MINUTES - Council - 19491003'·-~·
The Regular mGnthly meeting of Council was held in the Council Chambers
Monday Oct. 3.rd 1949 at 8.00 p.m. Member s . present, Mayor Rose in the
Ohair, Reeve Cook; Dep.Reeve Corner; Councillors, Corbett; Davies; Glass;
Jones; Murray. · '
The minutes of the previous meetings were adopted as printed.
JONES, GLASS; That the :following accounts be
orders on the Treasurer for the same and the
attached to this resolution. Carried~
paid, that the Mayor issue
Seal of the Corporation be
Marino Construction
Bell Telephone Co~
Aurora Motors
Neptune Meters Ltd~
Canadian Brass Co. Ltd.
Carl Quantz
Jas. J.Wall
# 12
Repairs to crest
Pipe & curb stops
Digging trench · . //J c. C. Chicken Job PJ. ~,...,..... -v..)a4:"
6. 70\
COOK, CORBETT: That the wage accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders
on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached
to this resolut~on. Carried~
COOK, CORBETT; That the following accounts be. paid, that the Mayor·issue
orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be
attached to this resolution. Carried.
Petty cash
Alton Scott
Bell ~elephone Co.
Aurora Hydro Commission
C. N. R.
Aurora Bldg. Co.
Ken. Rose
Jas. A. Cook & son
F. R. Underhill
Ernie Holman
F. Dunham
Canadian Bitumuls Co. Ltd.
Banner Press
Stiver Bros.
Grand & Toy Ltd.
J.A.Mitchell & Son
B.F.Davis & Son
Attridge & Son
Express etc.
Cutting wood
Stamps to lice
Clerks office
Fire Dept~
St. Lighting Sept.
Flasher June/49
Grading contract
Property repairs
Bd. Health
0/S trips etc.
Gravel, Disp. &Sts.
Fire Dept.
0/S trips etc.
Wiring at band shell
3 irums h.r.m.
Printing and Ad.
Fuel T.H.
Office supplies
Bd. Health
Prop. & sewers
Prop. & s/w
8. 00"
14.10 '\
32.06 1300.00~ s. 40 '\
.58 • .53\
7. 78 '\
3.5. oo,
GLASS, DAVIES; That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue
orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be
attached ho this resolution. Carried.
Medical Association
Traviss Estate
Aurora General Store
~ X ,56)6
7. so '\
Twentieth meeting Oat. 3rd 1949 page 2
Dr, Williams, Chairman of the Aurora High School District Board,
spoke to Council on the progress that has been made in connection with the
new sit for the high school, what services would be necessary before the
building program zx.Xwx starts.
COOK, CORNER; That we, the members of the Aurora Town Counafl hereby
endorse the action of the Aurora. High School District Board in respect
to their building program as follows.
(1) We approve the site shosen, namely 13 more of less acres of
the Dunning property at a. price of $lo,soo.oo.
(2) We accept the figures presented by the Dephty Minister of
Education in his letter dated Aug,2/49 to Miss Love, Seaty, of the Board,
as to estimated cost.
BuUding contract $401 1 000,00
Architects tees 24,ooo.oo
Site 1o,soo •. oo
Furniture & equipment 70,000,00
(3) We approve the architect chosen by the Board~
(4) We hereby delegate the authority to the Council or Clerk
of the Town of Aurora to apply to the Ontario Municipal Board for permission
to issue necessary debentures, Carried.
Mr. W,S,Mills explained the meaning of the letters received
from the Planning Board, since further developments have been made.
A letter from the Aurora Hydro Commission, asking the
Council to arrange a meeting with the Council, Hydro & Planning Board, in
connection with a proposed new sub-station site.
GLASS, JONES : That a. joint meeting of the Souncil, The Hydro Commission,
The Planning Board, Public School Board, and Executives of the Board of
trade be held in the Council Chambers on Monday Oat, 17th at 8,30 p,m,
Fire Chief Jones drew the attention of Council.to the fact
that water pressure at the last hydrant on Kennedy St,W, was not sufficient
for proper service.
