MINUTES - Council - 19491205TWENTY FIFTH MEETING DEC. 5th 1949
The re~lar monthly meeting of Council was held in the Council Chambers
Monday Dec. 5th at 7.30 p.m. 1949. Members present, Mayor Rose; Reeve Cook;
Dep. Re~ve Corner; Councillors, Corbett.; Davies; Glass; Jones; Murray &
The minutes of three previous meetings were adopted as printed.
PRINGLE, COOK; That the wage accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders
on the Treasurerffor the same_and the Seal of the Corporation be attach~d
to this resolution. Carried.
PRINGLE, COOK; That the folloWing accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue
orders on the Treasurer for the Same and the Seal of the Corporation be
attached to this resolution. Carried.
Petty cash
Irene Gingell
Petty cash
Bell Telephone Co~
Mingay Transport
Ernie Holman
Walter Dunning
Prov. Treasurer
Grand & 'l'oy Ltd~
DeLaHaye Garage
Aurora Greenhouses
Can. Legion
Hugh Bowman
Corner Insurance Agency
Douglas Fisher
A. E. Hawkins.
Herb. Armitage
Thomson-Gordon Ltd.
Aurora Fire Brigade
J.W.Bowser & Son
Wilson Hardware
F; Dunham
Ross Avis
B.F.Davis & Son
F. R •. Underh111
Aurora Hydro Comm.
Express etc. 6.1~
Printing statements 27.6~
Express, officeetc. 6.2~
Stamps 12.00..,
-Police 10.5~
Clerks office 10.2~
Property Dept. 3.30,
Fire 7.6~
Moving pole Cousins Dr. 26.05,
Cartage etc~ 6.65
Fire & Sts~ Dept. 33.4~
Library repairs 56.6~
Painting water tank 456.0~
Dept. of Health 1.6~
Office supplies 1.78'
Repairs truck 26.5~
Plants & wreath 37.7~'
Wreath Nov. 11th 15.0~
Insurance 103.60
Flasher Aug. 41.65~
Insurance 101.60,
Ad. re Junior choir 3.0~
Gravel & sand on streets (172.50)172.SO,
Health officers convention 15.00,
Insurance 152.4~
Traffic lanterns & globes 16.1~
Services 1949 3174.75,
Reapiring office steps 6.0~
Div. Court clerk 20.oo,
Bailiff 20.0~
Supplies. 9.6~
Sharpening tools 4.50,
Property Dept. _ 29.94,
Gravel & sand Sts. 14o.oo,
0/S trips etc. 19.80,
Gravel 16.7~
Sewer tile etc. 32.4~
Insurance 760.7~
Police & Fire depts. 97.60,
St. lighting Nov~ 338.84,
JOBES, GLASS; That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue
orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be
attached to this resolution. Carried~
Bell Telephone Co.
B.F~Davis & Son
National Iron Corpn. Ltd.
Town of Newmarket
Newmarket Era & Express
Dominion Flow Meter Co. Ltd.
Canadian Brass Co. Ltd~
# 12
Use road breaker
Ad~ ~epairs to meters
ouplings & bushing
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Twentr-f'ifth meeting Dee. 5/49 page 2
GLASS, CORNER; That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue
orders on the Treasurer f'or the same and the Seal of' the Corporation be
attached to this resolution, Carried~ RELIEF .
Medical Assn,
B.F.Davis & Son
Aurora General Store
4 X 56"
2.24 ?.so,
MURRAY, PRINGLE; That the following account be paid, that the Mayor issue
orders on the Treasurer f'or the same and the Corporation Seal be attached
to this resolution. Carried,
Banner Press ~etterheads 4.so,
The annual report of' the Fire Department was read at this time, estimated
loss value f'or the year, $.3824~00 within the Town limits,
The repoxrt of' the V•O~N. f'or the months of' Sept. & Oct, were received
and ordered placea on tile~ ·
A letter f'rom the Secretary of' the Recreation Commission was retd, asking
f'or Council's approval of' Mr. D,W, Richardson's appointment to 'llhe
JONES, CORBETT; That the appointment made by the Recreation Commission
of' Mr. D~W.Richardson be hereby approved~ Carried~
A letter f'rom the Dept. of' Planning & Development was received, asking.
