MINUTES - Council - 19490704i .. I r . I .. ·---" FOURTEENTH MEETING JULY 4th . 1949 The regular monthly me~ting of Council was held .in the Council Chambers on Monday July 4th 1949. Members present; Mayor Rose; Reeve Cook; Dep.Reeve Corner; Councillors, Corbett; Davies; Glass; Jones; Murray; Pringle~ Reeve Cook in the Chair for the start of the meeting~ The minutes of previous meetings were adopted as printed. PRINGLE, CORBETT; That the Wage accounts be paid, that The Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached to thU resolution~ Carried~ PRINGLE, COOK; That the fo:Llowing accounts be apid, that orders on the Treasurer tor the same and the Seal of the attached ta this resolution~ Carried~ CORPORATION: . Aurora Hydro Commission •· . . Bell Telephone Co~ R.L~Boag Taylor & Son Municipal World Ltd. The .. Dorr Company F.R.Underhill Attridge & Son Armco Drainage & Metal Co. J. Goulding Can. S.K.F. Co. Ltd~ DeLaHaye Garage C.N.R. F.Dunham LaFrance Fire Engine Co~ T.K.Fice J.E~Buehanan Toronto Salt Works Ltd~ Hess Drug Store E. Holman H. Lehamn Banner Press St~~~ting May n 11' June Police Disposal Fire Clerks office List, prop~ sales Police & Fire Depts. Of:i.'ice supplies Packing, Disposal plant Insurance Bond Lumber Culvert& Use ear May & June iearings; Disposal plant Hepairs & Servicing truck Flasher Apl.49 0/S trips etc~ Aluminium ladder Police & Prop. Depts. Sand & Gravel Calcium Chloride Bd.Health supplies Fire Dept. & Sts. Gas. & Oil Printing~& stationery the Mayor issue Corporation be (J.7:N :319.25, :319.25, 11.55' :3~10,. 7.75, 10.60, 1~66, 8.:3:3' l6~o6, J.,,, 2o.oo, 14.70, :324~80, 12.00, 14.71, 26.20, 35.9~ 17.80, 60.50, 12.15, 75.50, 70.12, .40, :3.76' l7.4J, 95.52, GLASS, DAVIES; That the following aooounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer tor the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution~ Carried~ RELIEF . Medical Association Traviss Estate Aurora Dairy Aurora General Store 8 X 56¢ Rent Milk Food 4.48 JQK ?.so, :3.78' 68.72' JONES, GLASS; That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasu::e:er tor the same and the Seal of the Corporation be attached t0 this resolution. Carried. WATERWORKS Bell Telephone Co~ # 12 . W.H.Spragg · . Threading gipe etc. Highland Creek Sa.n.d & Gravel Co. Pea ravel '' ··~·7-~":···" ., ·'·'-< ." • n ·;-;·.:.:;-;.;-~..._,;-;·;:;.,.,,;:_~:;;:_,;,!;_,;,_:;~{0;;-;,,.;:;_'-''·'; ;: .•. ; ·-.·~-; : •.<·-'·' ·,· '··''"·'-~'::··-~ • • r.-:-··- 4.20, 2S~OS .._ :34.87 ..... . -··"··· ··"·' 14th Meeting July 4/49 Page 2 ,. DELEGATIONS Mr. wm. Gartat met Council with a request for a larger.wat~r service, owing to the expansion of his business. The matter to be considered by the Water Committee and a decision made at the next Council meeting. Mr~ Ross Linton, representing jhe York County Hospital Board addressed Council on its request,in 9onnection with an appeal for a grant received from The York County Hospit!U~ The matter to receive further consideration and be discussed later. CORRESPONDENCE A letter received from the Community Planning Assn. regarding the forming of a Conservation Authority was read, asking Council of Aurora to advise of the stand it wished to take. . PRINGLE, COOK; That we are in favour of the formation of a Holland River conservation authority and request the Minister of Planning & Development to call a meeting_of the int~rested parties to discuss the formation of . such an authority. Carried. A letter from Fire Chief Jones, asking the Council to approve paying the expenses of two firemen from Aurora attending the Fire Marshall'S convention in Ottawa COOK, PRINGLE; That we grant the reque~t of the Fire Chief and grant the sum of $200.00 for expenses for the Fire Chief and one fireman to the O~tawa convention of the Dominion Fire Ohiefs_and the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried. A request from the