The matter was given consideration and decided to be left
with the Fire & Water Committee for action.
The Rec:t'eation Commission asktid Council to consider the
purchase of a lot on Mill St. for town recreation purposes.
GLASS, JONES; That the Recreation Commission be informed that Council
estimate the value of the lot in question at $300,00 and will not be willing
to' pay more for the said property. Carried.
The Planning Board made the fact known that already certain
homes were being bu< contrary to the new Land Use Plan, and asked that
a aompetant Building Inspec~or be secured as soon as possibll to enforce
the Building code~ ·
DAVIES, MURRAY; That the Clerk advertise in the local press and the
Newmarket Era for a aompetant person to fill the position of' Building
Inspector for the Town of Aurora on a part time basis. Carried.
Reeve Cook Presen~ed a report of' an emergency meeting of the Fire Comm.
in connection with the present alarm system, and deed for repairs to the
Fire truck engine, suggesting a committee be formed to deal with the
matters involved and ..xt~ authority to act, ...-•e~x
GLASS, JONES; That the·report of the Fire & Water Committee be adopted
and the Seal of' the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried.
Councillor Glass gave a verbal report on the activities of the Recreation
Commission to date.
Mayor Rose, Chairman of the Police Committee gave a verbal report on a
meeting of that Committee held Sept, 19th~
Twentieth meeting Oct, 3rd 1949 page 3
DAVIES, MURRAY; That the Clerk be authorized to write the Ontario Hydro
Electric Power Commission through the Aurora Commission to have the Hydro
poles in.the business section on Yonge St, removed if possible at the
convenience of the Ontario Hydro Commission, this action to be taken as
soon as reasonably possible, All details to be left with the Aurora Commission,
JONES, MURRAY; That due to the nearness to Toronto, the Town of Aurora will
remain on Daylight Saving time until Nov, 27th, or be govenned by Toronto
on any action they may take, Carried.
CORNER, DAVIES; That the Liability insurance be increased to $50,000,00
and $100,000,00 on all Town Vehicles, Carried~
JONES, MURRAY; That the wood at the Disposal Plant be advertised and sold,
GLASS, JONES; That the Boy scouts and cubs be granted permission to hold
their usual annual apple day on Saturday Oct. 23rd, also that if available
they be extended the use of the East room of the Old Town Hall for a
headquarters for that day. Carried.
DAVIES, CORBETT; That the Town Solicitor be authorized to obtain the deeds
to parcels of land for Street purposes from Mr. William Dunning and Mr.
A.L.Cousins,if and when the parcel of land for school purposes is deeded
to the High School District Board, Carried,
JONES, MURRAY; That the Clerk write Messrs W,S,Gibson and Son, asking
that immediate steps be taken to secure a survey of George St,Extention
as well as a survey for an easement for sewer in the green belt of the
Stephens-Patrick sub-division. Carried,
DA VIES, CORNER; That leave be given to introduce a By-law to
Authorize constr~ction of Storm sewers, Welle St to Cousins Drive, and
that the same be now read a first time, Carried. -
MURRAY, JONES; That the By-law now before the Council be read a
second time and that the Council dissolve itself into a committee of the
whole for that purpose, Carried~
GLASS, JONES; That the By-law now before the Council be read a
third time this day and that Rule 22 of By-law # 862 be suspended for that
purpose, Carried, .
CORNER, COOK; That the third reading be taken as read, Carried,
COOK, MURRAY; That Council continue the meeting after midnight,Carried.
DAVIES, CORNER; That leave be given to introduce a By-law to
Authorize the Construction of Sanitary sewers on, Cousins Drive; Gurnett St,
and storm sewers on Gurnett St, and the same be now read a first time,Carried,
MURRAY, JONES; That the By-law now before the Council be read a
second T:!.me and rithat the Council dissolve itself into a committee of' the
whole for that purpose. Carried,
GLASS, CORBETT; That the By-law now before the Council be read a
third time this day and that Rule 22 of' By-law #862 be suspended for that
purpose. Carried~ _ ·_ .
GLASS, JONES; That the third reading be taken as read, Carried,
Meeting adjourned