Son Aurora eneral Store DELEGATIONS 4 X 56f6. Rent Fuel Food 2.24 7.50\ 46.50, .38. 6o, Mr. A.E.L.Maughan appeared on behalf of the Agricultural Society, asking Council's permission to hold the Horse Shm~ this year June loth in the Town Park. . On motion of MURRAY-COOK permission was so granted. Carried. Mr. Maughan also asked that Council consider the appointment of Mr •. R.D. Heaton to the Recreation Commission for a 2 year term. PRINGLE-GLASS, That this appointment be made on a r year term. Carried. Mrs, G. Baldwin & Miss L. Boynton representing the Library Board. asked Council to consider£ renovations to the Library building in the way of painting, lights and removal of platform and renewal of woodwork. CORNER, CORBETT; That the matter be left with the Property Committee to make the survey and X. report to Council. Carried. Mr. Boyes from the E.L.R~ddy Co. Ltd, asked permission to erect a sign on Yonge St, at the Aurora.Motors. . · CORNER, PRINGLE; That the matter be dealt with by the Property Csmmittee or taken up under new business if time permits at th•s meeting, arried, . Messrs ·Swindle, Cousins, Henderson & Richardson for the Arena Committee and Recreation Commies ion presented a brief regarding appointment of the Rink Manager and assistant as recreation director. Sam. Dickey on behalf ogf the Master Plumbers Association appeared in regard to a plumbing code and the matter of licensing. CORRESPONDENCE A letter from the Aurora Br. Canadian Legion advising of the appointment of Dr.A.W.Boland to Recreation Commission was read, DAVIES,.MURRAY: That the following member representing the CanadU.n Legion Br. .385 be appointed to the Recreation Commission.DR. A.B.Boland. Carried, A letter from the Railway Association of Canada was received asking the dates of adoption of daylight saving time, if adopted this year. CORNER, DAVIES; That Aurora go on daylight saving time from Apl.JOth to Sept, 24th to correspond with the City of Toronto. Carried. A letter from the Manager of the Bank of Montreal re traffic lights was receivedo On motion of COOK-~IDRRAY the letter was handed to the Police Committee for recommendations~ Carried. • The Monthly report of the Loval v.o.N was read and contents noted, after which it was oteered filed for reference •. A report from the Special Sanation committee was received asking Council to take up the ma.tt er with the Tqwn Engineer. DAVIES, GLASS; That the Clerk write Mr. Redfern, Town Engineer, to submit to this Council a definite remommendation as to the elimination of the odours emanating from The. Collis Leather Co. and will he consider this matter to be urgent. Carried. · The request for supplies, and certain recommendations by the Fire Dept. was received and on motion of PRINGLE, GLASS the letter was given to tije Fire Committee to be dealt with. Carried, J' ',_,.· Third meeting Feb, 6th page 3 -A request from the Aurora Hydro Commission was received to purchase 25ft of land at the east end of the Old Town hall ·for their building program. PRINGLE, MURRAY; That the letter from the Aurora Hydro Commission be turned over to the Property Committee to make a full investigation as to measurements etc, having in mind truck delivery accomodation for future stores constructed on the Board of Trade property. A report to be presented at the next meeting of Council~ Carried, The third progress estimate from Proctor,Redfern & Laughlin for the Marino Construction was received, alomg ~~th a bill for engineering fees. CooKt JONES; That the account of Marino Construction in the amount of $903.9J~for watermains & sewers of $1055.09 be paid. That the engineers rees of $72.95 on the above work be paid. That an outstanding engineering fee for waterworks for $386.06,be also paid and the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried. The Request for yearly grant to the Library Board was received, and on motion of CORBETT-GLASS the request was handed to the Finanee committee to be dealt wlth in the budget. Carried. The remainder of the correspondence was ordered filed. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES The Streets Committee submitted the report for expenses for the work the coming year. CORSER, MURRAY; That the Council accept the report of the streets comm. to the amount of $18,000,00 as a budget to be ~~ presented to the Department of Highways for construction and maintenance on streets, Carried. PRINGLE, CORBETT; That this Council petition the Dept. of Highways for the statutory grant due the Town of Aurora for the year 1949. Carried. The Property committee tabled the report of the committee redecoration the Clerk 1 s Office and alterations to the Lighting system. ~hat the decorating contract be given to J, Warlow, and the lighting contract let to T.K.Fice. DAVIES, ~ONES; That the report of the Property committee regarding lighting and decoration of the Clerk's Office be adopted and that the o~ the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried. A financial report of the Recreation Commission was read by Councillor ~lass, which was very encouraging. the report being on file for future reference.» Seal DAVIES, JONES; That a chair for the Clerk's use be purchased at the price of $41.50,and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried. CORNER, DAVIDES; In view of the fact that twenty-six Council meetings were held in the Town during 1949 and whereas one Council meeting a month does not give the members sufficient time to discuss the business of the Town·in an efficient manner, be it resolved that the Council hold regular meetings on the first and third Monday's each month at 8,00 p.m. and a By-law be ammended to provide for this change. • ' ,, •. ~. • ·-···e·--···· >-"~"· ·.·,·-~...o~·.c_. •• •.-.:.:-•·..o'"'-::0.:•~='-''·". •.:c.:c:.oo.;:;..:.=•-"-• .<.•.C'J",--·'·'"''"'-'·'-•'--'·~ .. -__ ·~-•-• , ...... ! K Third meeting Feb, 6th· page 4 UNFINISHED BUSINESS CORNER, DAVIES; That Mr. C. Copland be authorized to proceed with the Plan of numbering lots & houses of the streets and that the Seal of the Corporation be atts.ched to this resolution. Carried, PRINGLE, MURRAY; That we exercise the option of Purchase for the.Sisson lot adjacent to the waterworks property and that we authorize the amount required to obtain the deed, also that a Survey be made by the Town Surveyors and the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried. COOK, PRINGLE; That a Court of ftevision be set up to meet on Monday Mar.l3th and~ if necessary Mar. 14th.& Mar.l5th 1950 for the purpose of hearing and considering any appeals against Local Improvement assessments on properties to be Specially assessed under the Local ImprovementAct. Carried. CORNER, DAVIES; That the Clerk be authorized to order one carload of Cement for construction purposes and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried. Meeting adjourned at midnight. ~~ MAYOR :, .... ,,v;·j>~·:'i<~,'-'·' , _ _,, __ "_";"'·' ---·'.":~·;·:····'~ <'<'-'·'· \, o:: •.•{;-_-:;.: <;,: •X·:·;\•;,~:&,:;.;,-'··~0;:¢;{•.;~;>). o;·c·~· O'.o,o;-.·.o;,,-• · · ·-, ~··n'-