Aurora Memorial Arena Committee was read asking Council to supply a petty cash account for incidental purposes of $lOO.oo. . . _ DAVIES, CORNER; That the Memorial Arena Committee be granted an advance.of $100.00 to meet current expenditures and the Seal of the Corporation be _attached to this resolution. Carried~ A request from the Recreation Commission and the Lions Clu'IP tor Council's Approval of two new appointments to the Commission were received PRINGLE, MURRAY; That we approve of the Aurora Recreation Commission's _ appointment of Mr. G. Barrager as an additional member to represent the . Boys Band and the Aurora Lions Club appointment of Mr. Harry Jones to the . RecPeation Commission to fill the vacancy left by Mr. Len. Slmmons. Carried. The remainder of the correspondence was ordered tiled. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES~ _ . Reeve Cook presented his report of the Water Committee meetin July 2nd 0 regarding changes in the Water Co~tr&l By-law, Hours of hose privileges, cleaning and gravel tor wells,etc. COOK, JONES; That the report of the Water & Fire Committee be adopted.and the Seal ofx the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried. Deputy Reeve Corner tabled a report in connection ~he meeting of Department of H~ghways Officials and work done on a new culvert at the Waterworks Building. A motion by CORNER & MURRAY That the report of the Committee be adopted and the Dept. of Highways be notified that the Council of the Town of Aurora request .the Dept.of Highways assume the connecting link on Yonge St. in Aurora~ Upon vote of Council, the. Motion was defeated~ MURRAY JONES; That the Council grant permission to buy the paint to paint the waterworks house and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution~ Carried~ ···";-,, ..... 14th meeting July 4/49 page 3 UNFINISHED BUSINESS Council reviewed the tenders submitted to pain the water tank, three tenders now being received. DAVIES, MURRAY; That the contract for the painting of the water tank be awarded to J. D. Tocher, Toronto, at a price of $456.00, providing that he will agree to a change in the specifications, whereby the extra coat on the bottom tour sections be applied after t~e first coat, follow&d by the second K coat covering the whole tank. Carried. GLASS, PRINGLE; That Council approve the closing of Wells St. in front of the High School trom 9~00 A~M~ to 12~00 noon during the holding of the Qgurch Vacation school at the High School, for the safetty of the children, and that any dangerous openings at the ne~ partly constructed band stand be closed tor the same reasons. Carried. . MURRAY, CORBETT; That the Marino Construction Co~ be awarded the contract to install sanitary sewers for 277 ft. on Wells St. at an estimated cost of .. $1260~00 and instal water mains on Cousins Drive from Edward St. to Wells St. and Wells St. northerly to Kennedy St~ E~ at an estimated cost of $~510~00 .. and that the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried .• A petition tor the construction of Sanitary se~s under the Local Improvement Act from property owners on Cousins Drive, East of Wells St. to Yonge St. was received. BY-LAWS "' DAVIES, GLASS; That leave be given to introduce a By-law to provide for a contract for the collection , removal and disp()sal of ashes, garbage etc. and that the same be now.read a first time. Carried. JONES, GLASS; That the By-law now before the Council be read a second tlme and that the Co~cil dissolve itself into a committee of the whose for that purpose. Carried. The name of J.E.Buchanan was inserted on the econd reading. MURRAY, CORBETT; That the By-alw now before the Council be read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of By-law # 862 be suspended tor that purpose. Carried~ Corner, cook; That the Third reading be taken as read~ Carried~ Meeting adjourned~ ***~~***** MAYOR