Council to name an appointee to serve as the Town 1 s representative f'or
the formation of' the Holland River Conservation Authority~
JONES, GLASS; That the appointment of' Harold N.Pringle be made to
represent the Town of' Aurora f'or the f'ormation of' the Holland River Watershed,
The Workmen's Compensation Board advised the Council that legislation has
been approved, whereby there has been increased coverages f'or Volunteer
f'iremen, ·
MORRA!, CORBETT; That the Workmen's Compensation f'or Volunteer riremen
be increased to the $.3000,00 per year basis, and that the Seal of the
Corporation be attached to this resolution, Carried~
Application was made by James Wall for a Plumber's License,
GLASS, DAVIES; That the application be received and a license be granted
to James Wall. Carried~ ·
CORNER, DABIES; That Goerge Street be extended to Kennedy Street and for
this purpose, conveyances be obtained in the name or the Corporation of the
·two strips of land as shown on sketch of survey of W,S,Gibson & Sons and
the·solicitor be and he is herebyauthorized and directed to obta.in
conveyances accordingly~ .
That in consideration of Mr. J.P. Crysdale furnishing a
deed of the. required strip of his lands he be granted the privilege of the
apple trees, or repairs to any damage of' septic tank and conneetions, also
an approach off Kennedy St, Carried,
CORBETT, GLASS; That the Town of Aurora purchase a new set or Goal Frames
from Mr. A,E. Snow at a cost of $46,00 and that this amount be paid through
the Aurora Recreation Commission Commission and that the Seal of the
Corporation be attached to this resolution~ Carried,
Bylaws Committee reported that the Committee recommends that the
Building By-Law of the Township of North York # 6110 of April 25/49 be
adopted for use in the Town of Aurora in its entirety, Also that the By-Law
to regulate the use of land in the Town.of Aurora be adopted in its entirety
with the exception of Section ?D part 1, which clause we ask be discussed in
f'ull Council bef'ore adoption.
Section 7D l be altered to read 15 teet,
DAVIES, PRINGLE: That the report of the By-Law committee be accepted, Carried,
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twenty:...:ritth meeting Dec.· 5th 1949 page 3
COOK, PRINGLE; That the account o:f' Drummond McCall &Co. Ltd. to the amount
o:f' $511.60 :for invoice o:f' Nov.l9th :for water works supplies be Pfiid, and
~ the Seal o:f' the Corporation be attached to this resolution. arried.
COOK, PRINGLE;'That the account o:f' Marino Construction :for $1527.2~:f'or
watermaine completed on Gurnett St., Kennedy St • .& Cousins Drive, Welle St.
~onge st. also sewers on Gurnett St. Kennedy St.E. to Cousins Drive to the
'amount o:f' $1767.15, a total o:f' $3294.40 be paid and the Seal o:f' the Corpn.
be attached to this resolution. Carried.
.The applications :for position o:f' Waterworks :foreman were received and the
:following motion passed.
JONES, MURRAY;_That these applications be tabled until the New Council takes
o:f':f'ice in 1950, at which time the wterworke committee and the Town Foreman
interview each applicant and report to Council. Carried. ·
JONES, GLASS; That the Clerk be authorized to purchase the property on Mill
Street in the rear o:f' E. Phripp house :for the sum o:f' $450~00 with the
understanding that the.Recreation Commission be liable :for $150.00 towards
the amount o:f' purchase, the said property to be used as a public playground
and that the Seal o:f' the Corporation be attached to this resolution.
And that th s action be subject to the approval o:f' the Town Solicitor. Carried.
DAVIES, CORNER; That leave be given to introduce a By-Law to Authorize
the bow.owing o:f' money :for Local Improvement purposes and that the same
ne now read a :first time. larried~
CORBETT, GLASS; That the By-law now before the Council be read a second
time and that the Council dissolve itself into a committee o:f' the whole
:for that purpose. Carried~
MURRAY, JONES; That the By-law now before the Council be read a third time
this day and that Rule 22 o:f' By-law # 862 be suspended :for that purpose.
Carried. ·
GLASS, COOK; That the third reading be taken as read. Carried.
Meeting adjourned~
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