MINUTES - Council - 19491017-c-,, ·,_,_, . --~ TWENTY*FIRST MEETING OCTo 17th 1949 A special meeting of Council was hel·d in the Cguncil Chambers on Monday Oct. 17th at 8.JO p.m. 1949. Members present; Mayor Rose, Reeve Cook, . Dep. Reeve Corner, Councillors Corbett, Davies, Glass, Jones, Murray,Pringle. · As this meeting was called to discuss the proposed new sub-station for the Hydro Commission, the following persons were present; E.G.Maddock; D. Gordon; Geo. Baldwin, F.S.Babcock, Chas. Copland. Also represented were Members of the Public School Board, The Board of Trade 0 the Planning Board. Moved by F.S.Babcock, Seconded by Chas. Davies, That the Mayor .act as Chairman of the meeting for the evening. Carried. This action was taken as it was considered a roundtable meeting for all to take part in the discussion. Supt. Copland was asked to describe the reason for the proposed change in the location of the Hydro sub-station, and the desire by Council that the poles in the main business block be remove& as soon as convenient. Considerable discussion took place in connection with the location of the new site. It was finally Moved by James Murray and seconded by Dep. Reeve Corner; that a Hydro Electric Power Commission valuator be brought in to set a valuation on the property in question owned by the Public ScUool Board, and then discuss with a committee consisting of Hydro Chairman Gao. Baldwin, Chairman of the Public School Board, the Nayor and the Reeve, the factors involved and the price set by the H. E. P.O. Carried. F. s. Babcock expressed his personal thanks to the Hydro representatives for attending this meetirigt Meeting adjourned. ····--~·'--":-~'·" . ,, ··y-·-:,····. ,·.;·<',.;.;, -i·; .;-:,_:;;;;;;~~:;-;-:;:;; .-:-:-~<-;.:->--·-~:.;.__;-· *~********************** MAYOR ....... , ....